Fleet Tactics - How to use your new stuff

For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Troy »

I'll make this a quick one, and hopefully you all can get a chance to try out your ships/roles pre Saturday.

Saturday will be the first day we will get to function as a group, and all of us are green at Eve PVP, but most of us are pros at teamwork and general MMO tactics, so we aren't at an extreme disadvantage.

Situation One

This is the situation I can almost gurantee we will be encountering on saturday, a hostile force guarding the first jump into 0.0.

I've been reading the Kill Boards on Battleclinic
The Kill board is kind of like a way to boast of your kills, and converts that Concord ship destroyed eve mail to html so you can post it.

The link is for the first system in 0.0, the first, and only expected point of conflict with PCs on our trip, and we'll have to go through it twice.

Apparently the Cricas corp likes to camp this gate, they don't use any kind of spectacular ships as far as I can tell, but will certainly good be a good first test for our group.

Example Enemy Battlegroup (taken from a kill board)

2 Feroxs
1 Moa
1+ Interceptors

We won't normally have this advantage, but saturday I have a low level alt in position to scout the gate before we go, to get WTFpwned and inform us of who we will be facing

Anyway, we will be able to go through the Gate having already identified a couple targets:

1)Primary Electronic Warfare(EW) target


Jammers work pretty simply, All ships have a type of sensor and each type has a given sensor str(bigger ships have higher strength). Jammers have strength as well. The chance for each jammer to render a target useless for 20 seconds is Jammer Str/Ship sensor str as a percent.

Normally, a ship that has been named Primary EW target willl be one that either does a crap ton of dmg, In our example it would be one of the Feroxs or one that we would have some trouble killing, a Heavy Assault cruiser, with resists in the 80% for most dmg types. Anyway, Our combined Blackbirds, and other ships would target this ship first and jam, coordinating so other jammers could turn off their modules as they score hits and 20 seconds of Ferox Uselessness. Other than the EW, we will leave this target alone until it becomes primary dmg, and the Blackbirds will be firing their WEAPONS at another target, probably the....

2) Primary Dmg target,
For our heavy missile Boats and long range Caras, this will be the first target, and the importance here lies on dmg type and ammo used. In our situation we would target the greatest threat first, the Ferox not being EWed.


For PVP, it is usually best to have a couple racks of each missile type, as most ships will be heavily resistant to something. Scourges are great againt Guristas, but ineffective against a HAC with a 90% resistance to Kinetic Dmg

We'll supply ammo in Taisy, and everyone should take a full compliment, topping off their Cargo hold. All 4 missle types in both sizes will be supplied.

Anyway, primary dmg is pretty self explanatory, and someone with an understanding with the Ships we will be facing, probably me or Cake, willl be calling Dmg type for you to switch to, as well.

Oh, well be trying to Warp Jam the primary DMG, I know that I can do it, and we will try to mount one on a Caracal as well.

3) Special Targets,

Special targets are those that the Fleet is not outfitted to hit well, In our example it would be the Interceptor. I fought an interceptor last night, and my heavy missles did exactly .4 dmg. Malcom/Gordo would be on duty to use their Assault launchers to blow the thing up, webing, target painting and Jamming just like a Primary DMG.

Once any Special Targets are eliminated, you can focus back on killing the Primary DMG.

I'll try to Edit in more as it comes to me, Or as I read up on more fleet tactics.

Edited By Troy on 1138894406
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