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Post by Cakedaddy »

We ready?

I don't like Turtle Bay, because they tried to PK me once. They act like they are all about helping newbies, etc. But, when they are bored, they will PK. They recruit everyone, because they want to have a big guild. So, it's easy to get info. However, they are a bigger active guild. They probably only fight when they REALLY out number you. Was watching 5 of them get chased into their house by two people. And I even attacked one of those people trying out my "attack red" hot key! Not saying they suck. . . but they sure seem scared. Oh, and one of them died in their house as the red chased him in there. Not sure if he got banned.

Anyway, I'm down with warring them if everyone else is. Just know, they are everywhere, and they have alot of people. They have a tamer or two as well cause I see white wyrms walking around with them. Not sure it they are TB, or an ally though.

Let me know what you think.
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Post by Troy »

Yes, and also war anyone who has a war guildstone as well, moar targets!

Also, don't pick up any chests on monsters :p
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Post by GORDON »

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Post by Leisher »

I heard that anyone who doesn't want to go to war is gay.

That being said, why would you go after the single biggest guild when you're brand new to the server? Particularly one that might be half good guys?

Why not work on your tactics against smaller guilds?
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Post by GORDON »

Leisher wrote:I heard that anyone who doesn't want to go to war is gay.
Actually, I was the FIRST one who wanted to go to war.
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Post by GORDON »

Leisher wrote:That being said, why would you go after the single biggest guild when you're brand new to the server? Particularly one that might be half good guys?

Why not work on your tactics against smaller guilds?
Heh, to be honest, I'm not actually all that worried about gunning for a bigger guild. Maybe I'm just being penis-y, but we've done it before. We just have to have discipline and be patient and use our guerrilla tactics.

That one big difference, though, is that in the past we were the only peeps on broadband, using networked UOAM, and voice comm. Now everyone does or has it. May not be as easy as it used to be.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I do not anticipate it being as easy. (Especially when we are getting our selves stuck behind walls or trying to kill our targets with recall) And I don't think there are any good guys on the server. They say they are there to help newbies and stuff, and I think they do to some extent. But their GM recruits with the saying "Do whatever you want to people outside the guild. I don't care how you play. Just don't mess with guild members." So, while giving some free stuff to people in the beginning, they will also kill new players that choose not to join them. I was one of them. The VERY person that tried to recruit me, tried to kill me about 3 weeks later. His recruiting speech included "We want to be the biggest guild on the server." So, that's their charter. "We fuck with non TB members and we want to be the biggest." So, ya, there might be some good guys in the bunch. But. . . guilty by association, I say.

Also, there was a thread about setting up the newbie wall. A spot in the undead dungeon that was popular for newbies to train at. They'd form a wall and all fight the undead spawn that would come at them. They would cross heal, attacking the same targets. They gained mad skills working as a team. Someone wanted to get that started. It was mentioned that it would only last until a glob of PKs came and wiped it out. Then someone mentioned that perhaps TB could protect the wall from PKs. Then someone else pointed out that it would probably be TB people that were the first to attack the wall. So, it's well known that they PK and grief right along with the rest of them.

Most guilds are more interested in quantity, than quality. Before anyone else started playing, I was shopping for a guild to join. I couldn't find ANY guild that didn't allow PKs among their ranks. So, we will be the first, true, anit-pk guild on the server, that I can tell.

That is. . . until Troy gets bored and starts attacking!

That being said. . . I'll try my best to provide targets for the guild! But, I won't do it indiscriminantly. I like to pick my enemies carefully. We have always fought for a cause, not for sport. We pick a guild, and tear it apart. That's not to say we don't war multiple guilds. We just don't war all guilds. We could declare on 50 guilds and go Order and have targets everywhere! But we wouldn't accomplish anything. We'd just be scoring kills. We've always had a reason to go to war and document our progress the whole way. I'm guessing that our first war will be against TB. But by this time next week, it will include their allies. I already know they fight with other people, and I'm SURE those people will attack us as well. We can always report them. . . but I like to know up front who's gonna hit me. So, anyway, picking a fight with TB, I think, will give us a good number of targets for now.

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Post by GORDON »

On the old TKV "Enemies" page we used to always, "Why did this war start?" at the beginning. As far as I recall.

Usually it was when one of theirs PKd one of ours.

Hey Randy.... on their forum, in the "Guild Recruiting" section (or whatever it is called), start a new thread called "TKV." Make the first message "IS NOT RECRUITING." See what kind of response it gets.
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Post by GORDON »

As for Troy getting bored, personally I could care less if he has a PK character as long as it is in no way associated with TKV. Keep it out of the forge, don't expect TKV members to be buddy-buddy, etc. Because I might want a PK character, too ;)
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Post by Cakedaddy »

You'll have to trust me when I say that you won't have a lack of targets. Not right now anyway. Taz and Alex went hunting tonight and had a ton of action. Would come in waves. Would find nothing, then BOOM, blood, bubbles and butts, everywhere. Most of it was at the brit graveyard. But we chased a PK out of the Cyclops Valley. Saw a pack at the forge liche spawn area, but missed them. Ummm. Shame blood ele spawn. But our single kill was in the GY area. I died twice though. Once was just the way the fight went. Went for the killing blow instead of healing. Taz was trying to cross heal and healed himself. heheh I told him to stop doing that. While I appreciate it and all. . . we've never been cross healers. So, I wasn't expecting it and we MIGHT have gotten him if he'd have stayed aggressive. Not sure though. We had him really low, and that's why I kept casting ebolts instead of healing. But then, the guy had healing (healing hally mage) and maybe he got one off that I didn't see. Anyway, I died to that dood. Then I got ganked by a red and 2 or 3 friends. I forget to get trapped pouches after dying the first time and got para-ganked. Our kill was. . . I'll have to check the picture. But it was some red we ran into at the GY. We had a handful of near misses though. They'd recall with hardly any health left and stuff. And of course, we were called gankers already. We've got some learning to do yet. Tas hasn't played in forever, it's been a while for me, and we've never played together. But, I definately see that we'll being kockin' 'em out the box later when we're rollin' 3-4 deep.

So, ya, our first actual fights. 2 to 1, bad guy's lead. But, now we know who some of the blue PKs are. Oh, and also, 90% of the blues at the GY are NOT there to fight. They are there to try to loot other people's kills. That's all I can figure. They would run to town and talk about how many reds were up there, when the reds showed up. Oh ya, the gank squad (1 red, 2 or 3 blues) didn't dry loot me. In fact, most of my regs and runes were still on my body. Tas, did you loot anything? So, there's that. -F- I think is the guild. Props to them for that.

We were fighting -F- later on along with another group of people. We weren't really sure who was who. But, we saw a red. So, we tried to gank the red. As soon as we'd start dropping damage, someone would cross heal. So, we tried it on one of the grey healers. Same thing. I mentioned that I wouldn't be surprised if they have scripts that watch each other's health. And who ever's health starts dropping, they auto drop their heal spell on that person. Could be wrong, but they were dead on. We'd both exp/ebolt and they people wouldn't drop below half health. Eventually, they killed who ever they were fighting and turned their attention on us. We ran away. There were FOUR of them!!!

So, ya. We're ready for some more fighters, and when T-B accepts, we'll have plenty to do, I think.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Above, kockin' is suppose to be knockin'. But I can't edit my post.

Troy. . . By ANY chance, do you have auto screen shots turned on in Razor? Our first kill, and I don't have a picture of it. I don't even remember what his name was.

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Post by Troy »

I don't... but his name was "run"
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Post by Troy »

We shoudl war Finesse and the the -f- guys.

I noticed they were smack talking about wars on the forums. plus it will help us figure out who the not really blues, are.
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Post by GORDON »

I got attacked tonight.

"Lucifer" came up to me when I was outside Brit fighting an ettin, troll, and harpy. He said "hi" as I killed the harpy... then i saw him go gray.

I was on foot, he was on a horse.

I got away by running into the guard zone, he didn't follow. Still, was a good 45 seconds where he wasn't able to kill me. My health didn't even get below 75%. He sort of sucked.
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Post by Troy »

I have a silver power broadsword you can have if you want to kill liches with.
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Post by GORDON »

Damn... killed one lich, no problem.

Second lich... knocked me down about 40 points with one hit. Damn... start a heal. Then BAM dead, I think with a spell/hit combo. That wasn't cool.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

You can kill liches pretty easy with any silver weapon. I have a silver broad sword of ruin. I can only fight them one at a time, but I don't die to them. About 1 out of 7, I'll have to back off of it because it's hitting me with good spells.

You could sell that silver power for, I'm guessing, about 5k. If the liches spawned faster and kept you busy, it would be a good one to use. But, they spawn slow enough that a weak weapon keeps them down. But then, 5k isn't a TON of money either, so, whatever. . . . But if you have enough stuff that you want a vendor, May has a house by the Yew gate that we use. You could put a vendor in there. Only rules are, you can't sell anything for less than May does! She needs the cash flow to keep us financed. She doesn't deal in magic weapons, so, you can sell those all you want.
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Post by Troy »

Sweet, I'll do that then.

I have a pile of random magic weapons.

I'll only sell high value ones though. I have a few crappier ones that would still be good for liches.

I've had very good luck with balron loot. I got a level 5 t-map yesterday, too.

Edited By Troy on 1240591129
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