4/26 Events

For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Was a late night this time.

We did stuff, but most of it was at the GY. We had a few fights here and there. I'll only talk about the ones that resulted in a kill or death.

We saw Taboo (red) of ACE guild. We locked on to him and started fighting. He did a fair amount of evading as it was 2 v 1. He was hitting me, but I could match him in speed, so he couldn't catch me. Taz was chasing hitting him with spells. I started circling around Taz so he could stand and cast. Taboo figured this out and ran off. Then some other people got into the fight and he had blue friends show up. They were healing him going grey. No idea if anyone attacked them as one of them was towing 3 white wyrms. I broke off me attack because I didn't want to be there when the greys decided they could take a count. I saw Taz moving alot on UOAM and put up an explosion. Taboo came running through with some damage. I dropped my explosion and cast para. Taboo was running north by north west. I ran to the north as I knew his freinds were more to the west. So, if he changed directions, that's the direction he'd go. And he did. By the time I saw him, Taz had continued hitting him and he was down below 20%. I dropped my para and he froze. I cast ebolt, and I heard Taz's mace swing miss. I dropped my ebolt and he went down. (ALL ME BABY!!!) We quickly looted the corpse. I was pretty reg heavy from what I grabbed. Turned out Taz was too. The dude had been doing some killing, but not dropping his loot. We hit the forge to dump loot. We went back and found Taboo was already back in the action with his now grey, healers. They left shortly after we got there, so there was no continued fighting.

A little later, Rue showed up red. I alerted Taz and got ready to head in to attack. Then I saw a blue guildmate of his, which meant he had a healer. I led the attack with a harm to remove his reflect. He immediately cast heal. That told me he was waiting for help before actually fighting me. Funny thing is, he cast it on himself before I had even done damage. I thought that was funny. He cast it again while I held my explosion. He chased me with his hally up while his friend showed up on the screen. Taz showed up as well and we start dumping. A little scirmish later, and the healer's not doing his job and Rue is way low on health. That's when Taz says he's lag locked up and was also very low on health. But, we had the red within killing blow range and he was retreating. So, instead of casting heal, I cast ebot and took chase. That's when I saw Taz explode and the blue healer casting ebolt. Shit. . .Taz is going down. I already had my ebolt up and knew there wasn't anything I could do. I canceled my spell and broke off the chase. Went back to Taz's body and grabbed his reg bag. Ran back to town and rezed Taz. So, lag got Taz killed and let the red get away. Had Taz not locked, I think chances are pretty high we could have scored the kill. Ah well.

There were more fights, more chases. But over all, the reds just started coming back with more and more guildmates to heal them. Then the blue healers would announce they were gray. We considered changing targets to one of the healers, but decided against it. With all of the cross healing, we would just be introducing another person into the fight. So far, they had not gone aggresive letting us continue our dumping runs. Hitting one would have just created more damage for us. We decided to pull back all together cause we couldn't kill the red with two people healing him. HOWEVER!! There was a heavy lag spike that I think messed with the spell times and stuff a bit. Cause after the lag was done, all kinds of spells hit him at once and he came damn close to dying. They left shortly after that.

Over all, had some good fights, and a decent amount, considering we were playing from 2am to 4:30am est.

This time, I have the pictures.

Actually, funny thing. . . it didn't take a picture of Taz dying. Could have sworn he was on my screen. Must have been JUST off. I heard the death cry. But no Taz death shot. So. . .. must not have happened. :-)

LLLLAAAAASTLY. We may want to reconsider a dedicated TS/Vent server. Steam died in the middle of our fighting and we had no voice comms.

Edited By Cakedaddy on 1240736742
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