The Rental (2019)

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The Rental (2019)

Post by Leisher »

Here's the full movie:

Watched this because I was curious about the similarity and date of this movie compared to this one. Turns out, they just happened to be similar in setting.

Two gay guys and two girls head to a rental house for the weekend. Upon arriving a killer starts stalking them.

This is part comedy, part horror. Most of the comedy comes early on before the killing and it includes fourth wall breaking. The horror part is really not horror unless you're Amish and this is the first horror movie you've ever seen.

The horror part goes on WAY too long. This entire film could have been 30 minutes, but it was everyone's first effort. Pacing and all that will come in time.

It's a silly little indy that clearly had no budget. I would only recommend it for folks who really just enjoy filmmaking and want to watch some folks who were obviously having fun making a dumb horror. Everyone else can skip it.
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