You People (2023)

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You People (2023)

Post by Leisher »

Jonah Hill is a Jews who works in finance, but dreams of being a podcaster. He is single as all the women he meets are boring and seem to only care about him being financially stable. Then he meets Lauren London, who happens to be black, by accident and they hit it off. They are thrilled, but his overbearing Jewish mom (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and her militant father (Eddie Murphy) have trouble with the new couple.

This is extremely formulaic. Seriously, it's formulaic to a flaw. You will be expecting every moment before it happens.

It's also interesting that Eddie's character arc is basically that he's a massive racist full of hate. Meanwhile, Julia's character is racist, but out of ignorance and selfishness, not hatred. Not sure if that was intentional or not? I mean, did they want to showcase different perspectives and types of racism? I am going to give the filmmakers the benefit of the doubt and say yes. It is interesting to see the two types contrasted in the same film.

Overall, the movie isn't too memorable. Mostly because of the formulaic script, but also the dialogue isn't amazing. I expected some really strong speeches regarding racism or how love overcomes, but got nothing. Additionally, while I absolutely bought Jonah and Lauren's on screen chemistry, Jonah's character was all over the place. In one scene he's portrayed as someone who is all too aware of his mom saying anything to be accepted or look hip, and the next he's doing the same thing. I get that a stick rarely falls far from the tree, but it sort of defeats his character's ultimate arc of being someone racist Eddie should have accepted for who he is rather than who he pretends to be.

Also, there's a weird moment where they're trying to portray cocaine as a very normal thing, ala having a beer with friends. That was strange. People die doing cocaine, let's not romanticize it.

It was fine to see it once, but it is deeply flawed and I wouldn't recommend it. It's not horrible or even "bad", but it's not good either.
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