
For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Played him again just now. First in a while. Solo queue to make sure competition was as low as possible.

I went against an Annie in mid. Trynd was jungling.

Annie ripped me a new one. She was REALLY good. Killed me at 1:47. First blood. Hyper aggressive. I ignored it about 15 seconds too long. Then she killed me again at about 3:30. Trynd starts the trash talk. But doesn't visit mid except to push my minions out away from the turret while I was respawning. She killed me again. Then again. Then again. By the time laning broke down, I was 0/7/2. She was kicking my ass and Trynd was whining like a mad man. Rest of team was visiting mid to help, etc. When they came, we could kill her. But she was really really good and shut my farm down completely. She out leveled me by 4. When team fights started, I began racking up the kills. BURST, kill. BURST, kill. Over and over. Rest of team was saying "Wow". Trynd was saying "Still sucks". Others would say "Just a rough start". Ended the game, because the enemy surrendered, with 6/7/7. If an enemy got within range, he died. Either by me, straight up, or because I bursted him down to 5% and someone else finished. Saved allies on more than one occasion with stun and burst. Either killing the enemy, or sending them running.

The killing streak was a combination of:
1. I wasn't going 1v1 against Annie. ANY second champ and of course she was toast.
2. It was solo queue and other than Annie, the enemy team wasn't very good. Out of their 16 kills, Annie had 8. Two of them had 0.

Point is, even with my farm shut down and lots of deaths, once I get Deathfire, I can burst ANYONE down to zero in less than 1.5 seconds. That's huge. Once I get Morello's Tome, I can do it multiple times in one fight.

My biggest problem with him is landing the combo. Many of my combos miss because I'm not an expert with him. Many of my stuns miss. Etc. But when they do, it's devastating. So, Veigar isn't weak. I'm just not that great at him.

So, you are going to see more Veigar. :-) I will miss Ziggs' range, especially with his ult. But Veigar's nuke is unmatched in the game. He can even kill Darious.
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Post by GORDON »

Cakedaddy wrote:My biggest problem with him is landing the combo. Many of my combos miss because I'm not an expert with him.
Can it be macroed with him?
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Not really. Some spells have a longer range than others. His stun and his spell that drops stuff from the sky are not targeted on a champ. You target the ground. His Q and R are targeted on the champs though. So, the macro would have to adjust to the relative nature of the battle that is taking place. The thing that drops from the sky is delayed. So, you have to anticipate where the enemy will be. Can't macro that! Well, I can't. . . Plus, the deathfire and his Q have different ranges than other spells, etc. So, again, not that I have the ability to do.

The combo is often:
Delayed sky drop spell
Deathfire (this is where they take their first chunk of damage)
Q or Ult
Ult or Q (whatever you didn't cast above)

With most champs, if I can land the Sky drop spell after the Deathfire, they are very near death and often don't have to use the Ult because my Q may kill them, or a teammate will. Then I can use my ult and another Q (which refreshes quickly) to do major damage to another enemy setting them up for a teammate kill.

My Deathfire, Skydrop, Ult, Q will kill, or take down to <15% ANY fully fed champ in the game. Rammus comes in, I burst him, and he WILL die to two more basic attacks from our carries. Veigar makes it so you can actually focus their tank and not lose the fight. But ideally, Veigar bursts their Tank, our ranged champs do additional damage, but we never fully engage. He limps away and now it's a 4 v 5. Our tank initiates and we start killing them. Let Viegar harass the enemy tank, but the rest of the team doesn't over commit to finish off what appears to be an easy kill. That just puts our carries within range of their burst champs. And that's bad (for Teemo!).
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Post by Cakedaddy »

(Scooty Talking)-

All you have to do is practice the combo. You always say that early game the stun doesn't last long enough to land a dark matter. Which is why you disregard my recommendation to level dark matter as quickly as you can to deal max damage after stunning. Well, your doing it wrong then! You have to get faster at it, you have to anticipate and it must be instant. It can't be over their head, and it has to be within a quarter of a second of dumping the stun. Ask Tim and TPR's friend when we played that one 3v3. I'd stun them very low level, and still land a dark matter almost every time. Its very hard to do, i won't lie, but it can be done, and when done right its devastating. Not saying you have to level dark matter immediately, that game i focused everything on my q to jack my AP bonus way up, but what i am saying is, "My stun is to low a level to burst anything" is not a valid answer, it can be done!

Dark matter is the "sky drop" spell btw.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Ok. Problem solved. Get better. Got it.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Just a reminder. Veigar is a mage killer. His ult does a ton of damage plus 80% of the ENEMY'S AP. So, in fights, I'm really trying to target the AP champs. That being said, keep it in mind during team fights. If you see my spells going, look for the mage that's almost dead because I just bursted them.
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Post by GORDON »

I was not aware of that. We should both play veigar then we could stack veigars and the other team would be like WTF.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Just played a game with 4 hitlers. 3 of them were premade so were especially evil. Trolling champ selection, etc.

They suuuuuuuuucked. No team work. Carries were the first to enter fights. One kept going in from behind to take all 5 of them on by themselves. I went 10/5/17. Nunu went 13/10/26, who was the next in deaths. Everyone else was deep into double digits. I was blowing up Diana and Lux every fight while the rest of the team smartly targeted Voli over, and over, and over, and over. We lost a 5v4. Their Diana rage quit at some point. Don't know why. But they still won. Xin 14/21/16. He was the expert at going at them from behind, by himself. Rengar, the new OP champ. 4/14/11. He was one of the premades and they would race into champ selection to grab him, then hand him off to the one that played him. Watched them do it through 3 champ selections. Then they'd troll and trash talk everyone else because they got him. In the third queue I was stuck with them in, they even took Veigar. But then gave him up because they didn't really want him. I didn't care cause I had been practicing Ashe as well. But just sayin' what mentality I was dealing with. The enemy rengar? 21/15/15.

Just a horrible horrible game. But, I still played awesome. Defended our turrets against heavy pushes over and over again. Was mid against Diana with her stupid long range. I was able to hit her back enough though, that one of our bottoms came up and killed her. She was really bad at dodging my sky drop spell thing though. As in, she wouldn't. It was like she'd never faced Veigar before. That was the only reason I was able to match her in damage and keep her as low as I was.
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Post by Stranger »

Just wanted to say how much better Cakedaddy's Vieger is. Definetly not feeding early game anymore, and hitting that stun circle LOTS more! GOOD JOB

Edited By Stranger on 1345664229
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I took Scooty's advice. He was right. Getting better helped things!
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