Iron Harvest

Mostly PC, but console and mobile too
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Iron Harvest

Post by Leisher »

An alternative history RTS set around what I believe would have been WWI. There are real names and fake ones. You start off following a young girl's story, but get ripped away to follow someone else's, and then eventually a third person. All the way you will encounter several other key figures.

The story focuses on Rusviets, Saxony (Germany), and Polania. You start off in Polania, but will eventually be controlling each army. ALL lines are spoken in the language of the person speaking. So turn on your subtitles.

I should also note that you will not be getting any sort of resolution to the story. That's a shame because it's a decent story. However, they are clearly hoping for a sequel. I was worried that they have an expansion out now for $4 that adds four new single player missions and some other stuff. Are they selling me the rest of the story? No. It does have story, but it's just background about one of the characters that didn't get fleshed out too much in the campaign.

As for the gameplay, this is heavier on specific tactics than most RTSs. You won't be churning out thousands of units and just sending them to smash. You have a unit limit, so build wisely and then control them wisely. You can churn through mechs with your rocker infantry, but if they come across flame troops, you're fucked. Admittedly, this is in the CPU's favor because it can micromanage far better than you. You can pause, although they don't advertise it and you cannot give continuous commands while paused, which is unfair considering how much faster a CPU opponent can give orders.

I played on normal difficulty and had very little issue completing the game. If I failed a mission it was because of something dumb. For example, I activated an event by mistake not prepared to move in without realizing that not moving in immediately meant failure.

It's a fine game and I will definitely play the sequel, but this isn't an RTS game changer or classic like C&C or TA.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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