Immortal Redneck

Mostly PC, but console and mobile too
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Immortal Redneck

Post by Leisher »

I have no idea why they named it this except that one of the characters you can play is a redneck. I guess the voice is always that of a redneck even when you're in another character too. Why? I don't know. If there was a cut scene explaining anything I missed it. I think it's just a design choice because they had a guy who could do a redneck voice.

Anyway, this is one of those "why didn't anyone think of this before" games: a rogue-like FPS.

The whole game takes place in a valley where there are three pyramids. You only have access to one to start the game and must defeat it to get access to the second. Defeat the second to get to the third, which is where I am as of signing off my PC last night.

(There's also an endless pyramid that I just noticed tonight.)

The concept here is that you don't have the ability to get through the pyramids at first. However, every run nets you gold. That gold can be spent AFTER your run on upgrading your abilities and other boosts. You can also unlock better characters, each with their own pros and cons. No saving up gold though, as every time you enter the pyramid, you must sacrifice all your remaining gold. So spend it all between each run!

Let me get to the weapons before anything else. They feel good. Some suck, some are awesome. You can only carry a certain amount, and ammo is limited. All act differently. For example, there are several pistols and you will easily identify the differences in rate of fire, accuracy, and power.

The enemies are pretty varied, and depending on the mix within a room, the layout of the room, and your weapons, can be super easy to deal with, a nuisance, or a fucking nightmare. I love how that's the case. It really adds something to the game when even the easiest monsters can fuck you over given the right circumstances. And you WILL experience those circumstances. Why?

Every run resets the pyramid and all the rooms get moved around. You'll see ones you've never seen, enter familiar ones through different doors, and so on. You can pay a fee to keep the rooms the same on one run, but there won't be any gold during that run.

This is the wild card part of the game, and what really makes it exceptional: Scrolls. Throughout your travels random monsters and chests will drop scrolls. These scrolls are game changers, both good and bad. I've been through the pyramids over 50 times already and I'm still finding new scrolls constantly. (They say there are over 100.) Some examples: No longer see your health. Meat gives more healing. Killing enemies heals, but meat no longer does. All of your weapons are swapped with new ones randomly. See enemies through walls. No longer see your health bar. Only carry one weapon. The level resets. Get more jumps. Martian gravity. Enemies have less health. And I could go on for quite some time.

There is also a merchant where you can buy other items to change your trips through the pyramids. The best amulet I've found so far is one that gives you a random weapon every time you enter a room. The trade off is you have unlimited ammo and don't have to reload. Super easy, right? Think again.

This game is awesome. It is the PERFECT scratch for your FPS itch. Easier to get in and out of than your mom. Play for 5 minutes, play for 5 hours. Doesn't matter. It'll save your progress.

Awesome game.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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Immortal Redneck

Post by Leisher »

I was looking up what I paid for this game because I got it during the Steam Christmas sale. I know it was less than $5.

Then I looked in my Humble Bundle account and still have an unclaimed key.

I have too many fucking games.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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Posts: 65921
Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 9:17 pm

Immortal Redneck

Post by Leisher »

“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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