People huntin' - Vol 1

For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

We have a HUGE arsenal of weaponry now. Troy has been gathering like a mofo. So, we grabbed a couple of good ones and headed out. I took the bolt action with a holo sight and a pistol for close combat. Troy took an MP5 and a pistol. We went to Rad Town to look for some prey. As we neared the city, we went up into some rocks to survey the area. We pretty quickly found someone gathering resources. I took position in the rocks with the bolt action holo sighted in on the guys head. He had his back to us as Troy ran up to hit him with the MP5. Troy gave the go signal and I fired a round for a hit. Troy finished him quickly with the full auto at close range. The guy had a bunch of misc stuff on him. I scouted from the rocks as Troy got closer to the city. I saw another guy on the other side of the city gathering resources. I saw him going from pile to pile. I called the target out to Troy who took cover behind a building near by. When the guy was hitting a rock on the other side of the building Troy was hiding behind, I gave the go signal and took a shot. It was a really long way and I don't know if I hit him. I took 3 shots and then he was dead. Not sure if any of them landed. But, another dead gatherer. Troy was full up on loot at that point and heading back to my position to hand stuff off. Out of nowhere I hear some REALLY rapid gun fire right on top of me. I had lagged out and Troy came upon another person right behind me. When I unlagged, the game caught me up in an instant so I heard 15 shots in about .2 seconds. This guys was LOADED. Troy helped me locate the body and we picked him clean. He had some tricked out weapons and full Kevlar. A TON of resources. He had been out killing collectors as well. We were told in local that we are now KOS by the Honey Badgers. Troy had killed Landidas. So, avenged Gordon's death. As far as loot, it was a REALLY good trade Gordon. We decided it was time to go. Both because we didn't want to lose what we had and because we couldn't carry any more! So we dash back. Taking cover through rocks along the mountains. Would pause ever little bit to check our six and make sure we weren't being tracked. Ran up the mountain to the safety of home.

Scored a shit ton of ore which built a few more doors. A tricked out 9mm, a tricked out shotgun and a tricked out M4. Holo sights, lasers, silencers and flashlights. Some other lower end weapons. And more resources. Food, med kits, Kevlar, etc. Very sweet haul!!

We spent some time cooking metal to build doors, add external security, etc. We headed out again to Rad Town to see if we could duplicate our earlier success. Ran all the way over there. I set up in a snipping position. Troy saw someone in green in town. He gets into position to intercept him when I spot him. But, I never saw him. Troy did a run through the city and didn't spot him either. So, he either hid or sneaked out. Or Troy was having alcohol induced hallucinations. I did have to tell him how to get to Rad Town. And if I'M giving directions in this game, then you KNOW he's had too much to drink. The sun was going down, so we decided to head back. Sun ended up going down and I could NOT find my way to the damn house! I kept circling around and finding TPR's little shack up there. So I sat until sunup. So this trip ended with nothing.

Best PvP encounter of our time in Rust yet. Sweet weapons and well executed assaults. We are awesome.
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Post by GORDON »

The Iandidas Report

In google, searching "landidas" gets you nothing. I tried a capital-I in front just in case that's what is is, and got tons of hits.

"indidas" - general google results:

Steam profile Also has his steam friends list.

Diablo profile.

Mobafire profile. Has Singed as an avatar.

Has a profile on "rape dungeon" and I don't know what that means and I don't want to create an account to find out.

Has played LOL and WOW. I am tired of reporting. The steam thing is probably the most interesting if we were thinking of fucking with him in some way.

Edited By TheCatt on 1391188389
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Post by GORDON »

Steam has his name as "Trey." Might be funny to call him that next time we see him in game. Don't tell him how we know.

XE5 is in his steam friend list.

Edited By GORDON on 1391177525
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Post by TheCatt »

Nice kills! So far the only two kills I've ever had were sleeping people.

I have no idea who the supposed groups in this game are.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I say we DON'T use his real name because it won't be hard to figure out you can find people's Steam profile. On the other hand, I just set my Steam profile to 'Friends Only'.

He has a few people on that server in his friends list.

I don't like that the game uses your Steam profile name as your in game name.

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Post by TPRJones »

I kept circling around and finding TPR's little shack up there.

That still exists? Huh.

I'm looking forward to getting back into the game tonight. Not sure if I should keep building there or move up further north instead.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Depends on if you want safety or danger! People know we are up there now and will be paroling the area, I'm guessing. Not constantly. But we are on the radar now. So if you built up there, they'd find you too. Would be cool if we had another base somewhere completely different for diversification. Well, assuming we'd be invited!
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Post by TPRJones »

Of course you would! I'm not much for PvP myself, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy to support those who will be slaughtering my hated foes. :)

I'm making it a habit to code all the doors to our previously mentioned default code. Make yourselves at home anytime.
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Post by GORDON »

Cakedaddy wrote:I say we DON'T use his real name because it won't be hard to figure out you can find people's Steam profile. On the other hand, I just set my Steam profile to 'Friends Only'.

Been a long time since we actually had to hide personal info from the game world... I thought y'all were a little silly using this hidden forum when no one comes to this site any more and we weren't advertising it.

I just set my Steam shit to "Friends Only" as well. I recommend we all do that.

And watch out for spies posing as new friends.... nobody likes you, there are no new friends, anybody not immediately killing you is a spy.

Edited By GORDON on 1391196809
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Post by Leisher »

Cake and Troy aren't just KOS for the Honey Badgers, they're KOS for the two biggest groups on the server. Both groups, of course, operate in the west.

So what that means is they're KOS for anyone that sees them in their own neighborhood.

So I have two questions on this whole situation:
1. I thought we were the anti-PK type? Or are we PKs? Do we just not give a fuck?
2. What is our end game? Because currently, I'm not seeing the point of randomly getting into resource wars with the biggest and richest groups on the server.

Now those questions being asked, let me tell you what I know, and what I have planned...

Landidas and xe5 operate out of some huge metal fortress. They have resources on top of resources on top of resources. People on the server treat them like they're royalty. Last night, each was killed by someone from the other group (two different incidents), and the death was immediately followed up with apologies and folks going to meet them to return their equipment.

Now let me ask you, how many other people on the server have metal fortresses?

Also, last night Tigress was talking about her house being raided. Then Judam (or whatever) killed her. This irritated xe5 who seemed to befriend her then and there. He started offering rewards for those who told him where Judam lived. That's the raid that was going on last night. (I think.)

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I raided Tygress. Remember I said I found a just started house in the mountains? No walls, just foundation, pillars, and a large wooden storage box? Well, I didn't take everything, but what I did take seemed to match up with what she described being taken. (Build fucking walls if you don't want to get raided...)

Here's where it gets interesting:
This morning I ran to those shacks I discussed previously about raiding. They're near my shack in the middle of the map. Nobody seems to live there anymore. I found four sleeping bags, no bodies. Well, I needed to knock down the door, but as I suicided to get there quicker I had no hatchet. Thus, I ran to Tigress' base to grab the two metal fragments I needed, and guess what? Her whole house was gone. And I know she was using it because yesterday morning I strolled through it and a body was there sleeping. So it didn't decay.

So who the hell moved her house?

The admins (HoHo and Motion) don't appear to be with any group, but if you look at the evidence, I'd say they very well might be friends with xe5 and Landidas. (That group also includes Ian, not sure if that's his in game name or not.)

So again, what's the end game? What's our goal here? Are we playing the role of villains? Are we going to liberate this server from the tyrannical rule of Landidas and xe5?

Look, you guys can go raid Big Civ for a couple of handguns and then try to kill someone each night, but let's be honest, you're not going to scratch their paint. You could kill them for a week straight and it won't mean dick.

Meanwhile, you've got the other big group hunting you too. Both will be KOSing you, so at what point will you be getting resources?

You're basically Ghana and you just declared war on the U.S. and China.

Not to mention that those folks you associate with with also become KOSs.

Quite honestly, if we're just going to run around like this is Team Fortress, then let's just go play Team Fortress. Nobody is playing the shitty, borrowed combat system in Rust because it's so awesome. If we're just here for combat, I'd rather be playing Mechwarrior.

But what if our end game was to do something epic? If these guys are friends with the admin, our efforts might amount to a hill of beans, but damn if we can't make a spectacle that even they will be impressed with.

So what would be epic? What if we pulled off an attack on their fortress? A major attack that absolutely crippled them.

Here's what I'm thinking:
-Tas and Cake are marked men. However, as far as we know, me, TPR, Gordo, TheCatt, and Stranger aren't. Now you two are simply going to have to continue to be active doing exactly what you plan on doing, hit the enemy often. Annoy the shit out of them. Make them hate you, and have them searching for you constantly. Anyone else who wants to go that route with you, have at it, just know that once you go down that path, that's it. No turning back. You'll be marked too.
-We need to hide our association with one another. Obviously, Tas and Cake are labeled already, but TPR, Gordo, Catt, and I aren't. Let's keep it that way until we show our cards.
-Anyone not up for the constant PvP that Tas and Cake stirred up last night needs to head to me in the Hacker Valley. Use the western base I linked in the sticky thread until I can get you into my tower. It overlooks a massive resource field, and is somewhat close to Rad Town. (Yes, I have a tower already. More of a building really...)
-Cake and Tas, I highly recommend you move your most precious items into the shack I set up in the North Everust Mountains. It's very well hidden. In fact, if nothing else, simply get to know the location of this place and how to get there quickly. This can be the resupply area. Those of us who aren't known associates can drop off weapons and ammo here.
-Vice Versa too. I need a metal pillar to build a metal base, and research kits. We also need to store up grenades and C4 for our own end game. Doing that at your tower in the middle of enemy territory would be unwise.
-NOBODY go near the beach mountain shack. This will be our launching point for the end game. I can move stuff to and from there during lunches, and it has plenty of storage.
-Prior to the end game, I saw we reach out to Kunaki (or whatever) and his crew to see if they'd like to end Landidas and xe5's dominance on the server.

The End Game will be when we have enough explosives to go right through that castle. We launch from the beach shack, and everyone is part of the attack. We destroy as much of the castle/fortress as possible. No looting. Instead, just throw their items on the ground (in the nearby ocean?) so they decay. Absolutely cripple them.

In fact, if we do it correctly, we only need to destroy one or two doors. Once those are down, get inside and slap our own door on. Then take our time razing their castle.

There's zero doubt in my mind that if we pulled this off we'd be promptly banned or a server wipe would hit shortly after.

Probably FAR more complicated than we can pull off, but it was fun to type up.
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Post by GORDON »

1. It seems to me everybody is KOS on the server. The only people who haven't attacked me on sight were shirtless and carrying rocks.... and honeybadgers.

2. I asked this same question a couple days ago... what's the goal... and I got "killing people."

3. And yeah, "banging our heads against the wall" was implied to be why we are playing, when I asked what was the point of losing everything over and over again.

4. I am not really afraid of becoming a KOS. As far as I am concerned, that's what this game is.... it is NEVER going to evolve into some sort of self-policed society where no one is ever attacked. Never, ever. Unlike real life, there are no real consequences for getting shot.
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Post by TPRJones »

1. I thought we were the anti-PK type? Or are we PKs?

At this point there is no way to really distinguish the two groups. That may change as the game matures.
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Post by TPRJones »

.... it is NEVER going to evolve into some sort of self-policed society where no one is ever attacked. Never, ever. Unlike real life, there are no real consequences for getting shot.

Never say never. I can think of a few ways to tweak the game to make that much more likely. If it's what the developers have in mind they could possibly move the game in that direction.

As to the big plan, I like it. One caveat I might add: someone needs to scope out their house. Watch them for a few days, see what doors they do and don't use regularly. Then move in when they aren't there, blow off a door they never use, and put our own door in it's place. That way when we make the big play we've already got a way in they don't even know about.
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Post by GORDON »

Well, never in THIS game. If they change the game mechanics, then sure, maybe. As of right now there is nothing but profit in joining up and slaying everybody, all the time.

As for PVP aspects, if we have sniper rifles, I vote for that job. You guys have always been better than me at the up-close pvp, and I have always been a real sniper especially IRL where I am a much better marksman than Cakedaddy. Remember in BL2? I was the chick with the sniper rifle. In TF2, I have more hours as sniper than every other thing combined. L4D, sniper rifle is my fave.

So come on. Give me that sniper rifle and the high nest. I will change my steam handle to "God" so they know who smited them from on high.
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Post by Leisher »

1. It seems to me everybody is KOS on the server. The only people who haven't attacked me on sight were shirtless and carrying rocks.... and honeybadgers.

I disagree. I've been killed by one person: Landidas. Everyone else I've met has been nice, particularly those Honeybagger folks. They're the folks behind the tavern/store too.

2. I asked this same question a couple days ago... what's the goal... and I got "killing people."

You did not get that from me. In fact, I asked you what the goal of UO was, and didn't get a response.

Not saying I totally disagree with it, but I think the killing people is more of a means to an end.

3. And yeah, "banging our heads against the wall" was implied to be why we are playing, when I asked what was the point of losing everything over and over again.

Which is why I don't understand starting a war with the two largest and wealthiest groups with our under supplied base in the middle of their territory. A base that's already been raided by unaffiliated people. I mean, ALL of your resources fields are in their territory and under their watch.

Short term, I'm sure it was fun, but long term? Probably not wise.

Also, losing everything over and over is obviously part of the alpha. They're working on securing houses, and locking your backpacks.

4. I am not really afraid of becoming a KOS. As far as I am concerned, that's what this game is.... it is NEVER going to evolve into some sort of self-policed society where no one is ever attacked. Never, ever. Unlike real life, there are no real consequences for getting shot.

To be fair, we could quit playing this game today, and you wouldn't care. And you might not be afraid of being a KOS, but something about it bugs you as your #3 points out.

I don't agree that it can't become a self-policed society. People will be attacked, yes, but what were we doing in UO?

At this point there is no way to really distinguish the two groups. That may change as the game matures.

UO gave people colors. Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Gray.

Edited By Leisher on 1391199032
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Post by TPRJones »

My best combat role would be to have several shacks with bedrolls and a pickaxe in them around the area. Then melee zerg at them as many times as I can until I run out of spawns.
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Post by Leisher »

So I'll see you at my house tonight?
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Post by TheCatt »

TPRJones wrote:
I kept circling around and finding TPR's little shack up there.
That still exists? Huh.
Are you sure it isn't my shack? (I don't know where TPR's is). Mine's on the north side of the mountain, pretty easy to run across coming up from the West. Has a door, set in the rocks (the rocks intrude inside).

I try to visit it every day or two.
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Post by Stranger »

Leisher, that was one inspiring post! I haven't played much of the game thus far but after reading that i wanna bust down these assholes doors!

All i need is my trusty rock and a pair of pants, ill rip that building apart!

Do something epic! i love it!
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Post by Stranger »

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