Forever Purge (2021)

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Forever Purge (2021)

Post by Cakedaddy »


It's. . . just awful. NOTHING makes sense. I've never watched any of the purge movies because the premise just seemed so ridiculously stupid. This confirms my suspicions.

White supremacists decide to keep the purge going to rid America of all non-whites. They defeat the US Military (called NFFA for some reason) and have the run of things. People are trying to escape into Mexico as they have promised safety/sanctuary. NONE of the actions of anyone makes sense. It ends with news broadcasts (who's making them when the bad guys have turned everything into chaos?) talking about 'ordinary citizens' picking up guns and fighting back against the bad guys. You know. The ones that just defeated the military. Like, completely shut it down. And the "American Dreamers" I think they called them that made it over and are now refugees in Mexico. Oh, there's the black guy that helps the main characters in the beginning. He wants to separate from the main group to get to his family. "We'll help you" the main characters say. "You'll only slow me down" replies the black guy. You never hear from him again. And you never see another black person. It's all Mexicans and Native Americans helping people to safety. There were about 3 lines in the movie that were actually impactful and well written from a political statement point of view. It's like there was one person that had some sense as part of the crew and managed to squeeze in a few seconds of good material. Other than that, it was thoughtless morons just spewing shit out their asses that made the movie.

Just SO fucking stupid. Horrible. And no. I don't feel bad about spoiling stuff because it was just so bad and you shouldn't watch it. And really, I didn't spoil all that much. I don't tell you who dies/lives, etc. But you shouldn't care. Avoid it. Don't watch it. Just, walk away. Leave it alone.
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Forever Purge (2021)

Post by Leisher »

I didn't even know it was made so the people behind the movie, Blumhouse, probably knew it was shit and would be poorly received.

The only Purge movie that was remotely good was the first one, and even that one had logic holes you could fly 747s through.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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Forever Purge (2021)

Post by Leisher »

Yep, it sucked.

This was a Purge movie in name only. The actual Purge happens for 2 minutes of on screen time. The events of this movie all happen the next day. Tens of millions of white supremacists organize a revolution and nobody in the government has a clue it's coming (This is probably the most believable part :D ). They're purging anyone not white, and I think they kill 1 non-white main character in the entire movie. Everyone else that dies is white.

The funny part is that even with The Purge as an annual event people are still coming here illegally.

For Cake: New Founding Fathers is the NFF. It's part of the lore for The Purge universe.

It's a pretty terrible movie.

The original remains the best, and most of that had to do with the concept being fresh.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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