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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:24 am
by Leisher
I'll be on tonight, probably 10ish.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:45 pm
I should be, too.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:20 pm
by Leisher
Riot on DOTA2.

Yeah, we thought about doing it that way, but we wanted to do something more original and make it better.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:08 pm
Not sure if anyone is playing tnght but i am still an hour.from home.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:48 pm
by Leisher
I'll be getting on shortly. Watched a flick with the wife tonight.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:49 pm
I'm home now, but tired. i dunno.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:11 am
by Leisher
Sorry about last night. We were going to win that game, and then bye bye power supply. I patched my old computer, and will test it out when I get home today to make sure I can play on it tonight.

When the power supply died, there was a visual flash in my office, and my wife heard the baby monitor cut out. This sucker has a big power supply. I've read their manual, and I don't think they'll just ship me a new one, they want me to overnight the PC, and they'll overnight it back, all at their expense. So I'll get that going today.

The only real negative of this is that Gordo's client will now load faster than mine.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:21 am
I usually run lots of processes so my CPU is pegged at 98% before I launch the game so it slows down my load time so you can win. I know it is important to you.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:24 am
If the lights in your house flashed, maybe there was a power surge and it took out your PC, instead of the PC making the lights flash?

You have a beefy UPS on the pc, right?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:37 am
by Leisher
If the lights in your house flashed, maybe there was a power surge and it took out your PC, instead of the PC making the lights flash?

You have a beefy UPS on the pc, right?

I thought about it, but the overheads weren't affected or the TVs, monitor, etc.

And yes I do, but I think I'm going to replace it now.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:22 am
My early impression is that Stranger kicks ass as Sona.

Edited By Leisher on 1345609619

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:51 am
Just wanted to repeat what I said last night, a few of our late of our 5-man team fights are the best teamwork I've ever seen come from us.

Got irritated with lack of jungler support in the top lane when getting assfucked by that guy spamming his ghosts at me, but I'm glad I didn't quit the game.

Also I don't know why Leisher felt the need to edit my post. I totally did not say Soraka instead of Sona. He is mistaken.

Edited By GORDON on 1345647144

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:45 pm
by Leisher
Yeah, as the AD Carry, it's been a lot easier with a support in lane than another damage dealer or even a tank. Someone focused on support doesn't really need any minions at all. Plus, the constant heals mean I can purchase damage out of the gate instead of heal potions.

Getting items and levels quicker means I'm deadlier faster, and don't have to focus farming so much mid game.

You were getting picked on a lot, but at the same time, we were routing bot. I think it's a trade off. Not saying you shouldn't have gotten more help, but there was at least a positive occurring because that help wasn't coming. My criticism for our jungler would have been to coordinate ganks better. He'd jump out when we were out of position and not ready. We'd get the kills, but he'd be dead. If he didn't die, he'd have been able to head top instead of waiting to spawn.

On a serious note, we need to get everyone on headphones. Scooty never talks, and Gordo's current setup washes out everyone whenever he hits Push to Talk.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:14 pm
by Stranger
Thats why i thought that Sona would work better with Vayne, she can heal and buff alot better than Alistar can. Alistar is good if we wanted to be agressive off the bat, but since we play late game so much better its just better to let you farm up and stay in lane.

Just so everyone knows what Sona does, she basically gives off AOE auras. My Q gives bonus AD and AP to everyone in my area. The W sends out a heal to the lowest HP champ around and also gives Armor and Magic Resist to everyone in the area. And the E give speed boost to everyone around me. And Sona's ult is the big power chord that makes the whole team dance to my beautiful music for 2 seconds! and its got a pretty short cooldown.

And as far as item build i also try and accompany my abilities with other aura's. like Aegis of Legion for team defense, and one that i've been liking alot lately Zeke's Herald which gives the whole team 20 attack speed bonus and 12% life steal. This item really helps all of us, specially Vayne.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:02 pm
If it isn't too boring for you, I'd like to see you explore the Sona/other support stuff more. I think those AOE buffs helped us a lot... in the past it seemed a lot of times we were getting just barely beaten in team fights... last night it felt like your buffs pushed us over the cliffs of victory. Didn't we have a couple aces late game in which we only lost 1 guy on our team?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:04 pm
Leisher wrote:On a serious note, we need to get everyone on headphones. Scooty never talks, and Gordo's current setup washes out everyone whenever he hits Push to Talk.
Got an email yesterday from amazon that said my new headset has already shipped.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:31 pm
by Stranger
I have actually really enjoyed playing support. Getting about 30 assists a game is fine with me. I have gotten pretty good at having less than 20 minion kills a game and being able to keep on par with my gold and experience. That was tough the first few times i was trying support. But i think ive got my masteries, runes and item build down pretty solid now.

Like i said in another post i have just about all the supports that are out there except for Lulu (which i will be purchasing when i get the IP). Me and Leisher seem to have a good synergy, much better than i had with scooty. So i will be working on other supports to bring to the table.

So that leaves Scooty for the jungle, jungle is prolly the best spot for Scooty anyways since he is such a loan wolf/roamer. But he needs to refine his game a little better. Blue needs to go to our AP everytime if possible, he needs to work on setting up them ganks and letting us know his intentions. And he needs to help teammates out when fights break out. He gets caught up jungling when a teammate is getting jumped right next to him.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:49 pm
Just opened my broken headset to see if I could re-solder it, or something.

There are no moving parts where the wires come together in the one ear piece and they are soldered together, but these wires are frayed and some are cut and it's a mess. Oh well. Shit solder, I guess.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:53 pm
by Cakedaddy
Scooty needs to fix his sound/comms as well. The echo and hearing his game is annoying and distracting.

The AP/AD boost from Sona is best paired up with attack speed based champs as I'm guessing it's a small boost. A small boost pair with high attack speed will build up to a decent boots. A small boost to veigar is just a small boost because he only casts a couple things. So, make sure you are staying closer to the attack speed champs instead of me, if you aren't already. I'm guessing Singed's poison would benefit from the boost decently as well.

Zeke's is good if we have a heavy AD team. They will benefit from the life steal. But obviously, the AP champs won't benefit from it. So, not sure if there is an AP equivalent to Zeke's for when our team is AP heavy. But if there is, keep that one in mind too.

I learning that I need jungler presence as much as possible in mid when I'm Veigar. Not constant gank/kill support. But harass. Obviously, a kill would be cool, but more importantly, just throwing some damage on my opponent. Because Veigar must farm his Q, every time his ability is up, it's being thrown at a minion. This means that he has no harass going at the enemy. I can drop my Sky Fall spell. But, it doesn't hit often and it's mana heavy. Which impacts my ability to keep the Q farm up. So, point is, ANY time the jungler is near mid, he needs to hop in my lane, punch the enemy a couple of times and move on. This keeps some damage on the enemy and keeps them nervous. Jungler doesn't need to camp, or wait for the prefect gank opportunity. Just pass through, do some damage, and move on. Doesn't have to interrupt or slow the jungle pattern. If they don't, my enemy sits at full health the whole time while farming. Meanwhile, I'm dodging their harass and losing the health battle and having to leave lane more often than they are.

I have learned to like flash better than ghost. There are definitely times that I miss ghost while being chased. But, flash helps me counter flashy enemies better. They'll still give me the most trouble cause they can flash WAY more often than I can. But, it helps. Also, getting better with my stun is helping with the flashy enemies too. Actually being able to stun them after they flash on me stops the avalanche of damage they'd normally put on me.

Everything Stranger said about Scooty, I second. Him ignoring top was bad, but he wasn't ignoring bottom. So, improvement, yes. Failure, no. I'm going to be more forceful with the blue as well.

Game play: I liked bottom pushing hard and winning their lane early. Wish it had happened sooner. Like I said last night, it then opens you guys up to roam more. You can move to mid while me and jungler go top for a gank, etc. Kill the turret fast and early. Let's push to end laning sooner.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:54 pm
by Stranger
noob solder job! My solder is OP!! GG noob!