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Necco Wafers

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:44 am
by Leisher
I don't get them. My wife loves them.

They're facing tough times.

Nice to see they're getting a bump in sales based on news getting out that they're struggling.

Necco Wafers

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:29 am
by TheCatt
I kinda like them, but they don't have a strong flavor.

Necco Wafers

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:27 pm
by Cakedaddy
Listening to the video, they said "No one really likes them. They just use them on things or they have one flavor that they go for." So. Um. Just curious but. . . . why didn't you change the flavor? Yes. People bought them because it's a tradition to read the "be mine" candies at valentines day. But just imagine how much better things would be if they actually tasted good too. Morons.

Can't change the formula. It's been this way since 1850 or so. Well, since no one buys them for the flavor, I don't think anyone would care.

Change the flavor. Make them so people ACTUALLY ENJOY EATING THEM. See if that helps!

Necco Wafers

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:15 pm
by Leisher
Cakedaddy wrote: Change the flavor. Make them so people ACTUALLY ENJOY EATING THEM. See if that helps!
Some people would rather drive off a cliff than change lanes.