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The Escort

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:40 am
by Leisher
Well educated young woman decides to sell her body to earn enough money so she can do what she wants with her life. Meanwhile, a sex addicted journalist loses his job and needs to write an amazing piece to get a new one.

Let's be honest, you can write the rest of the movie after reading those two sentences.

It's meh.

The lead actor is acceptable, but also unbelievable. He has that look where you think it's a more famous actor, but when you check the IMDB page you realize you were wrong. His sex addiction thing is pretty silly and the film even shits on it in a later act. I mean he's in his early 20s and the film does a poor job of showing that his life is even remotely affected by this "addiction". Seems like a normal 20-something male to me.

The lead actress is good. She's hot, but in a girl next door way. Very attainable. She also "looks" intelligent, which I know seems insulting, but we all know people we can tell are dullards just by looking at them. She's got a pretty good acting career going for her as well.

For a movie about escorts and a sex addict there's extremely little sex and zero nudity. The closest you get is a grown man wearing a diaper.

BTW, Bruce Campbell has a role in this film, and thankfully he's not the guy in the diaper.

Not a movie you need to see.