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Post by Paul »

There's this customer who's been calling our shop for free tech support. He deleted files he didn't want (like all that junk in his C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder), and has to reinstall his operating sytem. My boss seemed to think he was drunk. I defended the poor guy, saying that his lack of brightness and slurred speech was due to a mental condition. I honestly don't know which one of us is right.

He went to Wal-Mart for discs, and took home some blank CDs. They wouldn't fit in his floppy disk drive.

He got mad and returned them. Then he came to us.

He asked for a box of floppy disks so we sold him a box.
When he got home and tried the items we sold him, they didn't work, so he called Dell. He explained that the round floppy disks we sold him wouldn't work. Dell told him that what he bought wouldn't work in his machine, and that we had sold him the wrong type of disks.

Then he called us to complain about the disks. He kept insisting that the floppy disks we sold him were round.
I was fixing the computer at the local animal shelter when he stopped by the shop to get the disks, so I checked with the boss (who sold them) and they were indeed 3.5" floppy disks.

I suggested that perhaps we sold him some CDs by mistake, but he kept insisting that we sold him 3.5" round floppy disks. They had some weird metal thing in the middle, and he was insulted that we thought he was dumb enough to mistake them for CDs.

Well, he eventually dug through his trash to read me the label. Sure enough, they said they were 3.5" floppy disks.

He kept insisting that they were round, I said I'd never heard of a round floppy disk, and we certainly didn't sell them. Finally he said something like, "the case they come in is square, but the disk is round!"

Me: "Floppy disks do not come in a removable case. Did you tear the magnetic media out of the disk?"

Customer: "Oh."

Me: "You just destroyed your floppy disk."

Immediatly I traced him down, ran over to his house, took his floppy disks, stuffed them in a sock, and used it to beat the hell out of him.

Ok, maybe that that last part didn't happen.
Posts: 8062
Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 7:32 pm

Post by thibodeaux »

And damn, I bet he had to work to get them out of that case.

Post by 71-1085092892 »

And that's hard with a 3.5incher. I used to have a round 5.25 floppy disk as a drink coaster, but that just required good scissors.

This was back in the C64 era.
Posts: 8062
Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 7:32 pm

Post by thibodeaux »

Time for an oldie but goodie
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