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Post by Leisher »

11/1/1 but they didn't give me a chance to build my stats. They surrendered pretty quickly.

I was pissed that I died once. Fought Skarner and Volibear alone. Didn't waste my ult on the fight, but it might have bought me an escape.

BTW, Scotty played a very annoying Alistar. 0/4/11 by going back and forth between lanes and not really letting either lane get a free farm. I liked it.

Edited By Leisher on 1333598117
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Although an AD Kennen didn't suck, I have to wonder how much better you'd do with AP. All of his spells do bonus AP damage. So, by going AD, you lose all bonuses. How is this different than going AD Sona?
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Post by GORDON »

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Very different from going AD Sona. I don't even know what that means, sorry.

Very hard to explain, but i assure you the theory is flawless.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I don't even know what to say at this point. It's all been said before.

I guess at this point, I want to know who everyone is playing and in what lane before we even start a game. If it sounds good, then I'm in. If not, I'll sit that game out.

We have no team consistency and simply refuse to stop targeting tanks. One person doing something stupid draws us all in. Whether it's attacking the wrong target, or entering a fight we should not be fighting.

I still believe that Scooty's random champions and random builds hurt us. I don't care if Stranger is cool with it. It hurts us.

Scooty and Gordon can't lane together because they end up fighting.

We have to pick better solo tops. We lose top a lot.

EVERYONE needs to buy wards. As one of our carries, I bought about 20 wards one game so we'd get coverage. So, I couldn't carry. Our carries should never buy wards. Our support characters are more concerned with their build than strategy.

Our team builds are for shit. We have a carry, ap, tank(y), etc. But how well do they work together? That's never taken into consideration. It sucks when one or two people on the team pick who they want to play, then we have to build the rest of the team around them. And if the remaining people can't fill out the team well, too bad.

Anyway, like I said, I want to know who's playing what and where before the game starts so I can decide if I want to play that game. Losing 8 out of the last 10 sucks and isn't fun.

Or maybe I just haven't been getting enough sleep and am cranky.
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Post by GORDON »

Since I go Singed 99% of the time just so I know I am bringing my best game to the table, I expect a little leeway when I say I am going to play another character because I need a break.
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Post by Leisher »

I don't even know what to say at this point. It's all been said before.

Did you guys play again after Gordo and I left? I think you anger posted here, and while I agree with most, I think we're closer to better than worse.

I guess at this point, I want to know who everyone is playing and in what lane before we even start a game. If it sounds good, then I'm in. If not, I'll sit that game out.
I still believe that Scooty's random champions and random builds hurt us. I don't care if Stranger is cool with it. It hurts us.

Stranger keeps saying we should play ranked games, but last night we had a game where he was playing solo top, Gordo went GP (no offense at all to Gordo, and I'll get into this more later), Scooty went as his 4th different champ that night (something I don't have a problem with either, but within reason...again, more later), and Cake and I were scrambling to figure out who to play. Once in game, our plan of attack early game was off the cuff, so we were on the same page, but not at the same time. Once that ended, we didn't have a clue who was laning where.

I want to ask Stranger, "Do you think ANY of the teams in that tournament out in Vegas enter a game not knowing who they're going to play, who's laning where, etc.?" None of those teams are sitting down going, "Eh, I guess I'll solo top this time with Heimerdinger."

THAT'S why I don't want to play ranked games yet. I couldn't care less if we lost. I care about being competitive.

The reason it gets all quiet when we lose is because we're losing by beating ourselves. Cake, Gordo, and I play TT a lot. We win more than we lose, but when we lose it doesn't get all quiet. It's because we know what mistakes we made, or we know we simply got outplayed. And that doesn't mean everything is Scooty and Stranger's fault. It just means that our team isn't on the same page.

Scooty and Gordon can't lane together because they end up fighting.

I agree that they need to hug it out.

Our team builds are for shit. We have a carry, ap, tank(y), etc. But how well do they work together? That's never taken into consideration. It sucks when one or two people on the team pick who they want to play, then we have to build the rest of the team around them. And if the remaining people can't fill out the team well, too bad.

We honestly need a list of the folks everyone can play, and in which lane. I'm completely confident that Cake and Scooty could sit down and figure out exactly what combos work together.

I think it starts at mid. We've literally been leaving mid for last and instead building based on one or more people's whims that game. That's not a formula for success.

Champion selection has to be based on purpose, NOT on "I want to play THIS champ, where should I go?"

Losing 8 out of the last 10 sucks and isn't fun.

I think that answers my first question, because my record over the last ten is a touch better.

Back to some of the things I mentioned above:
-I can mid. Who else can mid effectively? I honestly don't know. That's not a rip on people's skills, but who else has played mid well or a lot recently? Am I permanent mid or do we need to address this?
-Gordo has been stuck as Singed a lot. If he's fine with it, cool, but I don't think it's fair. It also doesn't do a lot for our team. As Singed, I can lane with him, and I know I can count on him. Being honest, as Gangplank in mid, I didn't have as much faith. Nothing to do with his skills, but he doesn't get any time at mid. If Gordo wants to start going mid to work on his game there with Ryze, GP, or someone else, I'm cool moving.
-We need a solid top, and I've been thinking about why I have so much trouble up there and realized it's a few things:
1. I'm playing it too aggressively.
2. I'm playing it as mid.
3. I'm not warding enough.
4. I need to play in front of my turret instead of in front of their turret.
I would bet that those mistakes translate to others as well.
-I'm stuck right now with MF, Trynd, and Teemo. I'm going to begin expanding a bit. I'm going to look at Nasus and I'd like to bring out Fiora a bit more.
--Champion kills are NOT worth dying for. We were baited multiple times last night. By the way, the new patch will make killing a lower level champ worth less. (Not worthless.)
-Scooty, you know I don't care about multiple champs or getting upset during game (I do too). If I'm being honest, here's where I see where you could change things up:
1. We played 4 or 5 games last night, and you played at least 4 champs. Your dad is right about not developing team consistency. What's funny is even Stranger buys into it. He supports you playing whoever you want, but he thinks we should all all defined roles (like if I was permanent mid). You played great as Nasus, owned as Yi, and then for some reason switched to Mundo, and then Rammus after hinting at Alistar and Nunu.
2. We can lane together. In fact, I like the combo of our styles as they match up. However once we destroy their turret, you can't leave me alone in lane without telling me. I was Teemo, the squishiest champ in the game, and a ranged AD carry with a support healer will have no problems pushing me off a turret.

That's all I've got for now.
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Post by GORDON »

I only went mid with GP last night because we had 3 at the bottom, I asked a couple times who was going mid, and when there was no answer I just went mid.

I don't remember a lot of details of that last game with GP, but I am pretty sure I was #1 or #2 in the kill/death ratio for the team, so it wasn't a complete disaster.

I do remember that I was hitting bad luck with my ult all the time... there is a one second delay between me dropping the cannon balls and the cannon balls dropping, and almost every time they were Flashing out of range when I dropped it. I wasn't very useful with my ult because of that, and that cost us 4 or 5 kills.

Also I dropped my ult on a fight between Ronnie and whoever once, Ronnie was winning, and as soon as my ult dropped, Ronnie retreated. I have no idea what happened there.

Bottom with Scooty, we just aren't on the same page. I do my exhaust/flip/poison thing, and I count on my lane buddy to do some damage, too, and maybe we'll get a kill. I wasn't getting that, and he criticized me because he didn't know when I was screwing with them, and when I was committing. I don't know what to say.

And, we are back to the completely random champions with Scooty, again. I knew we were going to get beaten as soon as I saw Rammus during champ selection.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I did not play another game. I did not want to lose another. I would have been playing with Scooty and Stranger.

They both have the ability to win games, as long as they feel like playing a champ they are good at that game.

Damn near every SR game, Gordon goes Singed to bring his A game. Scooty and Stranger play whoever sounds fun to them. Leisher and I try to pick from champs we play well to fill out the team. This fails more than it succeeds.

The end of SR games are quiet because we all know what went wrong, but can't talk about it without starting a fight. The end of our TT games, I don't have a problem telling you that you weren't participating in enough fights with Fiora, because I know you aren't going to defend yourself by pointing out a bunch of things you think I did wrong. We can share our opinions with each other without pissing each other off. Scooty's answer for not doing well is "You guys stole my kills". He'd never admit, or let us point out that he played a champ that he's not good at and made bad choices during the game. Not to mention that pointing out how Scooty could have played better with the team as Mundo is useless because we won't see Mundo again for about 15-25 games. So, we take what we are given and move on to the next game. There really isn't much to say.

Scooty and Strangers play style is different from Leisher, Gordon and Cake. They want the kill, no matter what. They will take excessive risk for a kill and hope they can escape after. L, G and C wait for opportunities where the odds of us scoring a kill are greater. When we out number the other team, etc. We aren't perfect and we make mistakes or under estimate the other team. But we view surviving a fight as the most important thing. S and S view the kill as the most important thing. They feel that as long as their kill+assist is greater than their deaths, then they are doing well. So, 2/10/12 is viewed as a good score. I don't hold assists in such high esteem. Since our entire team can pick up an assist by killing ONE enemy, that assist should only be worth 1/5 of a death. So, your assists should be FAR higher than your deaths. You have some AOE affect on their team as you rush in 5v1, we manage to kill two of them, but get aced. You picked up two assists to your one death. Was that good enough in this situation? Not to mention the assists the rest of our team picked up when we all died to the other team.

We've all watched the pros play and have picked up different things from them. Getting people to apply that knowledge is like pulling teeth. The biggest thing I've learned is DO NOT DIE. They are experts at last hitting minions and escaping the jungle ganks. 23 minutes of an SR game with only one death? That's unheard of in our games. I'm all for taking advantage of an over zealous enemy, but not at the risk/expense of our own deaths. Do not die. If the fight isn't leading to an obvious win, pull out. No harm in not scoring a kill when you could have. Great harm comes from dying.

As far as copying other people's builds. That's not enough. The build rarely makes the player. That Kas we were playing against last night. I don't care who ends up with that build. NONE of us could play Kas like that right now. That guy knew what he was doing. The build is only 40% of the success. When people don't practice the champ along with the build, they will not be successful.

That's all I've got for now. I've typed enough.
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Post by GORDON »

Jungler... GET PINK EYE, goddamit. ;)
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Exactly. They just wouldn't. Even in the game where we KNEW they had a shit ton of wards everywhere. Just wouldn't do it. The next game, I don't think it was missed because the enemy wasn't warding much, but still. It's aggravating when the team is asking for something, and it doesn't get done because it doesn't directly improve or enhance someone's build. Just means that other people have to do even more, hurting their build even more.

Post by 83-1330479420 »

I never had a problem with Steve last night, not once. I asked him if he was harassing or committing to a fight, not "What the fuck are you doing Gordon, are you retarded?". If everyone is going to take my comments/ideas/things i say as an insult or talking back or a one-liner, you won't hear me in voice saying anything. Which i've done countless times. I'm tired of my suggestions and comments being taken personal every damn time, so i'm just shutting the hell up. Do what you want, i won't have any "Snarky one liner comments" for you......

Yi is fun for about 15 minutes, just throwing that out there. Hes boring as hell for the most part, because i've mastered him.

Where is Ronnie? Why has he not been setup on the forums yet. Its awesome that we're all here talking strategy, but we're missing a teammate. His input is as important as the rest of ours, he can borrow my account and post if its some kind of unknown issue?

Melee AD Carry: Yi
Ranged AD Carry: Kennen
Melee Tank: Nasus/Malphite
Ranged AP: Annie
Melee AP: Kassadin
Off Tank: Renekton
Support: Zilean/Alistar/Kayle/Karma/Lux/Taric
Solo Top: Hell no
Mid: Favorite
Bottom: Sure
Jungler: Sure
Roamer: Sure

^^^^^^^Everyone should make one of these^^^^^^^^

Tank and Support are really up to the team. Being their role is "The Team", you take a look at the champions and tell me which one you'd like to see based on abilities. Oh and they both tank equally, i play them both equally well so "Nasus cuse your better with him" is not a valid answer (This is why my Rammus failed last night (thanks for the comment Steve thats awesome and totally helpful btw) because i used to listen to how good of a Rammus i was back a while ago, we needed a tank, you know Rammus better then you know Alistar, i picked Rammus).......... Same with Support. I play them all equally well and have good fun with them all, so you tell me which one you'd like to see. Also take into consideration the styles i listed. I love to play middle lane, but if you ask me to play Malphite that game, obviously middle isn't an option, nor jungle, expect me to go either bottom lane or roam. You get the idea, but just whatever you do. DON'T put me in top lane, for the following reasons:

Just can't handle it, i feed like mad when i'm alone up top which just makes me a very very very angry gamer (Its pretty easy to piss me off if you hadn't noticed heheh). The Jungler is never near top especially when i'm being ganked under my turret by 2 enemies. And thats fine, can't expect them to be everywhere at once, but you'd think top would be the first priority especially when they're crammed up my turrets ass. The two games i played Top Nasus, both times feed like i've never feed before (under my own turret) but the Jungler (Ronnie/Randy) never got the clue. It seemed they'd rather gank bottom or middle where they have a better chance of scoring a kill and surviving because they out numbered the enemy 2/1 3/2. I think keeping top on a leash is way more important, because now your Nasus who's supposed to be dominating the game with his Q spell, can't do shit because he has no items, is 6 levels behind, and his Q spell is 1/10th of its power because he never has anything to feed it on (or hes dead)....

Thats all i can come up with. Input on my champion/lane select would be helpful. If this is a problem, don't flip out! Its okay! Its just my idea, calm down. We don't have to try it if you don't like it.

Edited By Scooty Poof on 1333925723

Post by 83-1330479420 »

Cakedaddy wrote:Exactly. They just wouldn't. Even in the game where we KNEW they had a shit ton of wards everywhere. Just wouldn't do it. The next game, I don't think it was missed because the enemy wasn't warding much, but still. It's aggravating when the team is asking for something, and it doesn't get done because it doesn't directly improve or enhance someone's build. Just means that other people have to do even more, hurting their build even more.
I bought pink eye when i was Yi Jungle. Hence the "Oh so then it was a total waste to buy this then....." comment. I had been listening to you guys bitch constantly about this "pink eye", so i bought it 10 minutes later when i finally had enough money and time to go back to buy, and then i get to hear "Oh yea we don't need a pink eye they aren't warding anything"....... REALLY>>>>>>>>

So "They" just wouldn't is invalid. Ronnie just wouldn't is quite valid.
You ask me to buy/do something i do it, don't put me in the "OH I JUST GOTTA GET BLUE FIRST" group, because thats BS and you know it. I leave Jungle when asked and even when not asked, i just know. I purchase wards when i go back and have gold to purchase them, and i purchase plenty of them. Just because it doesn't say "Scooty bought a sight ward" 5 times in a row, doesn't mean i only bought 1 sight ward. It means the game doesn't feel the need to spam when i buy 5 wards at a time.

Very rarely do i pass up the purchase of a buff/ward that a teammate suggests. The only time i'll do that is to purchase my boots so i can keep up with people, and then i'll go buy 5 wards as soon as i have enough money.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Buying pink eye needs to happen before 15 minutes into the game. Waiting 10 minutes until you have enough money can't possibly be valid. It shouldn't take you 10 minutes to earn 400 gold. People put their build before the team.

I'm not sold on the AD kennen thing. All of his abilities are AP bonus based. By not taking AP, your abilities are gimped. Granted, you are attacking faster and hitting harder, but is that really how he should be played? That would be similar to going AD Jana. She can attack fast and has decent attack damage, but all of her abilities are gimped now.

You dropping snarky one liners has been your thing from the beginning. Forgive us if we interpret some of your statements as another one. As you continue to be civil in chat, we will become less sensitive.

Stranger has been setup. Not sure why he's not here.

It's hard for us to make a list of champs so we can build good teams/strategies with them, when the lists change constantly. We've been through this before. You make a list of champs you are going to play, so we know what champs you are going to play. Then you change you list. So, in the end, we still don't really know what you are going to play because your list changes. You started a whole new thread where we post our dedicated 5 champion list. Not only did you list change in that thread, NONE of your original 5 dedicated champs are on the list you have above! And two of the champs you played last night are not on that list, and two others that you considered playing aren't on that list. So, making a list that isn't followed or static is useless.

Yes, agreed that the jungler should be paying special attention to top lane. Like I was last night when I was called out for not paying any attention to bottom who was in desperate need of a gank. I don't hang around waiting for a gank to appear. I travel through the jungle, keeping it clear, looking for an opportunity. If there isn't one, I move on. When I was near bottom, there was no gank, so I moved on. I also assumed that bottom would be able to hold their lane. If they can't, a gank isn't going to solve that problem. It will help, but only temporarily. If we are losing a lane, a personnel change may be in order. Having the jungler camp that lane isn't an option. You have often called out our junglers as being 'crappy'. But the jungler's job is to level quickly by keeping the jungle clear and to take advantage of ganking opportunities. The laners must hold their lanes. If they can't, it is their own fault.

And I know how to lane with Gordon. I know how he plays singed, I know what he's capable of, etc. It's because I've laned with him as Singed many many times. You don't have that advantage because you guys don't lane together much. None of us have the advantage of knowing how you play any given champ. Because we don't see them with any consistency. Like I've said many many times. You and Gordon don't mesh well because neither of you have experience playing with each other. That can be said about anyone that has to lane with you. We have an idea of what your champ does, but NO idea how you use that champ. I count on flips from Gordon. I anticipate them. I capitalize on them. That is all lost when laning with you. Can't anticipate anything because it's always new.

Lastly, clean up your language or you are grounded.
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Post by GORDON »

Cakedaddy wrote:Stranger has been setup. Not sure why he's not here
Haven't set him up yet due to laziness.
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Post by GORDON »

Cakedaddy wrote:Yes, agreed that the jungler should be paying special attention to top lane. Like I was last night when I was called out for not paying any attention to bottom who was in desperate need of a gank.
That was me getting frustrated. Apologies.
"Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid."

Post by 83-1330479420 »

You dropping snarky one liners has been your thing from the beginning. Forgive us if we interpret some of your statements as another one. As you continue to be civil in chat, we will become less sensitive.

The Golden rule. Keep your "Mundo has no kills" comments to yourself. Please. That doesn't help anyone, it just pisses me off and gets me kicked off the team. If you don't like how i talk to you, don't say dumb things. You make that one comment, and i'll remember it for the rest of the night making several of my own. We know you like to be cool in front of all your internet buddies, but seriously. If your going to say dumb crap just do it in ingame chat so i can report you.
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Post by GORDON »

Scooty Poof wrote:
You dropping snarky one liners has been your thing from the beginning. Forgive us if we interpret some of your statements as another one. As you continue to be civil in chat, we will become less sensitive.
The Golden rule. Keep your "Mundo has no kills" comments to yourself. Please. That doesn't help anyone, it just pisses me off and gets me kicked off the team. If you don't like how i talk to you, don't say dumb things. You make that one comment, and i'll remember it for the rest of the night making several of my own. We know you like to be cool in front of all your internet buddies, but seriously. If your going to say dumb crap just do it in ingame chat so i can report you.
That's just bad parenting, right there.
"Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid."

Post by 83-1330479420 »

GORDON wrote:
Scooty Poof wrote:
You dropping snarky one liners has been your thing from the beginning. Forgive us if we interpret some of your statements as another one. As you continue to be civil in chat, we will become less sensitive.
The Golden rule. Keep your "Mundo has no kills" comments to yourself. Please. That doesn't help anyone, it just pisses me off and gets me kicked off the team. If you don't like how i talk to you, don't say dumb things. You make that one comment, and i'll remember it for the rest of the night making several of my own. We know you like to be cool in front of all your internet buddies, but seriously. If your going to say dumb crap just do it in ingame chat so i can report you.
That's just bad parenting, right there.
What am i supposed to say?! I mean really, just take the comments up the butt and not have anything to say? Maybe we could just try, not trash talking our teammates? Especially the ones we know might take it a bit more personally than the next? Just a thought.
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Post by GORDON »

I was just being funny and posted that to make my wife laugh.

Also to insult your father. Which also makes her laugh.
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