ArcheAge - Formerly: "So I've been playing..."

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Post by Leisher »

Stranger, your farm is past due on taxes. Are you for sure quitting the game? Maybe you can somehow get that to Jemm?
I don't see where I'm judging.

Stranger, in one post, you say you are tired of playing by yourself, and then in another you say you don't always want to have to group up with people. Ummm. What exactly, do you (want to) do here? If you don't feel like playing with a group, then do the solo stuff. . . . that you are getting tired of. . . Honestly, that tells me you don't want to play an MMORPG!

Weird how Stranger's statements have led to you to a conclusion, yet it's not a judgment of any sort! :D

If he doesn't always want to play with himself, and doesn't want to play with other people, then what does he want to do?

We've covered this discussion in years past, and I'm not interested in rehashing it, so I'm going to try and summarize:

I'm just pointing out that you see the game through a different prism than the rest of us, even aside from your wife's involvement.

You LOVE getting online with other people and playing games. More so than anyone else. Other people enjoy that too, but not to the extent that you do. Sometimes the rest of us don't want to get into voice or rely upon other people, particularly strangers, to get our entertainment.

I guess an odd analogy, but accurate would be: It's like you don't want to do anything but work with local theater groups, while the rest of us sometimes just want to see a movie.

Point being, AA's "forced group play" design and your wife's involvement are presenting you with a different game play experience than the rest of us.

Also, I want to clear up that there is NO single player aspect of the game once you get done with the quests to level up. Thus, it alienates the rest of us. I'd be willing to wager it alienates such a large portion of the overall player base that it's one of the key factors why so many people have left the game.

I have, I think, the most experience in the game right now.

I would give you that title, but I'm only a step behind. In fact, I think in terms of hours played I'm a lot closer to you than you might think. (Not counting hours macroing in your house stealthing. What level are you up to and how long can you stealth?

AA is going to be the biggest disappointment in my gaming career. Amazing PvP and more potential than any game since UO and it's all wasted because of greed and incompetence.
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Post by Stranger »

Good Lord, I didn't think my one comment of the game leaving a sour taste in my mouth would spark all this. I still love playing the game and I still get up every morning at 5:30 so I can manage my farm before I go to work. I just was voicing my opinion as of late and that's that. Its not going to be the only game I play because I do enjoy other games and I don't want it to become like LOL where it was the ONLY game I played for like 3 years.

The difference here is that I've gotta pay real life money if I wanna keep playing. I can always go free to play but I don't wanna lose my "stuff" either. My house, farms, location that's all gone if I go more casual and just log in whenever. I don't want a game that feels like a job because I can't commit large amounts of time to any game, but this game kind of demands that out of you. If you wanna make money you need to have land and pay taxes, that all demands a certain amount of time. So like Leisher said earlier, I have to be productive with my time when I do play. I don't have time to sit around on a boat waiting an hour for 30 people to get all their shit together, I could be doing something that I know makes me money. I'm also not going to leave my game on all day macroing, just not gonna do it.

So this is my dilemma right now, I love playing the game. I wanna keep playing it for a long time, but I find that with the time I have and the resources I own and the progress I wanna make in the game I end up doing the same boring thing over and over again. Its kinda fun in a way, but unless on some Friday night when I get to play and there just happens to be a group of people doing the same thing at the right time and all my money making work is done, then can I do some PvP. I guess I've just fallen into a routine or rut and that's what I have to do and it takes time to do, a lot of time for me cause I don't have 6-8 hours a day to play any game right now.

I'll most likely keep playing for more than two or three weeks just because I don't wanna lose my shit! To me that's a terrible way to play a game, I feel trapped by my own doings. But I will also be playing other games because I don't want this to become a job, and if that means downsizing then so be it.

So yeah, let Jemm have Troy's large farm, I can't keep up with the taxes. I'll prolly let my aquafarm go too, I can't keep up with all these friggen taxes, so if you want that then I can pass that on to one of you guys. But I'm gonna keep what I have for now and keep playing when I feel like it.

And Leisher, I got on this morning and spent about 3k labor just to pay my taxes on my land so I should be caught up now. Lemme know if it says something else, because I had an issue where I could of swore I just payed taxes on a farm and I swear two days later it went into overdue status. I could be wrong, but I am pretty good at keeping up on my taxes and that pissed me off.
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Post by Leisher »

Your comment was just the latest in a string of failures for the game. Just a lot of frustration. Cake and I have been talking about this stuff for a while now. Actually since the game started.

We both knew this would come, and both anticipated it coming sooner rather than later. He's making pitches for folks to stick around since he's sticking around and I don't blame him. Nor do I think his pitches are completely off base. I'm just pointing out why he's having a different experience than we are.

The game is dying a quick death. None of the servers have waits to log on since launch, and they don't even reach "High" traffic status. I recognize a LOT of names everywhere I go anymore showing that the player base isn't as varied as we'd like to believe. Everyone knows the game is fucked because it wasn't designed for us. It was designed for Koreans who love the slow grind shit.

If they dumped the labor points, they'd probably get three more months out of me, maybe more.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

You don't gain skills by using them. My stealth is rank 3. I do it because if I'm invisible 99% of the time while macroing, I'm less likely to be reported for it because people don't see me in there. The ONLY thing I get from macroing is LP.

I still don't see where stating how I observe things in order to formulate some sort of a solution, is judgement. You keep telling me what you (and Stranger) DON'T want to do, but you don't tell me what you DO want to do. Except for single player stuff. And you are right. That's not there, so I can't help you there. Once my farming is done, I seek out people doing the other thing I find fun in the game, and that's PvP.

Stranger, it's not always 'waiting 4 hours for something to get started'. That only happens when someone wants to try to make money. Most of the time, it's people wandering around looking for targets. So then it becomes like fishing, or hunting. You have to be patient and wait/hope for some prey to come along. Sometimes you get a major haul and it really pays off. Sometimes you don't catch anything and you go home hungry.

Taxes are due on the same day/time every week. So, if you get a notice on Monday that you taxes are due, then wait until the following Sunday to pay them. You will get a 'taxes due' email again the very next day. The taxes email is sent one week before those taxes are due.
Say you placed your house on the 1st. You pay that week's taxes right there on the spot. It also tells you that you have taxes due in one week, on the 8th. That's why you have taxes due as soon as you place the house. You also pay a deposit of your last week's taxes when you place. So, if you wait till the 7th to pay the taxes for the week of the 8th, it will seem like something is wrong when you get the taxes mail the next day. But that's for the taxes you need to pay for the week of the 15th. Etc. The deposit is there so if you miss a tax payment, you still have your house. The deposit is covering that week's taxes now. But, it also lets you know that if you don't pay your taxes, your deposit will run out on "THIS DATE" and your property will be demolished.
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Post by Leisher »

You don't gain skills by using them.

Are you sure? I'm 100% positive that I had a skill go up during a Hasla grind. Was that just from XP?

My stealth is rank 3.

Me too. 45 seconds of stealth.

I do it because if I'm invisible 99% of the time while macroing, I'm less likely to be reported for it because people don't see me in there.

I don't think you're right about that. If someone from your faction walks in, they can see you even when invisible. I can see you when I go in there to get logs or deposit lumber.

I still don't see where stating how I observe things in order to formulate some sort of a solution, is judgement.

Agree to disagree about that.

You keep telling me what you (and Stranger) DON'T want to do, but you don't tell me what you DO want to do. Except for single player stuff.

Well that's not true. You know what we want to accomplish because you played UO. Hell, eliminate the labor points and I could get TPR playing this game as a master craftsman.

And you are right. That's not there, so I can't help you there. Once my farming is done, I seek out people doing the other thing I find fun in the game, and that's PvP.

That's why the game is losing everyone. It's perfectly fine to have content that requires groups, but you've got to have content for solo players too and they don't. The worst part is that they're just upping the requirements for how many people you need in your group. Peeps have enough problems finding 5 for a dungeon, now they need 10? More to take down world bosses.

Stranger, it's not always 'waiting 4 hours for something to get started'. That only happens when someone wants to try to make money. Most of the time, it's people wandering around looking for targets. So then it becomes like fishing, or hunting. You have to be patient and wait/hope for some prey to come along. Sometimes you get a major haul and it really pays off. Sometimes you don't catch anything and you go home hungry.

If you're only applying it to PvP hunting, yes. However, there are LOOOOOOOONG waits for trade runs and as I stated, the one night we ran HA it took 3-4 hours as we were waiting for Diene and then Scooty. Totally unacceptable.

As for your taxes thing, I've often wondered if they're taxing me too quickly. I don't mind the land taxes, but all other taxes need to be removed from the game.

They're still having server issues. Some still in maintenance status and all are hilariously reporting "Queue". I'm standing in the noob area right now and I hear crickets. Also just traveled from 2 crowns to the forest and barely saw anyone. I'd say the login issues they were having are still around. Shit's kind of laggy too.

Edited By Leisher on 1417542006
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Post by Cakedaddy »

You gain skills from xp gain. No idea how to get skill ranks up. Would be nice to get a longer lasting stealth, etc.

Anyone can see you while stealthed if they get close enough. Only friends can open my doors, so no risk of anyone else coming in to see me. People passing buy will only see me if they pass during the half second between stealths.

That's why I mentioned the making money thing. Those always take longer because people are trying to organize too much. Hunting parties just happen. Who ever is ready heads out. Others catch up or join later and stuff.

I've never been under the impression that I'm getting taxed more often than I'm supposed to. But I pay my taxes as soon as I get the notice. So it always seems like a week between notices.

last night, the server was in HIGH status for as long as I was playing. In fact most were. I'm sure it's back to the normal UP now. No doubt the population is dwindling.
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Post by Leisher »

Would be nice to get a longer lasting stealth

I figured yours was much higher than mine because you do that constantly.

Skills level way too slowly in the game. Oh wait, another grind! This one is even sillier than the last. Grind to 50 for every conceivable category, then grind each individual skill, which seems to be random. And do it in a game where when you level up, you reduce the number of areas you can gain XP. Awesome design!

Only friends can open my doors, so no risk of anyone else coming in to see me.

That I did not know. You'll be happy to know that I do close your doors, but not when I'm in there. Although it's usually for only 30 seconds at most.

last night, the server was in HIGH status for as long as I was playing. In fact most were. I'm sure it's back to the normal UP now. No doubt the population is dwindling.

The login process is clearly broken. I'm not seeing increased numbers and I purposely went around looking for more people in the usual haunts.

No way does a game already shedding people in droves have a 28 hour unplanned outage and then come up back to queue shattering numbers of new players.
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Post by Stranger »

im pretty sure that your skills level up along with your level. Some of those skills within don't level up at all while others will scale up a few levels. What I mean is, once you're level 50 (for that particular skill, like defense or shadowplay) each skill within is basically maxed out at that point. You may never use a skill but unlock it and it will already be at level 5, I know this because I was changing around my skills in defense and unlocked a skill I'd never used before, it was level 5 as soon as I unlocked it and hasn't went up since.

I've played Stonearrow almost exclusively and since I've gotten to level 50 none of the skills have went up a level at all. I did change over for a while to get Auramancy and Witchcraft leveled up and some of those skills have slowly leveled up along with the overall level, while others never leveled up at all. I don't know the rhyme or reason for this but I suspect that when you reach level 50 for that skill then move along to another skill set because that one is maxed.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

What Stranger said. I think when a skill set reaches 50, all skills in that set are maxed at whatever level is being reported, and all people have the same levels regardless of what skills they use or don't use.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

After the long outage, I came back to a horny yata. He nailed 7 females. One of them got pregnant. I have a Palamino Yata Calf that will grow into a mount. Are these mounts any good?
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Post by Leisher »

Does anyone make chests?
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Negative. Need handicrafting for those. I bought 50 slot chests for about 75g each. Then when they came out with the 80 slot chest, I sold them for 100g each and bought an 80 slot chest for 165g. No idea why the 50's went so high. And no idea why the 80 slot is only 165g when it takes two 50s to make it. No idea what the prices are now for the chests. Been a couple weeks since I did that.

There are also 10 and 20 slot craftable chests that seemed crazy expensive for what you were getting.
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Post by Leisher »

So what's the latest with Scooty and the guild?

I'm looking at my guild list and we've lost basically everyone including him. Jemm isn't even in the guild anymore (was she ever?)

The guild appears to be you, me, and Stranger. Plus, the long gone Troy, his alt, my alt, and Jemm's alt. Oh, and I believe Stranger's alt (Strangerdanger)?

BTW, all but one server was back to normal "UP" status this morning. Also, the two servers that were still down (4 day outage) are back online. I wonder what their population is like at this point.

Edited By Leisher on 1417617181
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Scooty guild hops with the best of them. He created his own guild called Red Army after he saw Bashere recreated Third Reich. He started recruiting for that. But pretty much everyone he recruited has already moved on. Some back to their old guild. People are very much about what is in front of them at that moment. They seem to be very into being carried by their guild. If the guild isn't entertaining them or getting them paid, they seem to want to move on. Got one mail saying "thanks for everything but no one seems to do anything so we are moving on.". Never once heard from them trying to get something started. We are still in touch with the more active people though. Jemm and Taran were both used to help him meet the 5 player minimum to create the guild. Diene asked last night why we haven't invited her back to GHA.

I prefer TKV only being us since it helps us share our stuff easier since family is limited to 8 characters.

On this topic, I'm an honorary member of Bloodstained on Aisle Five. Told them I wanted to join but couldn't leave TKV because of resource sharing limitations. They were fine with that. Mainly allows me to run with them causing trouble but then later say "it wasn't me it was BA5".
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Troy and his farms:

Troy, you paid the taxes on your garden, but did not pay them on the farm right behind it. That was the one that is going to fall on the 6th. That's the one that Jemm wants. For tax purposes, can you sell it to Scooty?

Second. . . Troy and Madmordigan have small farms right next to each other. We placed two other smalls right there with them to hold the spot. All four of them can be pulled up and a large farm can go there. Mad, can you move your small to the open spot in front of your house? We have another farm we'd like to put there. But before we start pulling up smalls, I'd like to make sure we are all on together to do that so there are no mishaps with some other tool placing a small messing it up. I know the odds are slim for that, but someone seeing the potential might just place one to troll.

But then, the server just went down. So unless it comes back up before the 6th, this is all pointless.
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Post by Leisher »

Trion is awesome.

Weird that none of their other games are huge successes.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I forgot to mention. Jemm's polar bear farm had TWO pregnant females this morning!! Got two battle pets though. No mounts. Her bear IS a stud!
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Post by Troy »

God damn worthless Polar Bears.
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Post by Stranger »

Mad, can you move your small to the open spot in front of your house?

Yeah, that wouldn't be a problem. There is an open spot for it right in front of my house?
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Check your email for the down time compensation:

5 Days of Patron Time (This will not appear as an item and will be applied to your account)
15 Superior Worker's Compensation (500 LP each)
2 Loyalty Token 15-Pack
3 Greedy Goblin Gummies
3 Frankenflavor Jawbreaker
3 Marshmallow Sugar Pumpkin

You pick a character to accept them.

Left over Halloween candy? Really?! I wonder if F2P players got this, or anything.
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