A couple I've seen lately

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Post by Cakedaddy »

50 First Dates: I wasn't expecting much going into this one. Was greatly surprised. Rob Schnider is funny. Adam doesn't go into his over used 'comedy' stuff. The Hobbit guy was good. Etc. I liked it. Would recommend watching it.

Dicky Roberts, Former Child Star: I wasn't expecting much going into this one. Was pretty surprised. The mom is a cutie. David is funny and doesn't over do the sarcasm stuff. It's there of course, as it should be. But there's more to the movie than that. I enjoyed it. Would recommend watching it.

Timeline: Saw the trainler when watching the above. Figured, what the hell. I liked it. You have to pay attention, cause . . . you just do. They do/say things all through the movie that you later say "Hey, I remember when he said/did xxx and now this thing just happened. Cool." As far as the explination of how they are transfering people, etc. They do it FAST. It's pretty much the only time you have to ignore reality. You just have to accept the fact that they figured out a way. . . but it's not fool proof yet. The only line I didn't like was when they said "And they said you couldn't send a piece of paper through a phone line, yet, you have a fax." My answer was "And you still can't. You get a copy." And it was at that point where I said "Ok, fine. You guys figured something out." and moved on. The rest of the film was fun to watch and stuff. Would recommend watching it. But, pay attention.

Ummm. Chicago still sucks ass.

What else was there. . . .

Stuck On You: I liked it. TONS of predictable humor, but they pull it off well. MANY times I'd say "Ok, they're going to say xxxxxx." and they do. But, when they do, I still laugh because the way they do/say it was funny. So, even though I saw the bit coming, it still made me laugh. There was a couple groans as the joke was too cheap. . . but over all, it's a pretty good movie. Watching one siamese twin try to type a letter to his female friend while his brother is having sex is funny. Especially when the one having sex asks the other if he minds typing on his knees. It didn't have me in tears laughing. But, it didn't have my in tears from boredom either. It's worth watching.

Van Hellsing: Was surprisingly good. Kate's a hotty. I like her in Underworld as well. Van Hellsing is cool cause I can openly oogle over Kate cause the wife is openly oogling over Hugh. So, it's a win win. Fun to watch. So watch it.

Underworld: Not too bad. Kate's fun to watch. Wife hasn't seen it, so can't comment on the female oogling stuff. Another one that's fun to watch. Similar to Van Hellsing in the action interesting stuff area. I'd watch it again. If for no other reason than Kate in leather.

Envy: Not too bad. Although, Ben Stiller needs to slow down on the movies cause I'm getting a little tired of seeing him do the same thing over and over. I defended him with Starsky and Hutch. Tolerated his do over in Dodgeball. But I'm ready for something new from him by the time I see Envy. But, I still like him, and was fine with watching him. The fact that Jack Black is really good in it helps. Although, it was more of the same Jack for the most part too. Then there's Mr. Walken. The 'J' Man. He was awesome. As if that needed saying. Rachel Weisz(sp?) is fun to watch in this and the more I see her, the more I like her. Am I a whore? Anyway, decent movie. Funny moments, lots of repeats though. Worth watching. In fact, I might watch it again cause of CW. Good/funny stuff.

Windtalkers: Watched most of this one. It's a WWII movie. So, lots of the same stuff as others here. Interesting with the Indian stuff on the radios and stuff. Neat bit of history you don't normally hear about. But, another WWII movie none the less. Simply made me wish they would hurry up and drop the damn bomb. So many times you read about the aftermath of the bombs. And see pictures of the devistation and wonder "Was it really necessary?" Then you watch a movie like this and see American boys getting blown to bits because of some fuckwad Jap moron who was able to get other fuckwad Jap morons to follow him and it makes me think "Hurry up and bomb these fuckers. Twice even." Worth watching if you want to see more WWII stuff.

That's it for now.

Trying out that Blockbuster movie pass thingy where for a monthly fee, you can have up to two movies out for as long as you want. Exchange an many times as you want deal. So, we are getting new movies constantly. More stuff to follow I guess.
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Post by mbilderback »

50 first dates: I wanted to see this, personally, and was not disappointed, a bit campy at times, but definately worth a watch.

Stuck on you: funny at times, but those times don't make up for the predictability and canned comedy. To say nothing for the little-too-Disney style message....

Underworld: Not bad, a bit of a slap in the face for peeps who like to keep up with Werewolf/Vampire mythos. Good action, better than Blade when it comes to sticking to the original mythos.

The rest I haven't seen.
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Post by Paul »

Timeline: I haven't seen it. I love time travel movies, so it's on my list of films to see.

Chicago: I didn't hate it the first time I saw it. It was only after my wife wanted to watch it a second time that I realized that I don't like the movie at all.

Van Hellsing: Kate is hot, but I want a little more realism in my female fighting attire. Those high heals bugged me. She could have at least impailed a creature through the heard with them. Oh yeah, and the excessive rope swinging bugged me.
It's an entirely watchable movie though. I'd watch it again, and again. It's not a thinking movie, but there's enough going on to keep you from doing housework.

Underworld: This is another multi-watcher. Kate's outfit didn't bug me at all. It was better than Van Helsing.

Windtalkers: I found the concept really neat. I thought the lead Navajo's character was a little too perfect. John Woo makes good movies. This isn't one I'd be apt to watch again. In fact, it was on cable the other day. My wife watched it, I did something else.

The City of Lost Children: A French film. Ron Perlman (aka Hellboy, aka Johner from Alien Resurrection) doesn't speak French so he learned his lines phonetically. It worked because he plays a big dumb guy.
It's a dark, stylistic children's movie, sort of like if Tim Burton did Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.... like this, but in French.
It's rewatchable, but might not be to everyone's taste. I'd only watch it once a year, or once every other year. I'm in no way burned on it.
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Post by Leisher »

50 First Dates: Much better than it had any right to be.

Dicky Roberts: eh, not too good. It had its moments, but seemed forced.

Timeline: I didn't like this film. You had to turn your brain off, and it still didn't deliver. I guess if you got to watch it for free it'd be ok.

I still think people are letting their penis decide if they liked Chicago or not.

Stuck on You: Funny and cute. Dumb and Dumber with a brain and a heart.

Underworld: I liked it. Nice action, good monsters.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Other than getting past "We can fax 3D objects", where did you have to turn your brain off?

And I couldn't decide which 'penis' comeback to use, so I'll just skip it. ;-)
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Update on Underworld. Wife said there's no shortage of cute guys to look at.
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Post by Leisher »

Other than getting past "We can fax 3D objects", where did you have to turn your brain off?

Actually, the faxing of 3D objects isn't the "turn your brain off" moment, as that technology currently exists.

I didn't mind the time travel concept. What offended me and usually does about movies like this is how the military is portrayed and how the "heroes" get thrown into the mix.

So trained and heavily armed military guys get killed instantly in battle with dark age knights, but nerds can outfight them?

If your dad is working on a secret time travel project and gets trapped in the past, don't worry. You will be the obvious choice to send on his rescue mission.

The film just takes itself too seriously.

Plus, the acting and dialogue were awful.

It just sucked, and not in a good way.
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Post by Leisher »

Update on Underworld. Wife said there's no shortage of cute guys to look at.

She likes 'em hairy, huh?
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Post by GORDON »

Uh oh
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Post by Leisher »

Uh oh

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Post by GORDON »

I'm hairy.

No wonder she calls so much.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Leisher wrote:
Other than getting past "We can fax 3D objects", where did you have to turn your brain off?

Actually, the faxing of 3D objects isn't the "turn your brain off" moment, as that technology currently exists.

I didn't mind the time travel concept. What offended me and usually does about movies like this is how the military is portrayed and how the "heroes" get thrown into the mix.

So trained and heavily armed military guys get killed instantly in battle with dark age knights, but nerds can outfight them?

If your dad is working on a secret time travel project and gets trapped in the past, don't worry. You will be the obvious choice to send on his rescue mission.

The film just takes itself too seriously.

Plus, the acting and dialogue were awful.

It just sucked, and not in a good way.
Wait a minute!!! Did you watch to movie?!!?

****** SPOILERS *******

First off, when they said 'faxing a 3D object', they mean sending it from point A to point B, physically. Not copying it. They weren't making a copy of the apple from one side of the room to the other. They were physically transporting it. So, what they were talking about was not 'faxing'. That was them dumbing it down then saying "get it?". And we had to buy it.

Second, the father wasn't conducting time experiments, the father was an archeologist through and through. The corporation (don't remember the name. I'll say TCI) was doing the 'faxing' experiments. Moving things from one spot in a room to another was working. When they tried to do it from New Mexico to New York, the objects would disappear for a couple hours, then end up back in their starting location. After testing, they found that the objects were being sent back in time to France. So, they hired the guys father to dig the site and try to figure out what might be there that would pull their objects to that time and place. They were trying to figure out what was significant at that place in the 13th century. So, they hired the science guy to dig it up. But, they didn't tell him why. They just sponsored the dig. He wasn't finding/looking where they wanted him to. So, they would give him hints as to where to look for things rumored to exsist. They were always right. They'd say "Dig here. See what you find." and it would always be something significant. So, he went to TCI to find out how they could always give hints that were dead on for major things. That's when they said they could time travel. He insisted on making the next trip. Being someone that lived in the past through digging it up, I could understand that. They would send ex-marines back cause of who/what they were. But, they know nothing about the time/place etc. So, they don't make a good rescue team. The other kids did. They lived for that stuff. The guy that stayed back in time played with swords/bows and arrows as a hobby. Of course he's going to fight with those things better than a marine. Etc. You must have been playing a game while watching the movie to miss this stuff. :-) The rescue team they picked was perfect because they knew the place, the time, the people, the culture, the everything, better than anyone else alive. The marines died because they weren't trained to deal with that stuff. Plus there was some bad luck thrown in. Also, the marines weren't allowed to take anything modern back. So, they weren't heavily armed. One guy snuck a grenade through and blew up the machine on the way back. But, he wasn't suppose to have it. So, none of the other/previous marines had weapons of any kind. And when they got a hold of one, what kind of training had they had? None!! They were just sending ex-Marines cause, that's just who you send first!! "Here's a totaly unknown, possibly hostile, deadly, unpredictable environment. Who should we send?" "A Marine!!". And I stress ex-Marines, because none of the people being sent were active duty. They were mercs, more or less.
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Post by Leisher »

Wait a minute!!! Did you watch to movie?!!?

Yes, and as I said, it was a long time ago.

If it had been worth a damn, I'd have remembered more about it. I tend to forget details from sub-mediocre films with no names, poor writing, and not one good performance, scene, stunt, or line.

First off, when they said 'faxing a 3D object', they mean sending it from point A to point B, physically. Not copying it. They weren't making a copy of the apple from one side of the room to the other. They were physically transporting it. So, what they were talking about was not 'faxing'. That was them dumbing it down then saying "get it?". And we had to buy it.

I buy that sort of technology everytime I watch Star Trek. Plus, people are working on that as we speak and have succeeded with laser beams. So again, its not that much of a stretch.

The rescue team they picked was perfect because they knew the place, the time, the people, the culture, the everything, better than anyone else alive.

I understood their knowledge of the past in that area, but they still weren't the "perfect" team. They didn't need a bunch of nerds, they needed one. Sending a relative increases the odds of failure due to rash decisions.

The marines died because they weren't trained to deal with that stuff.

Because Marines are worthless without a gun in their hands, right? Apparently, Marines aren't taught hand to hand combat, basic tactics, fighting with blades, evasion, how to follow orders, etc.

As one guy in the movie said, "We've got 200 years on these guys to use to our advantage." (or something to that effect) I guess Marines didn't learn shit in 200 years.

The guy that stayed back in time played with swords/bows and arrows as a hobby.

This I'm with you on because I'm expected to go first in next year's NFL draft. See, I throw a football around a lot, so I'm obviously a master. I expect I'll be much better than the guys who actually play the game for a living. :p
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Leisher wrote:
Wait a minute!!! Did you watch to movie?!!?

Yes, and as I said, it was a long time ago.

If it had been worth a damn, I'd have remembered more about it. I tend to forget details from sub-mediocre films with no names, poor writing, and not one good performance, scene, stunt, or line.

First off, when they said 'faxing a 3D object', they mean sending it from point A to point B, physically. Not copying it. They weren't making a copy of the apple from one side of the room to the other. They were physically transporting it. So, what they were talking about was not 'faxing'. That was them dumbing it down then saying "get it?". And we had to buy it.

I buy that sort of technology everytime I watch Star Trek. Plus, people are working on that as we speak and have succeeded with laser beams. So again, its not that much of a stretch.

The rescue team they picked was perfect because they knew the place, the time, the people, the culture, the everything, better than anyone else alive.

I understood their knowledge of the past in that area, but they still weren't the "perfect" team. They didn't need a bunch of nerds, they needed one. Sending a relative increases the odds of failure due to rash decisions.

The marines died because they weren't trained to deal with that stuff.

Because Marines are worthless without a gun in their hands, right? Apparently, Marines aren't taught hand to hand combat, basic tactics, fighting with blades, evasion, how to follow orders, etc.

As one guy in the movie said, "We've got 200 years on these guys to use to our advantage." (or something to that effect) I guess Marines didn't learn shit in 200 years.

The guy that stayed back in time played with swords/bows and arrows as a hobby.

This I'm with you on because I'm expected to go first in next year's NFL draft. See, I throw a football around a lot, so I'm obviously a master. I expect I'll be much better than the guys who actually play the game for a living. :p
Relative being a bad decision, perhaps. He turned out to be pretty valuable though. So, it wasn't a disaster.

Marines haven't been taught to deal with being chased by guys on horseback with bows, arrows and swords in many, many, many years. You pop a marine in a new location (literally) and have 10 horseman bearing down on them, yes, they are going to have problems. The people that survived were people more familiar with the culture, language and events. And again, those first two marines where the unlucky ones the hunting party concentrated on while the others got away. And, if you watch Mail Call with that old Marine guy from Full Metal Jacket, you'll see that 200 years of Marine training didn't do shit for him when he put on a suit of armor, got a sword and got the shit beat out of him by a nonMarine that played with that stuff as a hobby. However, the guy that played with that stuff as a hobby understood how to fight with it better than the marines. Not saying he was better than the actual 13th century people, just the Marines that were sent back. And if you remember, he killed the Marine that was able to mesh into the English of the time. The son helped in some fights, but didn't really try to get involved. He mostly hid and ran.

So, again, with that last paragraph. Wasn't saying archeoligst dude that plays with swords is better than the 13th century warriors. He was better than the Marines going back. So, with your football thing, you'd do better than a chess club champ, or hell, John Kerry being that chances are, they have WAY less experience with a football. But, at least you've played with one before and have the basics.

So, give it up. It was a good movie. :-)
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Post by Leisher »

So, give it up. It was a good movie. :-)

It was a shitty film, and we could argue this forever, so let's end this debate by sticking with the one thing we both seem to agree on:

Marines are pussies.

Now who could argue with that? :D
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Post by Cakedaddy »

You are insane, and yes they are.
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