Our 5th

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Post by Leisher »

Now that Scooty has moved into the real world, and is broke, we're down to 4 again.

Theo is always an option, but a couple of you border on hating his personality. Plus, he bitched a lot about our loses the other night, and truth be told, he's a bit limited in his play style. At no point is he dominating games anymore (and I'd argue that we carried him to those numbers because he used to be the number KSer on our team), and his champion roster is 2-3 characters. That all being said, I don't mind him, but I think we'd need to work on getting him onto the same page as us a bit more.

Cake's friend list has a bunch of names, but truthfully, we know nothing about them except they played good in a game once. This is slightly a step above just playing with Hitler, and waiting until we find a competent one to invite to the team.

Real life friends are always an option, but those folks we know that play aren't at our gaming level (TPR and Catt) or are named Troy and have ruined their life by getting married. :) Do we have other options here? Obviously, we all have lots of friends, but do they game? More importantly, like we do?

Do we advertise? Riot has forums and LoL teams post in there all the time looking for new teammates. If advertising is the way to go, do we do it there, or do we go to LowElo's forums, which is a LoL community specifically built around the concept of good sportsmanship?

Do we even look for a fifth? Do we grab more than just a 5th?

Also, Stranger is going to be out for a week soon, so this may not be the best time to search one out. I look for us to do some ladder climbing in TT.
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Post by GORDON »

The other day I was reading slashdot and some woman was lamenting that she loved playing online games, but hated hated HATED how the guys on her team always stopped playing in order to hit on her.

I think finding a good woman gamer like that would be good for the team. We wouldn't be creeps like some single young guy, and we could benefit from a different style of play thrown into our mix.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

After his bitching, and then not playing with us, I figured he was 'dumping' us. He's not good enough that I'd beg him to stay, and he's been far less annoying than he has been in the past. And yes, he's a HUGE kill stealer.

What would 'getting him on our page' be?

I think we should hit the message boards and look for the people posting that they are looking for a team rather than post a message looking for players. That way we don't have to be bothered with a ton of people asking to play with us.

That being said, we will probably have to be prepared to consider using other means of voice comms. It's a pain in the ass when someone doesn't have steam but loads it for voice comms. It's all funky with the way it allows invites. Remember the pain it was to get Stranger in? "Ok, let's shut down voice and restart everything so Stranger can join." "Stranger dropped? Ok, shut it down again, mid game, and restart the chat room." Yes, we can make a solid steam install be a requirement, but still. . . Just sayin'.

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Post by Leisher »

That being said, we will probably have to be prepared to consider using other means of voice comms. It's a pain in the ass when someone doesn't have steam but loads it for voice comms. It's all funky with the way it allows invites. Remember the pain it was to get Stranger in? "Ok, let's shut down voice and restart everything so Stranger can join." "Stranger dropped? Ok, shut it down again, mid game, and restart the chat room." Yes, we can make a solid steam install be a requirement, but still. . . Just sayin'.

Well that's because Stranger was on an Apple. Since he moved to the PC, those issues have gone away.

But yeah, I'd be willing to take a shot at Skype voice.

What would 'getting him on our page' be?

I still feel like he's someone we play with, but who isn't on the same page as the team. I guess I've been disappointed that the "helping all lanes all the time from mid" team player seems to be a more complacent mid who can only play Akali, Vi, or Wukong. Just feels like he used to dominate his lane opponents, and now he's playing them evenly. It's not like we're playing harder teams... Sometimes I feel like his best games only come at the expense of the rest of us having great games, but he's getting the kills. I KNOW I've felt this way several times in the past, and you might remember the chatter with me making jokes about all the KSing he did. It's easy to carry your team when everyone else is doing well...

And that's not meant to bash Theo at all. I enjoy playing with him, but I think we initially put too much stock into what he brought to the table.

I think we should hit the message boards and look for the people posting that they are looking for a team rather than post a message looking for players. That way we don't have to be bothered with a ton of people asking to play with us.

I'm going to start scanning the forums at Riot and LowElo and see if I can find any potential members. I won't be in a rush.

Scooty and Stranger are now sidelined for 10 days. I'll still plan on being on regular times when I'm available, so maybe we can get our TT ranking up?

By the way, poker is over, so Monday nights are back, but Wednesday nights will be lost starting April 10th for golf.
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Post by Stranger »

i think we need to really consider what lane they want to play also, mainly an AP mid. Its by far our weakest position by all of us. Sure we can send a Teemo mid or some other off meta champ but we are sorely missing a good AP player. The last thing we need is someone that wants to go top, Thats where Gordo belongs and i think thats where he should stay. The rest of us can kinda try different rolls but Gordo is top, period.

And no offense to trying out Karthus and having a double kill with his ult against AI, but i don't think that is something that will work for Gordo in real games. You did mention Pantheon and i like that idea, focus on top lane bruiser like champs. Ryze is ok and all but im not a big fan.

If Leisher wants to commit to going mid and learning AP champs then we could look for an AD carry. (I really liked the Anivia the one time you played him) I have done lots of games with random ADC's as support and i can usually get a good feel for their gameplay pretty quickly and can adjust.

I wouldn't mind it if Cake would learn another support or two either. Cause between the both of us we have a lot of jungle champs we could play and i really liked your Nidalee support when i have seen her. And to be honest i love playing support and think i can still get better but every now and again i wouldn't mind rolling a game in the jungle for ranked. But this is all a moot point if we don't find another viable 5th. Cause we really are running with two people who wanna play top lane all the time and its hurting us.
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Post by Leisher »

And no offense to trying out Karthus and having a double kill with his ult against AI, but i don't think that is something that will work for Gordo in real games.

You do know he was kidding right?

i think we need to really consider what lane they want to play also, mainly an AP mid. Its by far our weakest position by all of us. Sure we can send a Teemo mid or some other off meta champ but we are sorely missing a good AP player. The last thing we need is someone that wants to go top,

I agree and disagree.

We do NOT need another top. That's no bullshit. Theo already plays mad because he's not top.

However, we've ALL played mid at one time or another, so I don't think it's an absolute necessity that a new person be an AP mid. They could be anything else, and allow us to work someone else into AP mid. Cake has a bunch, I have a few and loved the role, Theo has two...one really... (but would he move anywhere but top/mid?), and you have a couple. Hell, Gordo has Ryze, and can work on Karthus.

I'd prefer someone, not top, who fits in well with our personalities, and accepts the realities of a bunch of old guys playing a video game against younger folks. Someone willing to go where ever, and isn't barking out demands to people he/she just met like that dipshit the other night.

By the way, my Vayne was better. :D

Bottom line is that I want to keep having fun while adding another cog to our wheel. I'd prefer if TPR or Catt or anyone on the forums (they play so they're singled out), but none seem to match or want to match our level of play.
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Post by Stranger »

Sure we all have someone that can play AP, but noone that actually mains it and is good at it.. Face it, not one of us goes out game after game and plays an Ahri, Lux, Kassadin, TF ect. and excells at it and mains in it. Sure we've all been there and tried it but its our weakest position. Its not to say this person should be only mid and always mid, sure they can play other lanes (preferably not top) cause it does get boring always going with the same lane game in and game out. It was actually cool as hell to have someone that wanted to play support one game (a hitler at that!) it gives us opportunities to play other rolls. But an AP main we don't have, thats a fact.
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Post by GORDON »

Stranger wrote:And no offense to trying out Karthus and having a double kill with his ult against AI, but i don't think that is something that will work for Gordo in real games.
I was kinda joking about that, especially how since I started that line with, "I just bought karthus and played a single ai game with him and now i am totally pro karthus."
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Post by Leisher »

I'd argue that Teemo mid has been kind of successful for us. :D
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Post by Stranger »

GORDON wrote:I was kinda joking about that, especially how since I started that line with, "I just bought karthus and played a single ai game with him and now i am totally pro karthus."
i totally understood your sarcasm in that statement, and my statement was also dripping with sarcasm.
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Post by Stranger »

Leisher wrote:I'd argue that Teemo mid has been kind of successful for us. :D
i never said he wasn't, infact prolly one of the best mid we have had in a while. But look, you're totally missing the point of what i'm trying to say.

NONE of us play AP champs day in and day out. Sure, some of us build our champs with AP items, but i don't consider them AP champs. Singed isn't an AP nuker, he's a sustain AP, Teemo is considered more hybrid and can be built AD or AP and he does damage over time.

With the exception of Alex playing Vieger we have no AP nuker type champs in our lineup. Champs like, Lux, Anivia, and Gragas and many others. Sure we own them, we have played them, but none of us are really a natural fit with that type of champion. We have had sucessful games with them on occasions, but its not what any of us main.

All i was trying to suggest is that we get someone that can roll with AP nuke champs on a regular basis and feel comfortable and do well in that roll.
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Post by GORDON »

Stranger wrote:
GORDON wrote:I was kinda joking about that, especially how since I started that line with, "I just bought karthus and played a single ai game with him and now i am totally pro karthus."
i totally understood your sarcasm in that statement, and my statement was also dripping with sarcasm.
Yeah like your mom... was.. dripping.. with....
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Post by GORDON »

Stranger wrote:
Leisher wrote:I'd argue that Teemo mid has been kind of successful for us. :D
i never said he wasn't, infact prolly one of the best mid we have had in a while. But look, you're totally missing the point of what i'm trying to say.

NONE of us play AP champs day in and day out. Sure, some of us build our champs with AP items, but i don't consider them AP champs. Singed isn't an AP nuker, he's a sustain AP, Teemo is considered more hybrid and can be built AD or AP and he does damage over time.

With the exception of Alex playing Vieger we have no AP nuker type champs in our lineup. Champs like, Lux, Anivia, and Gragas and many others. Sure we own them, we have played them, but none of us are really a natural fit with that type of champion. We have had sucessful games with them on occasions, but its not what any of us main.

All i was trying to suggest is that we get someone that can roll with AP nuke champs on a regular basis and feel comfortable and do well in that roll.
It is my observation that we are unable to protect our AP nukers, when they do get played. Time and again, when we have a glass cannon, the other team just zips right into our backfield, and takes them out first. We don't have enough stun spread through the team to stop them.
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Post by Leisher »

Being the ADC, not protecting our damage dealers, would be my biggest complaint.

I am not even slightly biased.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I'm a better Ziggs than I am Veigar. I'm a better jungler than I am at mid. I would concider Ziggs and AP nuker, but it doesn't really kick in until way late in the game. Late game, I can insta-pop most non tank champs.
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Post by GORDON »

Correct me if I am wrong, but just about every time we play a team that is full of stunners, we lose. I don't know why we haven't switched to a bunch of stunners.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Icy hot stunners?
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Post by Malcolm »

Cakedaddy wrote:Icy hot stunners?
Goddamn you for making me remember them.
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Post by GORDON »

Cakedaddy wrote:Icy hot stunners?
We'd probably lose to those guys too. They were strait ballin.
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Post by GORDON »

I went to the "low elo" forums, and couldn't find the "team wanted" section.

I went to the riot forums, and I was afraid to pull the trigger and contact anyone. Most of them are looking for Gold+ ranked teams, and the ones who weren't.... I dunno. There was one person who just wanted to play support and promised us PRO status if we let him join us.

Someone needs to put out the ad that we are looking for an awesome female who doesn't want to be constantly sexually harassed and is available during our hours. I bet there is a supply of those sorts of women gamers... they are good and just want to play, not be hit upon.

Or a dude. Whatever. I just think we are a good group to attract a female teammate... we are all old as shit and not interested in being facebook buddies and looking for dates and shit. It helps that half of you all are gay and could talk to her about what shoes and handbags are stylish this season.

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