DemocraticUnderground revisited.

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Post by GORDON »

From here.

The dailykos discussion made me realize I hadn't visited DU in a while.

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Post by TPRJones »

Well, hating someone for their beliefs isn't as bad as racism, that I'll give them.

However, they are pretty short-sighted, and also damned proud of their intolerance for people that are smarter than them.
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Post by GORDON »

What did we decide a "neocon" was, again?

Someone who believes in Jesus and voted for Bush?
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Post by TheCatt »

My asshole of a "permanent" fiance is a neocon, big time. So much for morals-he has no problem in continuing to live together and not get married. His decision, not mine. FUCKING HYPOCRITES, THAT IS WHAT ALL OF THE NEOCONS ARE!

What... the... fuck...? She's criticzing the morality of someone whom she appears to want to marry that won't even marry her? Calling him a hypocrite, but not leaving him?

I will tolerate opposing points of view (such as TRUE conservatism) if it is not accompanied by support for the Pig Bush.

I have no Neocon FRIENDS. I no longer associate with Neocon RELATIVES. Support for the Pig Bush is not something I feel the need to tolerate anymore. I have to admit, if I know that you have Neocon FRIENDS, I may even avoid YOU.

This is not a matter of opinion anymore: we as "liberals" or anyone in opposition to the Neocon NeoNAZIS are the New Jews, and they would GLADLY put us in the camps if they could get away with it; make no mistake.

Someone got hit twice with the crazy stick.

At any rate, I don't get it. I don't like Bush, not at all. I approve of little of what he does. But hating people just cuz they like the president... I dunno. That sounds a bit... off the deep end.
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Post by thibodeaux »

What did we decide a "neocon" was, again?
A Nazi. Duh.
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Post by Leisher »

I find the extremes of both parties to be fucking lunatics, but lately the extreme left is taking lunatic to a whole new level.

-They love communism and socialism.
-They believe to the core of their souls that they are morally and intellectually superior to all who oppose them.
-They believe their cause is just.
-Their rhetoric is starting to include "It's us or them" themed statements.
-They root for their own government to fail.
-They throw parties to celebrate the 2000th American soldier killed in Iraq.
-Their rhetoric is begining to take a "it's us or them" tone.
-Despite claiming violence has never solved anything, their protests are turning more violent. Some fringe groups have commited murder in the name of their political beliefs, and arson is now a normal form of protest for some.
-They advocate not recognizing the democratically elected president since their candidate didn't win.

And they call everyone else "Nazis"...
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Recovering NeoCon

Post by Recovering NeoCon »

While many NeoCons are repulsive to the extreme(a la Ann Coulter), most of their enablers are simply confused conservatives stuck in denial about the Republican party and holding out for the hope that they can somehow ressurrect the Republican party they thought they belonged to.

I wonder how many more elections it will take before they wake up and smell the coffee?
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Post by Selby »

While many NeoCons are repulsive to the extreme(a la Ann Coulter)
I think she's quite funny at times. But some times she's really off her damn rocker.

If I ever even begin to start to take something one of the political commentators takes seriously, I just remember "it's only entertainment."
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Post by Leisher »

While many NeoCons are repulsive to the extreme(a la Ann Coulter), most of their enablers are simply confused conservatives stuck in denial about the Republican party and holding out for the hope that they can somehow ressurrect the Republican party they thought they belonged to.

I wonder how many more elections it will take before they wake up and smell the coffee?

While many ultra liberals are repulsive to the extreme(a la Michael Moore), most of their enablers are simply confused liberals stuck in denial about the Democratic party and holding out for the hope that they can somehow ressurrect the Democratic party they thought they belonged to.

I wonder how many more elections it will take before they wake up and smell the coffee?

My point is that statement can go both ways. Neither the Republicans or Democrats are on the same page they were a decade ago.

Edited By Leisher on 1151420034
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Post by Malcolm »

Ann Coulter is a fucking idiot.
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