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Post by 71-1085092892 »

Posted by: GORDON on Aug. 30 2001,14:57

What happens if a company burns down, and 300 people are suddenly without work? What assistance, if any, will be available to those unable to quickly find new employment to ensure they don't lose their house?
Posted by: Cakedaddy on Aug. 30 2001,15:28

Aren't you the same guy that said "If they are dumb enough to use drugs, then let them die." Among other things along the lines of 'If they can't take care of themselves, then, they aren't being taken care of'. If their factory burns down, then there will be 300 people ready, willing, and able to clean up the mess and build a new one.
Posted by: GORDON on Aug. 31 2001,09:30

Yeah, but what if Milton burns it down?
I see drug usage and unintentional unemployment as two different things. One is hard pressed to pass off a drug dependancy as just a "run of bad luck."

I'm thinking of myself, of course. I'll never use drugs, because I'm too intelligent. But that won't keep my building from burning down when Milton goes off the deep end; I don't care how much smarter than everyone else I am.

Not sure where I'm leaning yet.

Posted by: thibodeaux on Aug. 31 2001,09:46

You realize that with all these "favors" that you're coming up with for the government to do for the people, you're essentially re-creating the statist/socialist kind of system we've already got.
The government is not supposed to be a safety-net for people who have a run of bad luck. I'm sorry, but it's not, no matter how many people want it to be. If you turn the government into a tax-supported safety net, that is redistribution of income, and it's a Euro-Commie-Nazi concept. There, I did it, I invoked Godwin's law.

A winner is me!

Posted by: GORDON on Aug. 31 2001,09:50

I hear what you're saying.

I dunno.....how many people in this country will go through their entire lives and never receive some form of assistance from the gummint?

There has to be an alternative to a handout if you get shitcanned. Didn't Hoover Dam, Golden Gate Bridge and the Intercoastal Waterway get built by government programs during the Great Depression? That was public assistance, but not a handout.

Posted by: thibodeaux on Aug. 31 2001,10:18

Sorry, I shouldn't post here before I have my morning caffeine. No doubt a lot of the New Deal public works programs provided some unemployment for folks. I guess that's more dignified than a simple cash transfer.
I am not a fan of the New Deal. I have no evidence, and don't have any time to dig into it, but I suspect that the New Deal prolonged the Depression. Someday I'll have to study up on that.

Posted by: Vince66 on Aug. 31 2001,10:30

I swear I posted a response on this yesterday. Did I get deleted? ####. And I made an inarguable case to end this entire debate. If only I could remember what it was...
Posted by: GORDON on Aug. 31 2001,10:31

I deleted nothing.
Posted by: Vince66 on Aug. 31 2001,10:59

Well, take my word for it...
I was brilliant.
Posted by: Cakedaddy on Sep. 04 2001,11:34

Perhaps someone should form an insurance company that provided paycheck protection from factories burning down. You want to get paid if your factory burns down? Then pay for the 'factory fire/earthquake/tornado destruction and still get paid' insurance plan. For that matter, voluntary insurance programs could be setup for everything. The 'I'm trying drugs and might get hooked so I might need some assistance later' plan. If you don't have the insurance, then you don't get help. That way, only those that are going to potentialy tax the system will have any money taken away from them.
But at the same time, if our building burned down, I'd be out of a job. I highly doubt the government would assist me in keeping my house. People should be taking care of themselves as far as employment goes.

Posted by: GORDON on Sep. 04 2001,11:46

Quote: from Cakedaddy on 9:34 am on Sep. 4, 2001
But at the same time, if our building burned down, I'd be out of a job. I highly doubt the government would assist me in keeping my house. People should be taking care of themselves as far as employment goes.

The government will be helping you keep your house in the form of unemployment checks (which I realize is at least partially paid by businesses), welfare, food stamps, etc. "Safety Net."

Posted by: Cakedaddy on Sep. 04 2001,12:08

I would bet a million dollars that I'd lose my house WAY before I started getting food stamps and welfare checks. And unemployment wouldn't be enough for me to live on either. It would actually probably make things worse. I'd use that, and make up the difference with some other kind of credit. Then, once the hole just can't get any deeper, the banks shut me down, kick me out, and I never recover. If unemployment was 100% pay, then it wouldn't be an issue. But it's not. Soooo.
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Post by TheCatt »

What about a graduated unemployment system? Small check for those not working, larger check for those doing "public service", but the check slightly diminishes to nothing each week to increase motivation?
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Post by TPRJones »

The real key to the unemployment problem is rampant capitalism.

Take away all the shitty rules and laws that are needlesly stifling our industries, and unemployment would not be a problem. Finding enough workers and everyone having huge salaries would be the problem. Inflation is ugly, but can be controlled.

If you post to this board, you must read John Stosshel's book (the name of which escapes me at the moment). It is absolutely essential, and if the second revolution does come, this book will be the rallying document for it.
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