Graves - Holy OP

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Post by Cakedaddy »

I have been trying to figure out who to add to my ADC line up since Ashe is the only one I have and she isn't that great. I had no idea he was this OP.

Played two bot games (3v5) to get used to his abilities and combos. Then played a blind pick solo queue game. I went 21/7/15. Was laning with a really good support Nid. She didn't ward, but she harassed with her spear and wouldn't last hit.

We invaded their blue and I got first blood, then an assist, then I died. From there, we were owning our lane, for the most part. Our jungle Yi was a complete failure. Complete. He was going AP and I guess he had no cool down as he wouldn't alpha strike that much. His AD was REALLY low, so he couldn't kill anyone. Feeding like a mofo. Yi went 7/15/13. We had MF in mid. Not very good. Not really bad, but not good either. She went 10/13/22 and you could NOT count on her in a team fight. Very unpredictable and mostly useless. Cho was top and he was really good. He was getting vocally frustrated with the team fights. He'd initiate and no one would follow him in. He wouldn't always wait for the rest of the team though. But often, he and I would be pushing a lane and damn near acing them between the two of us. We played really well together. He went 16/5/17. Nid went 3/10/15. She was far more useful than her score suggests.

Anyway, I just played him like a normal carry with an AD/AS build. Same build as Ashe and Noc.

His Q is Buckshot. Three blasts in a cone that hit pretty hard and has a pretty short cooldown.
W launches him forward a bit (about the distance of a flash) and can go through walls. It gives him a good attack speed boost.
E is the slow/blind circle. It does a very small amount of damage as well.
R is a long range exploding shot with decent AOE.

His W gives him excellent closing and escape ability. Hit Q cools down fast and hits really hard and is AOE. I didn't use his E that much. But when I start, he'll be that much more deadly.

He was very easy to play and is a killing machine. Definitely replacing Ashe.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Played a few more games with him. But got stuck with complete morons. No jungler for two of the games. One game I had to fight a Rammus for last hits. Just horrible team comps and bad players. We lost all those games and I didn't do well.

Just finished a ranked game cause you are way more likely to see quality team mates in ranked. And I did. Was laning with a Taric. He gave me ALL last hits and would initiate, a lot, with his stun. Got me first blood though. My W 'dash' helped get me into the fight quickly when he'd stun them. I had 2500 gold before I went back the first time. He had good ward support which allowed us to avoid all jungling Trynd ganks. We'd even kill Trynd with hit stun and stuff. My dash cancels out Trynds spin, so I was able to finish him after he'd rage.

The enemy team surrendered.

Having a quality support with your adc is SO important.

All that being said, the rest of the team was really good too. Mid would respond to stuff at bottom, etc. We did well at bottom and the rest of the team held their own.

I'm still missing some combos and using my E at the wrong time. But, he's so easy to play that making a mistake or two isn't disastrous.
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Post by Stranger »

There's a reason why Graves is one of the best ADC's. He's got it all, a dash, AOE damage and even some utility with his smoke screen.
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