Starsky and Hutch

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Post by Leisher »

I know somebody did a mini review of this one before, but its off the pages. Anyway, I'll keep this one short.

Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller star as the 70s crime fighting duo only this time Starsky is an anal crime must pay type, while Hutch is more of a criminal.

Snoop Dog plays Huggie Bear, an informant. Vince Vaughn portrays an evil drug lord, while Will Ferrell portray a middle level, homosexual, and very kinky bad guy.

There are some funny moments, but overall, its not that good of a film. Seeing Owen and Ben in film after film together makes me believe we'd be seeing the 300th different take on Tommy Boy if Chris Farrely were still alive.

5 out of 10 stars. Worth a rental, but you won't see it again.
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Post by TPRJones »

IMO, Vaugh & Snoop Dog make it worth watching. Excellent job on both their parts.

Not too hot on Wilson & Stiller's performances, but I think that's probably the writer's and director's faults more than theirs.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I don't see how you can compare Stiller/Wilson to Farley/Spade. Black Sheep was Tommy Boy 2. No doubt. But what two films did they have similar relationships? I guess you could say Zoolander and Starskey and Hutch. But, I think that's even pushing it. Different types of humor going on. But Meet the Parants? The Rotal Tenenboums(sp?)? Etc. I see them as friends that include each other in their movies (or maybe just Stiller including Wilson). But, I don't see a repetative act like Spade/Farley. Although, for the record, I enjoyed both Sheep and Tommy. I thought Spade/Farley made an excelent pair and could have watch many more movies with them.

S&H has many good scenes and tons of laughs.

So, in summary. You are wrong. :-)
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Post by Leisher »

IMO, Vaugh & Snoop Dog make it worth watching. Excellent job on both their parts.


I don't see how you can compare Stiller/Wilson to Farley/Spade. Black Sheep was Tommy Boy 2. No doubt. But what two films did they have similar relationships? I guess you could say Zoolander and Starskey and Hutch. But, I think that's even pushing it. Different types of humor going on.

Different types of humor? How can I compare the two films? You're right, they're totally different. I mean what other movie stars Ben Stiller as a stupid but good hearted hero, Owen Wilson as a bad boy hero, and has Will Ferrell as a sexually ambiguous villain? What other movie has Wilson and Stiller struggling against an unknown foe, while their allies question their abilities and motives, yet win the day due to help from a secondary player much smarter than they are?

That's why I compare them to Farley and Spade. Its the same characters in the same situation, the setting and names are the only things changed. As David Spade said in an interview about Black Sheep: "I liked it better when we made this film and called it Tommy Boy."

As for me being "wrong", that's in your opinion, which is fine. I know someone else who really thought it was funny too. However, I think the majority of people who saw the film weren't blown away by it and thought it could have been funnier. I'd say the box office receipts back up my theory too.
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Post by DictionaryDave »

I thought this movie was a fairly good comedy interpretation of the original series
I gave it
7 out of 10
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Post by GORDON »

I really didn't laugh that much, and I wanted to.

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