Gone in the Night (2022)

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Gone in the Night (2022)

Post by Leisher »

Winona and her big brown beaver star in this film about an older couple who rent a cabin only to find a younger couple there. One thing leads to another and Winona is dealing with betrayal. Being a middle aged woman this isn't sitting well with her. Enter Dermot Mulroney.

Interesting film. I went in thinking it was something else, based on Hulu's recommendation, and it was, but wasn't. I really don't want to give away any spoilers, but I will say I thought the movie was going to be in or close to the horror genre.

Winona is still an attractive woman, imho. Also, shout out to Brianna Tju who I think stole the movie. She killed every scene she was in.

Overall, I'd put it on the line between meh and decent. The concept of the movie is interesting and everyone involved does a fine job. However, it's really slow to get rolling, there's no explanation for the concept, and characters have to do really dumb shit for the ending.

The concept at play is a long time whack-a-do conspiracy theory about Hollywood and is covered in an episode of Family Guy. Remember the two parter riff on Clue when James Woods gets murdered? Then in a later episode it is explained he was saved by Hollywood doctors using an 18 year's body, blood, and spirit? That is what is going on here.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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