Mining expansion - per Troy's suggestion

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Post by Cakedaddy »

He wants to find a mining corp that wants to expand to low sec areas and have our protection. We'd make bundles. . .

What would we need to pull that off?

Are we just running escort? Do we setup a space station first? Are we on call and warp in to help? What do we do during low hostilities times?

What the hell are you talking about?
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Post by Troy »

Met a guy today, runs a mining corp, about 11 strong or so.

Friendly enough, watched my butt when my industrial ship was picking up the cans in a dangerous belt.

Anyway, was interested in the whole security thing, but were a looong way from being able to meet any contracts or anything.

He did give me a good group of solarsystems .3-.1 with good mining and told me that if we wanted to hunt, mine there, it would be a good way to fight off pks as a unified front.
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