
Mostly PC, but console and mobile too
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Post by Leisher »

I got this one in a Humble Bundle and gave it a go a couple times this week. It's a puzzle side scroller that has a ton of promise, but ultimately I came to the conclusion that I'm not having fun.

You are out to save your fellow villagers from evil troops trying to find, I don't know, something. Along the way you start to get powers based on the elements. This is where the puzzles show up.

However, the game design is all over the map. Levels vary from needing stealth to all out action. I saw someone on Steam say the action parts are simply too fast, and I agree. As you get further in the game things just require too many actions too quickly. Also, each level gives you goals that you must fail one or the other to achieve. I'm sure that's important for re-playability, but it's so frustrating that I have no desire to get through the game once.

Levels become a constant slog of going through them until you learn exactly what must be done and then pray you eventually time it right.

Too bad because there are some good mechanics and ideas here. As it stands, it is going into my "Meh" category.
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