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Post by Cakedaddy »

Oh ya. Update on Scooty. He says he's 'just waiting for an invite'. However, I'm not ready to give him one until I know he's on our page. I don't get a warm fuzzy about that yet. Told him he needed to focus on one champ again. Claims he's only played two lately. Neither of which were Rengar(or whatever his name is). But he said "You keep saying someone should play the new OP champ". I said "Ya, but don't practice in our games." Didn't take the conversation very far because it was clear that he still wasn't with us. He just doesn't see what he's doing wrong, and I can't get him to see it.
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Post by Leisher »

If I come back from the lake tonight will anyone be on?
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Post by GORDON »

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Post by Leisher »

I figured you would. I mean any of the part time players.
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Post by GORDON »

Leisher wrote:I figured you would. I mean any of the part time players.
fuckers, all
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Post by GORDON »

Reloaded my system today so I will need a minute with one of y'all get my microphone set up, before the gaming starts.
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Post by GORDON »

Cake should be on between 10 and 11.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I was the dreaded random 5th in a game I just played. I picked Gragas cause I wanted more practice. Kayle was the second to pick and lock. She called mid. I figured it was a given I'd have it. I ask who she was going to support in mid. Another player says "Kayle in mid is fine. She doesn't have to support any more." Ok, RL friend of Kayle. Whatever you say. Then Rengar picked and locked and took smite. The Draven picked and locked. Mid Kayle and Draven. Awesome. The last waited till 7 seconds left to pick and went Blitz. He also took smite.

So, two junglers. Kayle in mid. And Draven. Plus me. I hadn't seen a team lineup like this since playing as a level 5 player. Other team was: Hiemer, Naut, Ziggs, Kog and Teemo. I figured the only way we'd win is if two of the enemies dropped.

So we spawn and the game starts. I head bottom as the rest of the team went top/blue. Draven says "Grag on bottom?". I said "Where does the double jungler, Kayle in mid team want me?" Draven said "I not sure either. lol" Yes. lol indeed. Then Rengar says "Smite can be used to farm bitch." Yes. I'm a bitch. As the game starts, I stay bottom solo as Draven and Blitz are top. I'm against Teemo and Kog. Two ranged against me, melee. I would harass with my barrels and was able to keep both of them below half health with me above half. They were picking away at my tower as I couldn't keep them off it with the minions. Then our jungler died to jungle spawn. Awesome. Continue holding bottom as long as I can. Jungler ganks top and there are kills on both sides. Then jungler dies in jungle again. I look at his build. He's got basic boots and dorans. Holy geez. Meanwhile, I'm still losing my turret with both of them now hovering around 25% health. Jungler still ganks mid and top. Under the enemy turrets. Meanwhile, I've got two almost dead enemies under MY turret. This is when I say "I'm the random 5th to your 4 man premade team, aren't I." Draven says "NNNNooooooooooooo!"

Yay. It's like playing with bots. But at least bots will sometimes come help you. Whatever. Good practice. The other team had a good kill lead at like 10 to 3 at this point. At one point, Teemo and Kog managed to kill me and they were almost dead. This catches the attention of our jungler and he runs down to finish them off. I'm not good enough to help. But if I set up two easy kills, he'll take those, I guess. He jumps in. They open up on him. They are both below 25% at start of fight and he's at 80%. 3 seconds later, they are both still alive and he's dead.

The game continues, still being ignored at bottom. Still only getting any attention at bottom if I die and the enemy is weak. Rengar is still trying to finish them but dying in the process. My turret goes down. But, top and mid have been doing better than me. Enemy top turret falls. After I spawn, I see enemy bottom in mid against my team. I join the fight. At this point, things start turning around. Draven is starting to score a lot of kills and getting fed. We push mid and take their turret. Team fighting continues and we continue to push mid over time. Take the next turret down. I break off to split push bottom. Kill one turret and while hitting the next, they come to defend and I leave. Game continues with them chasing every enemy champion around the board and me pushing. They didn't like to push. Only kills champs. But, the enemy team kept fighting them which let me continue to split push picking the lanes furthest from the enemy. We pull ahead in kills and have their lanes pushed far. Eventually, we are very ahead in kills, Draven is super fed, but they still won't push. They will stop pushing, go farm buffs, then just enemies again. I'm thinking that we are going to lose because they won't push and the enemy will catch up in farm. So, I start pushing their base forcing the enemy to respond to me. And since the enemy was on me, in their base, my team joined me. So, my team would kill the enemy and I would push their base. This continued until we were actually hitting their Nexus turrets. Then my team joined in the push so they could kill their Nexus. Well, except that as their Nexus was near death, they all suicide run into the enemy spawn.

I was ashamed that we won that game. How. In THE FUCK. Do those 4 FUUUUUUCKING douche bags, draw an enemy team like that? We NEVER do. We had a jungler, who couldn't survive the basic jungle spawns. A blitz with smite. A support character farming mid. Me being ignored on bottom, and Teemo and Kog not being able to kill me more.

I went 6/5/6. Draven went 28/2/8. Jungler was 3/10/5. Enemy Teemo went 13/9/2 and was the only one with a positive ratio. Naut went 0/13/6. Etc. I HATED that we won that game. I really did.

I will admit that Draven was actually really good with that character. He was bouncing his blades really well. The rest of my team was average, at best. I'm seriously ashamed we won that game. I hate knowing those 4 people were happy at the end of it.

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Post by GORDON »

For the record, I didn't rage quit last night, was just really tired.

I don't really like starting so late.

Also I could have done without the "gg faggot." Makes me have less fun than I am already having being on the receiving end of impossibly hard ganks at level 2. I was quite enjoying the "mute enemy team" function. I wish it hadn't stopped working near the end.
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Post by Leisher »

Gordo logged off 44 seconds before I got on, and now I see everyone else on.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Won all three TT games tonight. All three were Noc, Sona and Teemo. I found it funny that we ended the night last night saying that support had no place on TT given the need for burst damage and/or tankyness. Three tanks can do well, three nukers/carries could do well, etc. But support really didn't have a place.

It's hard for me to judge Sona's effectiveness yet as I haven't seen her enough. In one game we are calling for heals because we are almost dead and the heal puts just a small tick of health back. The next game, I'm pushing minions after an ace and Sona is following me and healing and I'm seeing my health jump up pretty good. And of course it's impossible to quantify how helpful her damage/resist buffs are in the middle of a fight since you can't 'see' it. But, bottom line, fight after fight, we were winning. And some with multiples of us with around 11 hp left. We were fighting champs that were able to out damage us, and just BARELY surviving after scoring kills. So, those fights, her bonuses made the difference. Would we have been better off with another damage dealer in there? Hard to say. Because she's also got that stun. That stun allows her team mates to do a ton of free damage.

So, in my opinion, the jury is still out on whether support has a place on TT.

All that being said, we had some of the best team fighting we've had in a very long time. As in, playing as a smart team. First game, we steamrolled them. Started pushing early game and just ran right through them. Second game, they had three champs with heavy early game damage. Se we were pushed back to our nexus turret and turtling. But, we farmed, picked our fights wisely and came back to win. Honestly, I never felt like that game was out of control. We played the game we had to. Never felt in danger of losing. There were a couple of times a fight would start earlier than I was ready because someone got caught in Darius's axe. But even then, the damage was kept to a minimum. We'd lose someone, but would take someone with us removing their ability to push our nexus turret. There was one time where we were baited out by Darius and Ren and Olaf started hitting our nexus turret. Thought he was going to get it. But, we got there in time and pushed him off. So, we did have one close call. Last game, it was pretty even in the beginning. Neither team had a big advantage. But once team fighting started, we just played better again.

In all three games, our team play was outstanding. Smart. Patient. Etc. Was Sona the difference tonight? Stranger instead of Gordon? Nah. I think it was our ability to limit mistakes, capitalize on the enemy's mistakes and just play smarter over all. Much like our game last night. One late game miscommunication cost us the game. I was going in to snipe the dragon and steal a champ kill. My team thought I was initiating a team fight. We got slaughtered as they had been dominating us all game. Should I have let the dragon go? Sure. It wasn't going to be a game changer either way. My team could have defended without me, so it would have been dragon gold and a champ kill in exchange for my death. Good trade, I think. But again, not a game changer. That encounter had merit, but was performed horribly. We made no mistakes like that tonight.

This supports my theory that the way we play > the champs we pick. Of course we have to pick a balanced team and not be stupid about it. But how you play is more important than who you play.
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Post by Stranger »

It is hard to see what Sona is doing when it just looks like she is just floating around out there and just throwing out small heals and giving off aura's. but when i can get her cooldown reduction up i can really start to spam them heals and they add up over time. So no, she isn't gonna pull off a gamebraking heal like a soraka would, but she will help sustain and keep ya in lane after a small fight.

Also Sona's passive all has to do with her autoattacks, so its hard to see anything going on there. But it basically does something different depending on what aura im putting off at the time.

So if im putting off the bonus AD/AP aura (this is when sona has the blue circles around her) her basic attacks do double damage. This is how i seem to always get a couple of kills a game cause it really does hit pretty hard.

If Sona is giving the Armor/Magic resist aura (green circles) she heals closest ally, and her auto attacks now reduce the targeted enemy's damage by 20%. this is a nice, and i always try and put this on the hardest hitting enemy that is out there.

finally, Sona also has a speed buff to all allies with her E. But her passive auto attack will slow enemy champs by like 25%. i use this when we are chasing or being chased.

So Sona is basically the utility queen. Whatever the team needs she can provide. Armor, Magic resist, AD, AP, debuff a hard hitting enemy, slow them down, and an AOE stun to top it off.

And as far as the support on TT goes, i wanted to try it just to see how it would work out. I think it does have a place in TT, You guys were able to get ALL the minions! i can play support and still get more gold then an Olaf and Darius that were splitting minions. This also made Teemo so much harder hitting than those two making them not so scary at all once we got to mid game.
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Post by Leisher »

Stranger's support has given me more sustain and damage. I don't know how we were playing for so long without a support.

I am out tonight as I'm working. Tomorrow is golf night, so if I'm on, it'll be late.

Should be back to normal Thursday. Oh, and since school has begun I should be online earlier most nights as the kids will be in bed earlier now.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I still think it was more about how well we played, than who we played. I think we could have replaced Sona with the dude on the horse, as long as we played as smart as we did. Point is, I don't think it was support that won the games, but good, smart playing.

Perhaps it's not so much full on support, as it is letting two team mates farm and the third, well, supporting. In most games, we try to farm equally. If anyone is behind, we give them one of the lanes to themselves to catch up. And perhaps that's why we are turtling so much. The other team farms up some damage dealers and we can't keep up. But if Singed took on a support role instead, I think we would have had similar results. Give Teemo the farm and just use Singed to create opportunities. Singed has way more health than Sona. Can flip enemies to our advantage. Has the constant AOE poison. The glue and good escape ability. Give him money runes/masteries so he doesn't need minions. (Strangers runes/masteries allowed him to have the same amount of gold at 21 minions and 3 kills as Olaf with 130+ minions and 9 kills. When I played 'support' Gragas, I took no minions and Leisher thought I was under farmed. But, I had three full items and the expensive part of a 4th by the end of the game. Not behind at all.) Let Teemo and Noc do the damage, like last night. So now we have an initiator, instead of a healer. So, yes, he's playing more of a support role, but he's not a full on support champ. He's tanky, does team damage, etc.

Hard to say. We all agreed that the Darius we faced last night was a bad one. The Olaf on their team had a crazy build, or was just a bad player as well. And they gave us a really hard time till late game.

So, again, I'm not convinced that it's a support champ that is the key to victory. In EVERY case, we simply have to play better than the other team. Which we definitely did last night. Not saying support is stupid, etc. But let's not put too much on it either. We'll definitely keep using it to see how things go. But lets see how we do the rest of the week. It's not uncommon at all for us to lose to a team with no support champs. In fact, it's uncommon to see support champs on TT.

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Post by Leisher »

I think it's a mix of factors:
1. Support. In terms of TT, it's obviously not required for success as we've done well without it, and been rolled by teams without it. In terms of SR, I think it's essential.
2. Team comp. It's all about having one person who doesn't have to farm. 2 lanes, but 3 people equals 1 or 2 people are starving or not building quick enough.
3. Teamwork. We played very well like you said.

Hey stranger, they're going to tweak Sona's new skin for the better.

Edited By Leisher on 1346780103
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Post by Leisher »

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Post by GORDON »

I'm home now, but tired. Let's not start real late.
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Post by GORDON »

The way they we so often get rolled like we aren't even playing, and then sometimes like last night where half a team can't even seem to hurt Singed, makes me think that 95% of the people in the game are all cheating and using hacks, and every now and then we play people who aren't.
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Post by GORDON »


Just jumped into solo queue, and right out of the gate 3 out of the 5 are complete douchebags, and I'm the 5th guy.

Nobody from here seems to be on any more. I am assuming people are losing interest and moving on, and we no longer have even a reliable 3-man team, much less trying to find a stable 5th. Unless I hear otherwise, I am going to move on to some other game, because I can't deal with hitlers.

Or, possibly, post an ad for normal peeps looking for a permanent 5th, if I can't find anything else I want to play.
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Post by Malcolm »

Get Borderlands 2.
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