Our Game is Broken

For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by GORDON »

We aren't playing right.

We have little to no stun on our team, and usually face 3-5 stunners on the other team.

- Our team comp is fucked, according to Leisher... I will let him go into that. As for myself on the issue, I do know that when Singed is gone, everything seems to go to shit.... granted I am not as good with my other champs, but with Singed we often have a good showing even when our Hitler sucks and we are going 4v5, essentially. So, why can't we make a good showing when I am getting owned with Nasus? It is still 4v5, with me as the Hitler. I don't think the problem is just me only being good with one character, and even if it is I am practicing others so screw you for judging me.

We aren't responsive to the game dynamic when doing our item loadout. We (you) seem to have the order you build stuff in, and the only deviation seems to be when we need Thornmail, too. This sucks. I personally am always analyzing the game flow when I am shopping. I have a few different ways I go, depending on the flow of the game.

Our junglers get tunnel vision too often. I say this as someone who hardly ever sees our jungler for a gank.

We have lone wolves who just don't give a fuck.

We are not quick enough to swap lanes when needed. Tunnel vision, again, I think. "I can do better next time! I am learning his attack patterns!" No. Switch.

We have two or three fundamental, fatal flaws in our game. We are getting beaten way too often by fucking idiots. We are better than this, and we need to fix our shit.

Leisher has more to add, we talked about this in chat and he agrees with most of my points, and he has done his own research.
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Post by GORDON »

Also Troy quit and that sucks because when he played he was already way ahead of us (at the time) on game tactics. So it sucks that he is a woman.
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Post by Leisher »

Word. Our meta isn't very good. I've been doing a bit of research on the topic (looking at what pros do), and I think I have some suggestions.

1. We die too much. This is all about positioning, warding, and chasing. We need to ward more, stop chasing, and be more aware of our position on the map, and the enemy team's position. The pros have their jungler buy oracles and they run around killing wards. Of course, it's not as big a deal to them as they don't die every few seconds like us.
2. Our AD Carry should be treated like our holy grail. They belong behind the front line. Defend them during fights. They're bringing the damage, and if you let them die to save yourself, you've hurt the team.
3. Support one another. Watch some pro games and you'll see them mass react to situations across the map. (Like if top is in trouble or has someone in trouble, mid will run up to support.) We definitely need to group up more often.
4. Our team comp works for us at times, but fails when we hit teams with lots of aoe and stuns. Sometimes they aren't even as organized as we are, they just have better team comp. Here's what the pros rock: AP mid (preferably someone with AOE and stuns), AD Carry at bot, a support at bot (Taric, Sona, Janna, etc.), a tank with lots of CC and/or aoe in the jungle, and a harassing character up top or someone with a lot of aoe/stuns. Do we have to follow that road map? Of course not. However, it can't hurt to try and mimic it a bit right? I suppose we could easily get away with AP mid, AD carry bot, tank bot, tank top, and harasser jungling. Point being, we need harass, aoe, and stuns. I think right now, our champs don't have that.
5. Know your role. Are we all happy with our role? If peeps think I suck as AD carry, I'll move to another role. I'm more than willing to do that if it gets us to a competitive level. I would hope everyone else is as well. Hell, I even know champs I'd start toying with: top - Yorrick, mid - Ezreal, support - Janna/tank - Rammus. Maybe Scooty should be our AD carry? It's all glory, and everyone in the game is healing and defending him. Sounds like a perfect situation for his teen angst.

Out of all that, I think we should focus on these things to start:
1. Playing our roles.
2. Warding.
3. Eliminating wards.

Also, I think split pushing needs to be examined. One person is a sitting duck, leaves 4 to fight 5, and takes down turrets slowly. If all 5 are pushing, they're able to defend and fight as a team, and can take down turrets quickly.
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Post by GORDON »

Starting to think no one cares any more, especially Troy since he is a woman now.
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Post by Troy »

I couldn't play anyway, I'm on a trial site until the end of the month.

Find me a game we can play as a team that doesn't have the LoL community, and I'm in.
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Post by Leisher »

Starting to think no one cares any more, especially Troy since he is a woman now.

Stranger is in the forums daily, but doesn't talk lately. I think his finance took his tongue. Although in his defense, he might not be able to see this forum...

Find me a game we can play as a team that doesn't have the LoL community, and I'm in.

Good news. There have been changes since you left.
1. Tribunal. Report a player post match and they get judged by their peers. If they are found guilty, Riot reviews the case. Warnings and bans are handed out to those who need it. Hilariously, Riot will ban people for 200 years. I've noticed a huge drop off in the number of jackasses since September. Of course, there are still assholes, but...
2. Riot installed a mute option for the entire other team. Cakedaddy uses it and we have to fill him in on what has been said. In fact, it is on as the default.
3. That leaves "Hitler" who is our random 5th. Hopefully with you back in, we'll rarely need another person to fill out our team. Thus, the only community you'll be exposed to is us.
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Post by GORDON »

Leisher wrote:3. That leaves "Hitler" who is our random 5th. Hopefully with you back in, we'll rarely need another person to fill out our team. Thus, the only community you'll be exposed to is us.
Yeah, Leisher and I wont even play if we are the only 2 on. We won't play with a Hitler.

Hitler = the name we call the solo queue people, who are usually "Worse than Hitler."

We need another person or two who is a serious gamer, doesn't completely suck, and has the capacity to learn. And is available at least a few nights a week.
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Post by GORDON »

Leisher wrote:
Starting to think no one cares any more, especially Troy since he is a woman now.
Stranger is in the forums daily, but doesn't talk lately. I think his finance took his tongue. Although in his defense, he might not be able to see this forum...
I am not sure if he can see this or not, but I just went and made sure he could see and post here. Make sure someone lets him know.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I'm fine with any role. I've played them all and enjoy them all equally.

I've always said the AD carry should be the most fed person on our team. At the expense of someone else falling behind in levels. That's why I don't feel bad when I steal all the farm as Ashe. I've always known what was best. :-)

I'm not sure Scooty would make the best carry because we can try to protect him from the enemy, but we can't protect him from himself. We can lead the charge, but can't make him follow. Etc. But really, not matter what role he's in, we've got to get him to play as part of the team. We scratched the surface on this last week. We need to keep on it.

I've always seen split pushing as something you do when you are losing. When you can't PvP the other team, you take chances on other tactics. It shouldn't be our standard practice. And when it's done, it has to be done by our carry who can do the most damage. Everyone else is playing defense. When done properly, split pushing works. But, it should be a part of plan B, C or D. Not plan A.

I have made it a point to react to trouble lately, and my kill/assist score has gone up because of it. It takes less time to travel to an area that people want to admit to. Even if you don't get there in time to save your friend, there's at least one kill waiting for you, if not two. And you stop whatever push they got going.

I forget to buy pink eye when jungling.

1. React to teammates.
2. Ward.
3. Pink eye.
4. Don't chase.

Those things need to happen. Listed in order of importance.
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Post by Leisher »

Just when we think we could have 5 guys on reliably, along comes some broad shaking her tail in front of Scooty.

We really need to make Troy man up.
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