Payoff!! - Finally a kill worth something!

For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Troy »

I went to a Dungeon today to make a little cash back from my expenses for the Bookmarks.

I do one, and then lo and behold, in the next system with a dungeon, who is their, but our old pal, Swiftness, driving a Rupture, which you can only figure has uber shit all over it! She has amassed a 22m bounty, which I was unable again to claim :(

We get into it just like old times, same place, same everything. Her tactics are the same, but her ship is a lot better, and she is a lot older.

We fight for a while and I run out of cap(mix of healing some good damage by her/him and my energy neutralizer....
I panic a pit, but I was already already aligned to jump out. I turn off my Weber/Scrambler to save cap, and start the jump sequence.

At this point I notice he is acting strangely, Getting out of range with me as fast as he can... Didn't bother me until after I was to "saftey" that he was RUNNING AWAY FROM ME, getting out of MY scramble range.

He had hit no cap before I had and had freaked and paniced too, only if I had turned off the energy neutralizer and stopped healing, I could have finished him right then and there.

For whatever reason, he comes back and finds me sitting outside of the station, scanning for other Blacksheep, or other Bogeys for our next encounter.

He gets right next to me and kind of sits there taunting me.I figure what the hell, and launch a missile and jam him(hes at -9.0) so this is "legal" and this way the guns don't shoot at him.

I was guessing he would now dock, but instead he slugs it out, pretty much the same game as last time, but this time I don't chicken out.

About 2 minutes later, he is limping away as fast as possible, which isn't that fast as I was webbing him! About the time he reaches my webers max range I get the last bit of structure off him!

Again, I destroyed most of the good stuff, but I did salvage

2x 'Arbalest' Heavies ! 7-8m a piece
2x Tech 2 nano armor thingies worth about 4m a piece

Not a bad 30 minutes, if I do say so myself!

2006.02.07 23:51

Victim: Swiftness
Alliance: None
Corp: VMF-214 Blacksheep
Destroyed: Rupture
System: Enderailen
Security: 0.4

Involved parties:

Name: TasmanianX (laid the final blow)
Security: 3.1
Alliance: None
Corp: The Knights of Vindication - Galactic
Ship: Ferox
Weapon: Havoc Heavy Missile

Name: Guristas Saboteur / Guristas

Destroyed items:

Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
800mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
Medium Armor Repairer II
10MN Afterburner II
Patterned Stasis Web I
Dual 180mm Gallium I Machine Gun
Medium Diminishing Power System Drain I
EMP M, Qty: 322 (Cargo)
Fusion M, Qty: 1000 (Cargo)
Thunderbolt Heavy Missile, Qty: 188 (Cargo)
EMP M, Qty: 54
EMP M, Qty: 54
EMP M, Qty: 54
Thunderbolt Heavy Missile, Qty: 21
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Post by Cakedaddy »


All lies.
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Post by Troy »

Start heading to Ender now...

When the UNC/Duke game is over, we can fabricate another one :)

Edited By Troy on 1139371288
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