Changing our meta

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Post by Leisher »

So I was listening to Low Elo (because I'm so bored with the game...) and one of the things that really struck me was their rundown of the champions played in the last tournament.

AD Carry -
Pretty much folks are either Corki or Graves. Although they made a strong case for Caitlyn in the "poke strategy", and Ezreal is also used, but not as much as Corki/Graves.

So should I switch or should we stick to our own thing?

Mid - Morganna or Gragas.

Top - Vladimir, Shen, and...I forget, but it wasn't Singed.

Support - Nunu and Sona (some Lux and Janna in there too)

Jungle - Skarner and the normal tank guys.

Still team comps weren't about who was popular, but had themes. So the "poke" team had a specific purpose, and not only were champs chosen to support it, but so were certain summoner spells.

I think one evening we should chat a bit about this, and start either copying a meta or develop our own meta. Or should we just continue playing whomever, and just prepare to counter the different metas?
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I figured we were trying to create a meta.

Nuke mage mid.
AD Carry bot with true support.
Hybrid AD tougher champ at top with some CC.
AD Hybrid champ in jungle with good tackle and CC.

I saw Gragas used a lot, that's why I started with him. But he's HARD to master.

We can break it down to specifics by picking champs with complimenting abilities and take our spells to go even further. But when playing ranked, we'll have to have many many combos to work with to cover the bans/steals. If we never play ranked, then we just build our perfect team and always play those champs.

I'm totally fine with breaking things down deeper and trying to build the perfect team. Or a few versions of the perfect team.

I like the idea of going ranked, because then we can ban the champs we HATE playing against. But, it increases the level of difficulty of building perfect teams. Not to mention the overhead involved with playing and becoming good with all the combos. I still think we are way too shallow with our champs. Yes, we all have multiples that we play. But, we all have a main. One champ we play better than all others. Our ability to play our secondary drops off quickly. Gordon is WAY better with Singed than Nasus or Nunu or GP. I'm WAY better with Noc on TT than ANY other champ I play. Leisher is WAY better at Teemo than Vayne. Etc. We really need to ban ourselves from our mains. Have two nights per month that we play them to refresh and make sure we are still good with them. All other nights are playing one or two other champs. There's a huge difference between knowing a champs abilities and when to use them and actually doing it well. Scooty is a perfect example. He knows almost every champ in the game, but plays none of them at an 'expert' level. He competent with them, but not really good with them. We are really good with one champ and competent with others. That is not enough.

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Post by GORDON »

I feel I'm pretty good with Nunu, it is my team that doesn't know what to do without Singed.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

You always THINK you are good at everything. . . .
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Post by GORDON »

I'm the one that doesn't feed very often.

Granted, peeps haven't been feeding a lot lately, but that is because no one has played much in the last couple weeks.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Not feeding is only part of the puzzle though. An Ashe that doesn't feed, but can't carry is a worthless Ashe.
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Post by GORDON »

It is the biggest piece of the puzzle there is. We all know that in the tournament games they often end with very low scores, sometimes with no kills for 10 minutes. That means peeps aren't feeding. That means I am playing like a champion already and deserve many, many trophies.
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