Xin Zhao

For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

His early jungle is slow and hard. I can't get a good rhythm. Some games I do well, others I'm struggling. Can't get a good feel for the order to take abilities. The build sites recommend boots starting out. I guess it's because he has to go back and heal so much no matter what. So you might as well give yourself some speed to get back out there.

His Q gives his next three attacks bonus damage. On the third strike, the target it bounced into the air.
W gives my health, passively. It's active increases my attack speed a bunch.
E thrusts me forward at the target and does a bunch of AOE damage.
F I spin my spear one time doing a bunch of damage to all enemies in the arc and bouncing them back. I have to work on not pushing enemies out of our combat when we don't want that. Other times, I can push them away to help escape.

My early game is ssssllllooooowwww because the jungle kicks my ass. Late game, I dominate and really rack of the kills/damage. Normally, at mid game I'm 2/5/3. By end of game I'm 12/7/18. I have not been playing him very supporty because I gain levels/gold so slow that I dump everything into my build so I can become effective in fights.

Have to figure out a good jungle pattern, ability order and starting items.
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