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Post by thibodeaux »

Oh Lort, I didn't realize Science Weatherman was on this. And of course he's like "well we don't know what would have happened if we didn't do this." Of course Maher's answer is smarter than him. Hey Science Weatherman: Sweden has cities too, dumbass.
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Post by thibodeaux »

thibodeaux wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 4:32 pm Will anybody be punished for the bullshit inflicted upon the unvaxxed? For stirring up hatred and blame for a long dark winter of death?

No, of course not. Nobody is even going to apologize.
I stand corrected:

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Post by Leisher »

Today's newest plague that should concern parents.

RSV numbers skyrocketing.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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Post by thibodeaux »

Regular exercise may improve the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines
Exercisers who were vaccinated were about 25 percent less likely to be hospitalized with covid than sedentary people who received the same vaccine, a new study found
A wealth of research in the past year has shown that being active and fit substantially lowers your risk of becoming seriously ill if you develop covid. Sallis led a study, for instance, of almost 50,000 Californians who tested positive for the coronavirus before vaccines were available. Those who had regularly walked or otherwise worked out before falling ill were about half as likely to need hospitalization as sedentary people.

Similarly, an August review of 16 past studies involving nearly 2 million people concluded that active people were substantially less likely than the inactive to be infected, hospitalized or killed by covid.
They just won't give up on this "vaccine." I'll stick with not being a lazy fatso, thanks.
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Post by GORDON »

This isn't new information, it leaked out a bit years ago, but people didn't want to hear it at the time.

Who said "It's a sin to be correct too soon?"
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Post by Leisher »

“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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Post by thibodeaux »

It's almost as if a maniacal obsession with a single metric isn't a great way to run a society.
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Post by thibodeaux »

Not directly COVID-related but:
Government lab in Maryland plans to create a hybrid monkeypox strain that is MORE deadly than one currently spreading in US


It's blindingly obvious that COVID was man-made. There have also been recent stories of scientists announcing that they're tinkering with COVID. WHY? WHY WHY?

"Uh we need to make super-deadly germs so we can study them and make more effective treatments."

How'd that work out with COVID?
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Post by Leisher »

I look around the globe and don't see much, if anything, on the right path, so fuck it. Let them kill us all. It'd be for the best anyway.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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Post by thibodeaux »

I think we figured out what the Great Filter is.
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Post by GORDON »

thibodeaux wrote: Fri Oct 28, 2022 3:14 pm It's blindingly obvious that COVID was man-made.
I know I mentioned it up-thread, but early on it was being reported that there were strong hints it was man-made. Then overnight these news reports were scrubbed and weren't even goggle-able. This isn't the first time I've seen unfortunate information scrubbed from reality.

"They" didn't want a serious backlash against china, for some reason, to the extent our betters decided it was racist to call it even mention the germ came from china. Our society is a puppet on strings, and half of us are very happy to do exactly what we're told.
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Post by thibodeaux »
G.O.P. Senator’s Report on Covid Origins Suggests Lab Leak, but Offers Little New Evidence
The report, signed by Senator Richard Burr, foreshadows a new wave of political wrangling over Covid’s origins if Republicans gain control of the House or Senate.
Of course NYT poo-poos it. "Little new evidence." All the evidence has been around since the beginning! It's just been suppressed, as Gordon said.
House Republicans had earlier released a report that said the pandemic likely began with an accidental release from the Wuhan lab.
I did not know that (it was last year, maybe I forgot); here's the report
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Post by Leisher »

Everyone on the left and right, even Fauci, said in the beginning that this was most likely a lab leak. Fauci even stated as much again within the past year.
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Post by thibodeaux »

It can't be the Official Story, though, because that would mean SCIENCE can't be trusted (US-govt funded SCIENCE at that).

And as we all know, we are ruled by SCIENCE. Otherwise Democracy would die in darkness.
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Post by GORDON »

"Don't call it the Chinese flu, that's racist!" say people about the flu that was literally created by China.
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Post by thibodeaux »

My favorite part was that "maybe the horrible coronavirus outbreak was related to the Institute for Horrible Coronavirus Studies next door" was somehow the "racist" explanation, while the officially sanctioned nonracist answer was "The Chinese are unsanitary and eat weird shit."
(copy/pasta in case Elon bans dangerous misinformation)
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Post by thibodeaux »

It's scared
LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY: We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.
Translation: everyone who was shouted down/banned/fired/ostracized for "dangerous misinformation" turned out to be right. But now the excuse is "we didn't really know anything so you can't blame us."
These precautions were totally misguided. In April 2020, no one got the coronavirus from passing someone else hiking. Outdoor transmission was vanishingly rare. Our cloth masks made out of old bandanas wouldn’t have done anything, anyway. But the thing is: We didn’t know.
Why do people think that we didn't have over 100 years of studying and dealing with respiratory viral pandemics? Absolutely nobody is public health recommended masks AT ALL, much less cloth masks, before 2020.
I have been reflecting on this lack of knowledge thanks to a class I’m co-teaching at Brown University on COVID.
Don't send your kids to Brown.
Given the amount of uncertainty, almost every position was taken on every topic. And on every topic, someone was eventually proved right, and someone else was proved wrong. In some instances, the right people were right for the wrong reasons. In other instances, they had a prescient understanding of the available information.
Again: the people who were right were SILENCED.

They're already gaslighting us that none of the bad stuff happened. There wasn't REALLY a lockdown because police didn't arrest you the minute you stepped out your door. There wasn't REALLY forced masking because so many people didn't comply. There wasn't REALLY a vaccine mandate. Etc etc.

Simply incredible.
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Post by GORDON »

Nothing is really surprising to me, though. For the last couple decades we've been sliding more and more into mob rule. "It isn't oppression because the government isn't doing it" is the excuse, but when the mob makes the rules, the mob becomes the ones governing you. It's the same people trying to ban podcasters, while calling book banners nazis that need to be eradicated. The same people saying words hurt, while at the same time labelling everyone they don't like as a nazi to be punched. Social media brings them together, gives them a shared voice, and there's nowhere to go but down. Nobody strives to be better when the rest of the crowd makes them feel good about being shitty.

The covid response was more of the same. I had a few bio classes in college, and even I knew nothing they were doing was going to work, and at first said so. But I saw which way the wind was blowing, and eventually just shut my mouth and masked up. I didn't want to be killed over someone having a hysteric fit.
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Post by thibodeaux »

Note that she’s asking for forgiveness. But forgiveness usually follows an admission of wrong doing and at least a show of contrition. There’s none of that here.

She is merely one example but have any of the people who actually admit they were wrong shown any contrition? All this lady says is “nobody knew anything so nobody can be blamed!”
Last edited by thibodeaux on Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GORDON »

It feels like a bummer to be wrong. It feels good to know you're doing the right thing with limited information, and anyway that was like forever ago so why apologize? Hey look at this vegan food plate at this gastropub and my new tattoo.
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