How Leisher went from Noob - To second on the TKV killboard!

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Post by Troy »

Busy day today:

So Leisher shows up at my base to hop in and outfit his new Caracal.

We set it up and hop around to a couple asteroids while I give him the run down on how to stay safe in .4 and lower space.

I find him a couple cruisers to fight and were generally having a good old time.

I'm out scouting for more stuff to kill while he takes on a Cruiser. A Bogey, from a guild I know to be regional pks, shows up on the local. Scanning I can tell he is in a Caracal, not your typical PVP ship, but I figure I'll watch Leishers butt anyway.

I warp to him (we ganged up, always do this). I show up and immediatly notice the Yellow Blip that belongs to Multras. SHIT! Leisher finishes off the Cruiser about this time and is at about 3/4 shields. I target Multras Immediatly, knowing what is coming. Soon as he pops up he starts glowing read, and missiles tear over towards Leisher's new Caracal.

Unfortunatly for Multras, his tactical plan didn't account for a Ferox jumping in at Optimal Gun range. I rip into him with all Weapons. He starts to hit Leisher pretty hard, and gets him to almost two red bars.

Leisher, after me telling him incorrectly to warp out at first, start shooting back with me! And in a flash of light, goes from victim, to vanquisher:

2006.02.03 04:10

Victim: Multras
Alliance: None
Corp: Yesodic Nomads Corp
Destroyed: Caracal
System: Iitanmadan
Security: 0.3

Involved parties:

Name: TasmanianX (laid the final blow)
Security: 2.9
Alliance: None
Corp: The Knights of Vindication - Galactic
Ship: Ferox
Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile

Name: Leisher
Security: 0.1
Alliance: None
Corp: The Knights of Vindication - Galactic
Ship: Caracal
Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile

Destroyed items:

Medium Tapered Capacitor Infusion I
Reactor Control Unit I
Large Shield Extender I
Warp Disruptor I
Shield Boost Amplifier I
'Malkuth' Assault Missile Launcher I
'Malkuth' Assault Missile Launcher I
Sabretooth Light Missile, Qty: 836 (Cargo)
Bloodclaw Light Missile, Qty: 311 (Cargo)
Cap Booster 800, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Nanofiber Internal Structure I
Dread Guristas Brass Tag (Cargo)
Nanoelectrical Co-Processor I (Cargo)
Additional Thermal Barrier Emitter I (Cargo)
Sabretooth Light Missile, Qty: 51
Flameburst Light Missile, Qty: 51

The plot thickens...

Leisher runs back to base to repair and I notice another bogey has entered the local. Agemon of Insane Decision, known to run PK ops with the guild Maltras was in, the Yesodic Nomad Corp. (both will now show up as Red negatives to the guild, this merely a guild option I set that identifies them as bad guys, nothing else)

I dock as well, but only after noting what type of ship the guy, named Agemo, is flying. He is flying a Wolf, a very nice 20 million Assault Ship. The guy is also a year and some change old, so I can figure he is specced out with tech 2 gear to boot. I guess correctly that he will be using anti Shield ammo and using guns that work only from less than 5k away.

It takes me about 5 minutes to throw on a good kit on the Ferox,
5x assault launchers, 1x energy neutralizer (-170 cap for him a pop, he only had about 300) and a Dual 150mm.
Med slots were EM resistance(for the autocannons) A warp scrambler, a Weber, A Target Painter and an Afterburner.
Low: Ballistic Controls 2x, A medium armor Repair and a Damage Controls

Leisher and I leave the station, and to my suprise Agemon is still in system, still in his Wolf, and still in scanner range.
*"Special" does not begin to describe this*
He really must have thought we were about 12 years old, total noobs, and flying ibis'

Anyway, I jump to the nearest Asteroid to set the bait. Telling Leisher to jump in and assist when he shows up.

Predictably he does just that, jumping within 6k of me.
I signal Leisher, who makes the jump to me.

Meanwhile, I target and start tanking, Suprise Suprise!

He instantly is webed, target painted and scrambled. THe neutralizer also kicks in, I have him about at Armor when Leisher shows up to finish him off.

Normally he would be able to repair his armor.. but wait... No cap? Ohh boohoo! BOOM!!:

2006.02.03 04:29

Victim: Agemo
Alliance: None
Corp: Insane Decision
Destroyed: Wolf
System: Iitanmadan
Security: 0.3

Involved parties:

Name: TasmanianX (laid the final blow)
Security: 2.9
Alliance: None
Corp: The Knights of Vindication - Galactic
Ship: Ferox
Weapon: Bloodclaw Light Missile

Name: Leisher
Security: 0.1
Alliance: None
Corp: The Knights of Vindication - Galactic
Ship: Caracal
Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile

Destroyed items:

Hail S, Qty: 1000 (Cargo)
Barrage S, Qty: 1000 (Cargo)
Fleeting Progressive Warp Scrambler I
1MN MicroWarpdrive II
Small 'Knave' I Energy Drain
Capacitor Power Relay I
Energized Magnetic Membrane I
Small Armor Repairer II
200mm AutoCannon II
200mm AutoCannon II
200mm AutoCannon II
EMP S, Qty: 4

Great Job Leisher, having never as far as I know been outside of .5 safe space! Killboard Additions of 1/2 for each for totals of Troy +1 Leisher +1.

View the TKV kills, losses, here :

Edited By Troy on 1138948535
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Did you post the death info, or did the people that scored kills on us post thier kill info?

Wonder how many people inflate their score by uploading bogus info.
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Post by Troy »

I posted the three 3 kills, the others were posted by the guys who did it.
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Post by TheCatt »

Swifty didn't post her kill... I guess that makes us 3 and 3.
It's not me, it's someone else.
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Post by Troy »

I didnt save the time I killed swiftness either, so call it a wash.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Who did she kill? I thought it was determined that she didn't do anything to Gordon. He was just the last one in the system, all NPCs targeted him, and he was trying to warp to an invalid location. Unless she killed Sam. . . Did she? Or was it the same thing where the NPCs took him out? Or, am I way off?
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Post by Troy »

No clue, here.

All I remember was warping out when everyone aggrod me and then noticing a blinking red guy and yelling "PK"!
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Post by TPRJones »

The Guristas got me right after they got Hando. Swity had an anti-warp field on us both, I think.

She gets the assist, but not the points.

Edited By TPRJones on 1138995816
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Post by Leisher »

It was a good night. I learned a lot and finally have a decent ship. Thanks again Troy.

I did manage to get the ship out to Sank. Funny thing, that early in the morning (7:30 a.m. EST) seems to be when everyone makes their jumps. I easily saw 5 ships per gate either warping in or jumping out.

Nobody was camping and nobody was fighting (that I saw). I saw red highlighted players, yellow highlighted players, and normal players all traveling side by side to get to whereever they were going.

Is there unwritten rule about free travel during that time that I'm not familiar with?
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Post by Troy »

Bout 4pm after classes, here.

I was waiting on training to finish so I could start a new one and go for a run...

I'm just puttering around looking for a couple Executors or a Dread to spawn. Anyway, A couple Yesodic Guys go by in the local, so I'm a bit cautious, as always.

Multras flashes by, and so I run to the station and kit up.

Sure enough about 10 minutes later we get into it near a roid.

It's his Caracal and three guristas inteceptors vs me.

All four get summarily beaten down.

Skoodwash comes about the time maltras blows up. He's older, wanted and in a Thorax, but still outclassesed, and makes a pretty good choice to get out before I can get in jamming range.

I head back to base and know I have stirred up the hornets nest.

First a Interceptor comes, obvious bait, so i wait outside the station and scan, he comes in, circles a bit but doesnt do anything.

Past 10 minutes have seen two or three more of em.

Battleships, Assault Ships and the Interceptor bait.

I'm not stupid however, and know when to pick my battles.

2006.02.03 21:40

Victim: Multras
Alliance: None
Corp: Yesodic Nomads Corp
Destroyed: Caracal
System: Iitanmadan
Security: 0.3

Involved parties:

Name: TasmanianX (laid the final blow)
Security: 3.0
Alliance: None
Corp: The Knights of Vindication - Galactic
Ship: Ferox
Weapon: Thunderbolt Heavy Missile

Destroyed items:

Reactor Control Unit I
'Malkuth' Assault Missile Launcher I
'Malkuth' Assault Missile Launcher I
Piranha Light Missile, Qty: 646 (Cargo)
Nanofiber Internal Structure I
Large Shield Extender I
Sabretooth Light Missile, Qty: 52
Piranha Light Missile, Qty: 52
Piranha Light Missile, Qty: 52

Edited By Troy on 1139004837
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Post by Cakedaddy »

He fought you with light missles? Ummm.
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Post by Troy »

It actually isn't a bad choice, 5x assault launchers do similar dmg.

IT also leaves the med slots open for serious tanking. None of that would have helped him, but he could have beat me if i were in say, a caracal.

Edited By Troy on 1139043494
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