Deus Ex: Human Evolution (Director's Cut)

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Deus Ex: Human Evolution (Director's Cut)

Post by Leisher »

This version includes The Missing Link DLC.

I was going to start up Mankind Divided many moons ago, but didn't remember much of the original story so I loaded up the original and...mistake. Sometimes things don't age well. The story was fine, I'm sure, but the tech and graphics. Yuck. So I ended up playing something else and then other life stuff stepped in. Recently I went back to Mankind Divided, but noticed I owned Human Revolution, so I figured maybe it was newer and would be acceptable. It was...

You're Adam Jensen and your scientist girlfriend was killed during a raid on your tech company. The kicker is that you were the security chief and basically were killed in the raid. However, in a shout out to Robocop you were saved with high tech augmentations that made you better than before. Now you're on the hunt to find who was behind the raid and get your revenge.

The rest of the story is a background story that moves in and out of your main story and it has to do with the ethics of augmentation. There are several players in that one and, of course, it ties into your story far more than you know at the start. The overall story of the game is genuinely solid. You will enjoy that part a lot. I do have one thing to point out about it, but it's a major spoiler...

Deus Ex: Human Revolution was released in 2011. There was a very good and popular movie released in 2014 with an almost identical plot device that takes place at the end of Human Revolution. I won't name the movie, but I would not be surprised if that concept was stolen from this game.

Anyway, there are two ways to play this game:
1. Balls to the wall and kill everything.
2. Stealth and kill nothing. (Knock everything out though.)

Option 1, imho, is easier. You'll find more weapons, ammo, and you don't have to worry about setting off alarms, yada, yada, yada.

Option 2 is far more fun, again, imho. There is an achievement for not killing anyone all the way through and another for not setting off an alarm. I failed on both, but no idea how. (Bosses don't count, so kill them.) I just think this adds so much more to the game, in terms of strategy and tension. It'd be different if this was like Doom, but it's not. I think it's geared more towards stealth.

Your augments give you a skill tree so when you level up you can apply points to learn new ways to sneak around and kill or knock out. Hint: Go full hacker early on because you can then hack everything for gobs of experience. Even if you don't, you will typically find passcodes if you search around.

The only weapons I really used was a tranq sniper rifle, stun gun, and a combat rifle for the main baddies. You will get upgrades and if you focus on those, you're golden. Because I am sick in the head about collecting and selling shit in games, I also had over $80K in my account when I beat the game and that's after buying every possible skill point I could and any weapons, ammo, gun upgrades I could find. So...don't sweat your inventory. Keep what you really want as cash won't be an issue.

My biggest complaint about the whole game was the energy system. You start with two batteries and can boost it up to 5. However, a single action wipes out a battery until you get to those final two where actual recharging takes place. There are power bars you can eat to recharge the other three, but it was far too easy to lose energy if trying to take out a bunch of enemies in succession. Also, waiting for the charge was silly.

This was a really good experience that I would recommend, especially for the great stealth gameplay and story.

Moving onto Mankind Divided...
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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