AD Carry

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Post by Leisher »

Since I take the most shit on the team, I wanted to create a thread where you all could come here and blame me for the team's losses. :D

Being serious though, tell me what you see me doing wrong, so we can change it. And hey, if anyone else wants to step into the AD Carry role, feel free. I will happily move to support, mid, top, or jungle.

That all being said, here's some issues I see:

1. Character select.

I don't know that I'm loving Vayne. She doesn't get played much by pros. Her kit is sort of cool in that her Q is an escape and increased damage attack, and her E is a stun (if they hit a wall). However, her W is a passive that relies on AS, and her R is just stat boosts.

I do enjoy her, but I don't know that I really feel her. She has no poke except for the Q that gets her out of position.

So who else to play? I like MF, but mostly for mid. She's got a great poke, she doesn't need teleport thanks to her passive, and she has a touch of escape in her rain of bullets. However, her late game sucks, and her ult is easy to avoid, easy to stop, and it has a long cooldown.

The melee AD champs are straight out shitty for competitive play, so they're all out. Although, I still think Jungle Trynd is interesting. He'd be an asshole out of the jungle, but late game he'd be easy to stop by pros, although not it he wasn't the only AD carry on the team...

There's the three top guys, Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. I don't own Graves, but I own the other two. I have never used Ezreal even in a bot game. However, I think his highly mobile and aggressive poke style might match my play. Corki also has a long range poke, and many say his kit is the best in the game. Graves I haven't spent much time with and don't have the IP to buy him.

Cait and Ashe are also possibilities. Cait is good at CS, and can use her traps to close a lane off overly aggressive pushers. Ashe is Ashe. A natural slow, and a global ult. No escape ability though, so I'd have to play further back and less aggressive.

2. Boots

Mercury Treads. End of story. I'll buy them earlier Cake.

3. AS or a mix of runes?

I really get torn on this one. If I use my runes that are "the best AD runes" according to multiple forum threads (at the LoL forums), I get minimal AD, Magic Resist, and some armor. Early game it seems to make a bit of difference, but by end game it's meaningless.

Meanwhile, I've got a rune page with 38% AS. That can make a huge difference throughout the game, not just early on. There are fights where I've noticed that my lack of AS kept me from getting kills or even being able to defend myself properly.

I've done good and bad as the AD Carry with both rune pages. I really don't know which should be my "go to" rune page.

4. Positioning

This is going to be the most sensitive area, and where we need the most discussion. That's why I'm going to stop here for now. Let's start with the top three. #4 is going to start involving other people's roles, and I don't want to go there yet...

Edited By Leisher on 1347482412
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Post by GORDON »

When I play as Gangplank, I almost always go boots first, because I feel like being faster helps me stay alive better. I take the ones with the cooldown reduction so I can drop my cannonballs on you more often.

Next I typically build a Phantom Dancer... though I frequently throw in that item that build into a Bloodthirster, as it is sorta cheap and gives 10% life steal. But PD is typically the first item I build.

I see a lot of AD carries do the Infinity Edge first for massive damage, but I think if you are trying to build that early game then there is forever when you aren't advancing because you are saving up for the BF sword. I see a lot of other GP's do this, so I dunno. I obviously don't PVP with an AD carry as much as I do with an AP support/carry.

I can't help but think a PD that has you swinging fast with 10% lifesteal is going to be more useful than waiting 7 minutes to afford a BF sword, then be able to hit for 90 more points, or whatever it is, but slowly.

Edited By GORDON on 1347483314
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Post by Cakedaddy »

If you have an ability that is AS based, then you shouldn't wait till end game to start boosting it. I've always started a PD to get my attack speed and movement speed up. Finish another item, then finish the PD. But then, none of my abilities are AS based. If one of your abilities is gimped due to lack of AS, then I would guess AS should be focused on much earlier.

And buy your boots whenever. . . I just found it odd that at level 15, you still had basic boots. Once roaming starts, if you don't have boots, then you can't keep up.

Things I notice:
1. You get in front of your team. I know you want to score the kill. But our carry shouldn't be in front of the team. If your team isn't escorting you to the kills like they should be, then call us out for it. Name a target for us to take you to and we will. But if we don't, yell at us. You have two jobs. Stay alive and kill shit. In that order.

That's really it. I think you might need to change your build order to maximize damage output. But I don't know her well enough to speculate. One way I knew I wasn't using Gragas to his full potential was by watching other people play him. Watched their build order. How they attacked, etc. Learned a lot. Changed my stuff and got a lot better. I still suck. . . but I got better. Watch more Vayne games.

All that being said, if you want to change carries, go for it. I don't think you've gotten all you can out of Vayne yet to know for sure she isn't for you. But that's just my opinion. You know better than I do.

Lastly, I don't think you are losing the games for us. Who said that? I have NOT been carrying my weight in mid. Gordon was spot on saying mid was weak. I'm not a good Gragas. I might still practice with him in solo queue. But you won't see him in our games any more. Gordon is a weak Nunu. Stranger is changing supports around so we don't have a good synergy with him yet either. In trying to build a better team, we are going through some growing pains. So, it's not just you.
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Post by TPRJones »

Almost all my builds (I mostly play AD carry) start thusly: basic boots, recurve bow, ruby crystal, Ionic Spark, Boots of Swiftness ... and then from there it changes up depending on the details of the champ, but usually every item will have some AS in it for my AD Carries.

But once I get that IS and BoS, that's the point where I stop feeding and start being effective and deadly.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Did some research on the Ionic Spark to see if it was a good item. I saw that it could do 125 to up to 4 enemies. Is that 125 each, or spread out? It gives 50% AS, which is good. But no crit percent bonus. This lead to researching 100% crit chance. You can get this with two PD, 1 IE and 1 ghostblade. Every basic attack is critical. And critical, with IE, is 250% of AD. When I play noc, I generally end up around 300 or so AD, I think. However, we noticed I had a 1500 point critical hit during one game. Tried to figure out how I did that. I came up with the theory that my passive allows me to swipe an area in front of me and hit all enemies in the swipe. I must have had a crit hit during one of my swipes and hit multiple enemies and/or minions. Thus giving me a 1500 point hit. I don't think I get 600 points of AD.

Two BT fed = 200
IE = 80
Two PD = 0
Boots = 0
Noc's AD = 110

So, close to 400. So, ya. It must have been based on hitting multiple enemies.

With Ghostblade, I'd drop BT to keep 100% crit chance. I'd lose 70 points of damage (GB comes with 30). But when active, I'd gain 50% attack speed, which would take me to the max 2.5/second. Plus 20 armor pen.

But ya, IS. Not sure if that beats a PD with crit chance bonus. . .
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Post by TPRJones »

I'm pretty sure it's 125 each based on how much damage it does to minions, but I never thought to verify that. I'll pay attention next time I use it.

PD is probably a marginally better choice in terms of total damage potential. But IS includes a way for melee champs to do that last little bit of damage at a distance to an escaping enemy by hitting a passing minion (not common, admittedly, but oh so nice when it happens) and also 250 health which can make the difference early game. Plus for any melee champ without a good area minion clear, IS is almost a must IMO if they'll be doing any laning (or Tiamat if no AS is desired).
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Post by Leisher »

I always thought IS was about wiping out minion waves quickly. The only folks I've ever seen with it are Yordles.
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Post by TPRJones »

That's the intention and primary purpose, but IMO it's also a good early game item for any melee AD (and some ranged) where AS is desired. Give it a try sometime and see what you think.
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