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WOW Classic

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:37 pm
by Stranger
GORDON wrote: We could have used Stranger in UO.
The only thing i remember of UO is Leisher playing it at the NBC station when he hired me as an intern back in 99. He had me doing.. well not much, while he was gaming.

I probably would've loved it, and i always play a great support character.

WOW Classic

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:58 pm
by Leisher
Good times.

WOW Classic

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:27 am
by Stranger
There are a few major milestones you hit along your journey playing WOW classic and last night i hit one of the big ones, one that is a game changer in my opinion.

I'd say the biggest are getting your mount at level 40, getting to level 60, clearing Molten Core for the first time(the big 40 man raid) and then getting your epic mount. I've done the first three but finally got to get the epic mount last night. This is usually the last of the 4 milestone most people reach as there are a few prerequisites that need to be met to get your epic. Actually it only takes gold, but if you want to get a mount for 300G less you have to get "Exalted" status with a particular faction, then you can purchase that mount.

There are different factions in the game that you can grind honor with and when you get to a certain status it opens up different items, recipes, gear ect.. that you can purchase. To get exalted for the epic mount you've got to play in A LOT of Alterac Valley battleground games, which is a huge 40v40 PvP map where you try to kill the other faction's leader before they kill yours. These games last about 20-30 mins and i'm guessing it took me about 100 matches to get to exalted. Que times were about 30 mins for Horde before Blizzard made a change that changed that to que time to about an hour last week. There is a long story i won't go into right now as to why that is, but basically there are more Horde players than Alliance across all realms so Alliance players were able to que up into 40 man premade groups against a bunch of PUG horde players and win games in like 10 minutes. So now que times are longer but the matches are much more evenly matched now. Plus there's tons of things to still do while you're in que so it doesn't really bother me at all.

So after you've gotten to level 60 and then played all your battleground games to get to exalted, now you just need the cash to buy the mount. Some people have no problems farming up their gold but it goes a little slower for me. I play a healer shaman so some of the farming techniques that rogues, mages and hunters can use are not going to work for me. Just one of the many pluses and minuses that each class brings to the game. I can't farm well, but every guild in the game wants me. I'm basically the hot chick that everyone wants to bang. So instead of doing solo dungeon runs and AOEing mobs down, i use my profession and collect herbs from around the world and sell them on the auction house. Now with my super fast mount collecting herbs will be even faster, maybe now i can find that ever elusive black lotus!

WOW Classic

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:40 am
by Leisher
Find me a free trial and I’ll give it a look.

WOW Classic

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:59 am
by Stranger
Leisher wrote: Find me a free trial and I’ll give it a look.
I'm pretty sure there is no free trial for Classic. There is for the retail version, but i've never played that and from what i hear it feels nothing like Classic and you don't wanna play that.

WOW Classic

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:49 pm

i will take thee

WOW Classic

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:59 pm
by Stranger
GORDON wrote: destination

i will take thee
Huh? i don't think i understand this post sir.

WOW Classic

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 4:46 pm
You mentioned grinding for money. That was a UO reference. The others will get it.

WOW Classic

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:22 pm
by Leisher
Ha! I remember all that stuff.



I cannot train you in that.

WOW Classic

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:20 pm
by Cakedaddy

WOW Classic

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:44 pm
by Stranger
Phase 3 is releasing today. That means the second 40 man raid Black Wing Lair is going live and higher level gear will be in the game.

Its taken 6 months to get to phase 3 with 3 more phases yet to release. This is where the game really starts to open up and offer guilds much more content to consume as Molten Core has been the only 40 man raid up to this point. The thought is that all 6 phases should be released by the end of summer and the hopefully after that Blizzard will announce the release of The Burning Crusade expansion by the end of the year. This is considered by just about all as the peak of WoW as a game.

Originally i had hoped that WoW would just get me to March when B3 releases on Steam and its easily done that. Now i don't even think i have the time or want to play B3 at this point.

WOW Classic

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:26 am
by Stranger ... ayer-offer

Half off first month for new subscribers. Available until Feb. 24th

WOW Classic

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:44 am
by Stranger
A couple of weeks ago i finally decided to join a guild, this after what? 6 months of playing. Up to this point i would just PUG up with other guilds when i wanted to run the 40 man Molten Core raid. But i could only get so far doing this because as the new content releases (Black Wing Lair) these raids get harder and harder and you need to have a well geared and well organized group to get through those raids. As i was PUGing i would keep track of the guilds i ran with and keep tabs on how much i liked or disliked their raid leader, how good/bad they were, how they distribute loot, etc.. Like i said before, i play a resto shaman so i could pick just about any guild i wanted because of the awesome AOE heals they provide, and not many people play them.

The big thing that was important to me was what nights they run their raids on, a chill environment that was ok with people not being on for a run because of real life, and a knowledgeable guild master who knew what he was talking about and could keep everyone on the same page when running a raid. I've ran many PUGs where groups were laid back and cool people but there was no real leader to give direction and so 5-8 people were all talking over each other and nobody knew what they should be doing. This shit leads to group wipes, and long, unproductive runs that usually come up short of being able to finish the dungeon. This guild is cool because its smaller only 70 or so people and they have two raid groups, a raid A and raid B. Raid A is the more hardcore, well equipped group that is pushing the most recent content while Raid B is the the laid back, up and coming group still trying to get T1 gear and will eventually push the harder dungeons when they get to that point. I'm on Raid B, basically its like a farm club or a minor league team for Raid A, if they have someone missing for a run then they fill that spot with someone from Raid B. Its a really cool system that works for me because if i'm on and bored on a particular night and Raid A needs a healer then i have a good chance of being able to experience the latest content without trying to PUG it and most likely getting destroyed.

I've got to say, i'm on a PvP server but as a whole i enjoy the PvE content a lot more right now. I think the raids and dungeons are a blast! They are challenging and take a lot of coordination from a group of 40 people. And when a piece of gear drops you need and the guild decides to give it to you or you win a roll off, its so satisfying. But the PvP community is still pretty active, the 5v5 Warsong gulch is super competitive and if you que into that your more than likely going to run into a well geared premade that will wipe you in about 5-10 minutes. World PvP is pretty tame on our server, at least when your just out questing alone but thats kind of nice because it sucks to get ganked when your just trying to make some money. There is usually some world PvP going on at the entrances to the big dungeons, this can be either fun or totally suck depending on which side of the fight your on. But to me the PvE content is much more fun that i had ever imagined it would be.

WOW Classic

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:55 pm
by Stranger
Fastest selling PC game of all time. ... ard-claim/

Not sure what they mean by fastest, fastest to what? Regardless it's a 16 year old game that isn't going away any time soon.

I've recently moved on from playing Classic for a few reasons and am now playing the modern retail version. Mainly the retail version is much more solo friendly and the new expansion is pretty sweet.