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Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:16 pm
by Leisher
Got this one in the Humble Bundle monthly sub.

You are Nora and you wake up on the day the Berlin Wall fell. Your boyfriend Walter is at the lab you both work in, and he's working to shut down ATLAS, an undescribed project you were both working on. He gives you a cryptic goodbye and then you're running to the lab to help him.

This is one of those indy games with a "what the fuck is going on" story line, but don't let that dissuade you. Are there tons of things that will make you think, "Fuck people are dumb as shit believing anyone else can read into their artistic visions"? Yes, but there is still good content here. In fact, the ending is either the ultimate troll job or an acknowledgment of everything I just said.

This is an FPS with story that is extremely short, but really pretty. How short? There are 5 chapters and it can be beaten in 2 hours. Notable, the first and last chapters have no combat.

Still, they built an impressive world that is an homage to Half-Life. The combat and enemies are nice, particularly the enemies, but there's too little of it. This is still a story driven game over being action driven. It almost feels like this was a test game for the devs to see what they could do, however I've read an interview with them that their goal is well polished, cheaper and shorter games. They don't want to be in the triple A game space.

My biggest problem is that the story asks far, far more questions than it answers. If that's something sequels will address, great. If not, what the fuck are they doing?

It's worth a playthrough at free to $3. However, if you need answers to your stories you may want to hold out to see where this developer goes.


Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:39 pm
by Cakedaddy
Leisher wrote: Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:16 pm if you need answers to your stories
Is this the homage to Half-Life?