
For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

The African American champion that just happens to chuck spears. . .

Since starting to play her (very few times), I would build full on AP to try to maximize the damage her spear would do. Last two games last night, I took items that gave the most mana regen, with AP bonus being secondary. More often than not, I'm out of mana. The spear and heal are very mana hungry. Since switching to mana regen centric, I can really spam my spear. Of course I still run out of mana. But I'm chucking a good 40% more spears. And the more spears I throw, the more I land. And even when not going Deathcap, etc, I'm still bringin' a hammer down. I will be adjusting my runes/masteries from AP/PEN to regen as well. Since I miss so many chucks, being able to chuck more is helping more, I think.

I have not been using her cougar form much because I'm mainly focusing on support. Get those spears out there and let someone else finish them. This allows me to spam the heal as well. When in cougar form, my attack speed, armor, etc goes up. It's all about melee at that point. I'd rather have tankier bursty champs up doing that and I'll keep chucking spears. I believe I am more effective playing this way for now. As I get used to her, I'm sure I'll learn when to go cougar on them better. But right now, any time I try to go cougar and jump in for the fight, I'm focused and killed our pushed right back out of combat. So, cougar will come later.

I don't use my trap much because it's very mana hungry as well. And the utility it provides (VERY limited warding sight and little to no damage) doesn't seem worth it. I'm buying wards so I can chuck more spears.

To me, it's all about the spears. So, expect even more spears in the future when I play her.
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