Guild stuff

For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Remember we have this forum!

We put a tower down at the forge spot. Put a small house next to it so that no one else could. Couldn't place the tower such that no other houses could be placed. So, we filled it ourselves. The small house is only ONE tile from the tower. Could not fit two tiles. So, that's a thin spot to try to retreat through. There is only ONE tile to the right of the small house between it's wall and the trees. Again, thin line. Keep that stuff in mind when running from, or after, the bad guys.

Security. Well, the security we thought we were getting from the tower is not there. I can stand on the ground floor and cast EQ and hurt (quite badly it seems) anyone on any floor. So, blocking off upper floors does not protect you from damage. Only looting. So, any house with unlocked front doors is not safe. We can secure stuff. .. but it's not safe. So, we have different options.

Option one: We lock the doors and everyone has keys. We only do this while people are training. We DO NOT carry our keys while hunting and whatnot. So, the tower would not be a safe haven from bad guys as the doors will be locked and you will NOT have your keys! When you need in, go to the bank, get your keys, go home. If keys are lost, they can be easily replaced. I'm only thinking of the people that are afk macroing. We don't want to screw them over by dying to PKs with our keys so that the PKs can then EQ the macroers. Macroers need to know they will be safe for the night! Once we are all trained up, we unlock the front doors but keep various other doors locked for security purposes (not safety). So, I propose we lock the doors, everyone has keys so they can come and go. But don't fuck your buddies and lose the keys to PKs so your buddies can be killed!

Proposal 2: Lock Maydchen out of her tower while we macro in safety there (tower by the sheep pen) and leave the forge open for retreating and stuff during normal game play. I'd rather not inconvenience her though. She's already paid for 90% of our tower. . . I don't want to kick her out of hers too!

Future security: We'll have guild supply chests, probably on the first floor, for dumping loot, holding potions, weapons, etc. Upper floors, in locked rooms, will be more storage and stuff. I dunno. But the chests we hit most often will probably be in the main entrance area. I'm down for whatever here.

The back room on the first floor is going to be where Maydchen sets up shop to keep us supplied with war goods.

So, that's housing for now. Oh. Don't know what the other small house will be used for yet either.

TaZ's spellbook is now full and there's other stuff for you guys in the chests as well. Namely, 45 recall scrolls for you to use if needed.

I'll be around tomorrow, but I actually have to work tomorrow night. So, make sure you are around when I am so I can friend you and give keys, etc!
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