Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf - X-Box

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Post by Leisher »

Update: I had to recreate this thread because I goofed the name of the game. Its Mechassault, not Mechwarrior. I confused the two because of the Mechwarrior games, because this one is set in the Mechwarrior universe, and because your character is called Mechwarrior throughout. So it was on my mind. I'm adding Cakedaddy and Gordo's comments like they were in the original chain, but keep in mind that they're talking about the Mechwarrior series for PC (which I hear the third installment is exceptional), and not the Mechassault series for X-Box. My bad.

I got this game yesterday.

I just finished it.

Essentially, this game kinda, sorta picks up from where the first ended. I say "kinda, sorta" because the same characters are around, but unless you know the Mechwarrior universe you'll have no idea who anyone is or who the clans are. I say that because I don't know the universe and I didn't really give a fuck that we were going to house Steiner.

The gameplay is pretty standard: Get in mech. Kick ass.

The developers added a few new wrinkles this time like battle suits, VTOLs, turrets, and tanks. That's all fine and dandy, but I have to point out that the game is about Mechwarriors, thus people may be buying the game to pilot a mech. These other vehicles are nice distractions, but they take up way too much of the game. Not to mention that they're all terribly weak, so the last thing you'd want to fight while in them is a mech.

One thing to note about the battle suit is that you can jump onto a mech and "carjack" it if you can play a little mini game which consists of hitting buttons when prompted.

The game is about 20 levels, each of which takes only mere minutes to navigate through.

The game sounds and looks ok, nothing to write home about.

Problems? Oh yes.

If you program or design games and you think that a save feature isn't needed that allows players to save anytime, then you are a fucking idiot. I cannot comprehend the logic that must go into the decision to force players to replay levels over and over. Apparently these developers' penises are too small to allow them happiness in their normal lives, so they must take their rage out on players.

Outside of that, the game is buggy. Many missions screwed up in the middle. Explosions would send wreckage flying through the air where it would stop and exist in suspended animation. Other missions were poorly designed so that I could easily take advantage of enemy AI and essentrially beat a level without taking a hit.

Also, the pause menu is worthless, particularly for reading the bland, and not at all specific, mission objectives.

Oh, and did I mention that this game called MECHASSAULT where you play and are named MECHWARRIOR has you fighting the end boss in something other than a mech??? I'd love to hear the explanation behind that decision. Do designers even pay attention to the gaming public? Did they not hear the bitching about the end of Halo which was a first person shooter that ended with a stupid driving mission?

The game is worth the rental for the fun of piloting a mech, and because you can beat it in a day. Just don't come for the storyline or for a well designed game.

4 out of 10.

Edited By Leisher on 1104596682
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Post by Leisher »

Originally posted by Cakedaddy.

I played the first one, and got tired of only fighting in a mech. It seemed like I was doing the same thing over and over and over. I got to try different mechs with different weapons. But, I have yet to finish it cause I feel like I already have. I've done the mech attacks an area thing enough. I saw the making of Mech 2 on Tech TV today. I found the added stuff interesting. They of course don't go into the bugs, but the added animation and better graphics looked good too.

Too bad we can't switch to an alternate universe where the other you had played the first Mech Warrior where the fighting in a mech was done to death, and then read the other you's review of Lone Wolf.
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Post by Leisher »

Originally posted by Gordo.

I got "Mechwarrior: Titanium Edition" years ago when I got a faster video card, and wanted to see the pretty graphics. I found the game too buggy to get through.
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Post by Zetleft »

The last mechwarrior game that I really liked was Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries (from ye old 3dfx days). That one just seemed to have the best gameplay and all the latest PC rehashes just didn't play well and the xbox only does these lame action versions.... sooo yeah guess I'm not missing much by not buying this one.

This Mechwarrior universe needs a shot in the arm, hell maybe a Mech sim where you are the leader of the house controlling troop movement throughout the universe and counter-attacking the clan invaders and stuff like that. Maybe throw in research trees and the all important salvage mechanics.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I was talking about the X-Box game as well. Mech-whateveritis. The game that Lone Wolf is the second installment of. I never played Mech-anything on the PC.
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Post by Leisher »

I was talking about the X-Box game as well.

I held back my comments because I wasn't sure. Now that I know...

I did play the original Mechassualt and I felt the same way about it that you did. After a while, it was just battle after battle with nothing really standing out.

This time around, I have to report that its the same feeling. While the different vehicles, battle suits, etc. do add a touch of variety, its not enough. For example, the battle suit, which is the variation you'll spend the most amount of time in, is just a mini-mech. Picture the same battles as you'd find in a mech.

Not to mention that the main function of the battle armor is to hijack enemy mechs, so the minute you see one, you'll be right back in a mech instead of the variant.

The VTOL only appears twice and isn't meant to be used in combat.

The turret shows up in one mission (maybe there are more, but only one is featured in the game) and it SUCKS.

To make things worse, the mechs are less varied and the bigger ones seem more bland.

Also, while the graphics are better than the first game, they're nothing special. In fact, it'd be impressive if the developers figured out that there are more than 15 colors in the world.

The added animations are pretty cool. I liked watching my guy climb down a ladder from the mech so he could walk up to a console, play a quick mini-game that lasts 6 button presses (that has no animation), and then watch him climb back up as enemies converge on me from the door that the console opened. In other words, they're a cool touch, but not worth the price of admission.

If you just gotta have some Mech loving rent it, just don't expect to be satisfied.
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Post by Zetleft »

Actually I just heard something that did interest me in Mechassault now. A persistant conquest mode via Xbox live. If you have live can you try this out a bit. Basically its a persistant map with the 5 different houses each trying to conquer the others, you invade other planets or defend your own from attacking players. I don't know if you played the online Battletech game that got bought out then shitcanned by EA but it sounds alot like that, but without the subscription fee.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I was going to say someting about the online stuff as well. The add-ons seemed like they would really change it, as well as the persistant thing they have going on. But, I've never played anything X-Box online so I don't know. All I know about is what I heard from the creators on the 'making of' special on Tech TV.
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Post by Leisher »

Sorry guys, I don't have X-Box live nor do I have Mechassualt 2 anymore. I've already traded it in.

Still, if you need to get a feeling for the online stuff, just go to some online forums. GameFAQs is a good site. I remember seeing a lot of complaining about the game's balance online.

Apparently, 12 on 1 matches are common and there's no penalty for team switching in the middle of battle. There also seems to be issues with the mechjacking online.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

What was the trade in value for that game?
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Post by Leisher »


I've been living on trade-ins at EBGames for some time now.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

With the rate that you beat games, you might be better off with Game Pass from Blockbuster or one of those online rental things. For the $20 hit you took on that game, you could have borrowed many more games from Blockbuster.
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Post by Leisher »

I've looked into it. There's also a Netflix type of service out there.

The problem with those services is that you're limited in the number you can get per month. Also, you're not guaranteed new titles. You just get put on a waiting list.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Even at Blockbuster? The rules at ours is no more than two at a time with no limit on the number per month. I do the movie pass. I've pulled out 6 movies in a 24 hour period one weekend. I'm considering canceling my movie channels and just running with the blockbuster thing cause I can watch what I want when I want. I watch about 20 movies a month on it. It helps that BB is about 1/4 mile from my house.
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Post by GORDON »

Cakedaddy wrote:I'm considering canceling my movie channels and just running with the blockbuster thing cause I can watch what I want when I want.
You'd have to wait for the Deadwood episodes to come out on DVD, then.
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Post by Leisher »

Not sure about the Blockbuster rules.

I know Blockbuster is changing a lot of stuff like no more late fees as of Jan 1st.

I'm still not crazy about them though. Any corporation that sends me a notice in the mail because I owe $3.00 in late fees obviously cares more about cash than its customers.
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Post by GORDON »

I really think Blockbuster is going to die, which is why they are changing so drastically to compete with "Video on Demand" that I now have through Time Warner cable. The only advantage Blockbuster has at this point is a backlog of older flicks that aren't currently available on VoD. VoD's convenience, lack of late fees, and no scratched up DVDs all trump that, I think.
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Post by Leisher »

Don't forget that older movies are about $10 on DVD. Why rent a classic when you can own it?
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