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Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:54 pm
by TheCatt
4563, right?

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:55 pm
by Leisher
Some of them are, but not the new ones he's been putting up.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:56 pm
by Troy
Correct. Sorry, I messed that door up. Fixed it now. All doors are and should be the same.

That room isn't safe though. Get more levels in.

Edited By Troy on 1390694198

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:50 pm
by Troy

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:38 pm
by TPRJones
Watch out for TheAnti and his friend, they will kill you as soon as they see you.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:26 am
by Cakedaddy
I think our list of friendlies will be shorter and more manageable.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:00 am
by Troy
Man, this game is hard.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:06 am
by TheCatt
Need a link / coords to the base.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:54 am
by Troy
Its at x5525 y391z-4926

Edited By Troy on 1390757341

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:43 pm
by Leisher
Remember that body I saw? We should have killed him. I heard people upstairs, and went to check it out. He shot at me. I got away, but if that body was Tas, he's guaranteed dead, and I'm sure Cake is dead.

They might have also had access to that far room you guys built today up top. I know there was a code on it, but it looked like the guy was crouched in that doorway. They're still here, so I can't check yet.

I thought one of the bandits was Skynet, because he killed .Blank outside our house not five minutes before I arrived to this home invasion. However, now I think one of them is Mr. Vannylla as he's currently bitching about lag because he's nervous about losing all the loot he has. Which I assume came off of Tas and Cake's bodies.

Also, at least one of them is still in the house.

Edited By Leisher on 1390773573

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:04 pm
by Leisher
Pretty sure I hear c4 being used.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:09 pm
by Cakedaddy
Ya, I knew I'd come back dead being that I was outside when the server went down.

And I don't agree that 'no one has enough C4 to get to us'. The two bigger pvp groups are getting most of those drops and you KNOW they know how to make C4 now. And once you know how to make it, it's only a few resource runs to get enough for whatever you want to do.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:46 pm
by Troy
Woke up naked outside, that can't be good.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:10 pm
by TheCatt
Troy wrote:Woke up naked outside, that can't be good.
Ditto. Then got popped by the cheater.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:30 pm
by Leisher
Remember how I kept noticing most of the air drops to the West? And the biggest PvP group knows the admins. And they live in the West. And they have TONS of C4 that we've only ever found one bar of?

Just saying.

Edited By Leisher on 1390784585

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:24 am
by Cakedaddy
Speaking of air drops. . . WE GOT ONE!! Dropped right by Big Civ. Troy and I ran over and grabbed it unmolested. Got some decent stuff. One cool thing was a smoke canister that calls for drops! Since we live in a FUCKING PALACE on this server, we just stood on our roof and called it in. Where it dropped them was pretty funny. TPR would have LOVED the drop given the jumping you had to do to get to them. One did land on our house, but, it was on a spot that was just sticking out, way down below the roof. I died trying to get it. Troy got it from the floor though. And, we got another drop call canister! So we'll do that when more people are on and we'll do it in the valley or something. We weren't able to get to one of the containers because it was way up on top of a rock pillar.

Side note. . . what CPUs do you guys have in your PCs? I'm considering upgrading since I'm still running on a first gen i7. And yes, it's so I can play this game and be competitive in pvp. My GPU should be fine. Year old GTX 670. All I can figure is the CPU.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:24 am
by Cakedaddy
Finished another floor of the base. I put windows all the way around. I figure this will be our last 'look out' floor as it's getting so high that you can't see anything down below any more. I didn't put bars in the window because it's not like anyone can jump into them! I saw it as a waste of metal. Next floor (and any additional floors) will be wide open living space with just walls around the perimeter. However, we will always have a roof access stairwell.

I figure one more floor will be good enough. Actually, maybe one more floor and we'll load that one up with beds for respawning. Everyone place like 5 of them or something. In a multiple death/raid situation, you need a lot of beds to spawn to as you can only respawn to the same bed once every 5 minutes or something like that. So I've heard/read.

I plan to put small boxes around the 'look out' room, each one with bolt action rifles and ammo. Maybe a shotgun and shells too. Home defense boxes.

I started laying foundation in that open spot I showed you Troy. And I have discovered a weakness over there. We are only 2 wood walls deep to our main stairwell leading up. I planned to build nothing but walls all the way up (no floors). Then on the first floor, those spike trap things. So, if they blow the wall, then will have some difficulty making it into the stairwell from there.

As far as resources, we are short on wood and food. We have a shit ton of gun powder and about 1k of metal smelted with a small amount of unsmelted ore. I do want to build a few more metal doors though.

Edited By Cakedaddy on 1390811172

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:59 am
by TheCatt
Post server info and base maps?

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:11 am
by Leisher
Barring an early knockout from poker, I'll be hitting my research server tonight. I'll probably only have an hour, and I'll be eating, so it'll give me time to do a quick raid there.

If I do get knocked out early, or we cancel for weather, I'll get back on the "main" server tonight and do some hunting for lumber/food.

We're in the exact same spot, right?

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:18 am
by Troy
Yup, only taller. I can log in after work and share everything with Catt. Cake will have to for his new doors, too.

Edited By Troy on 1390835894