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Post by Troy »

A little like Terraria, a little like Magicka, totally fun.

Super repayable roguelike. Basically you clear each level for as much loot as you can before going down until you find a portal to the safe zone where you can buy items, tinker with your wands, and then you go again.

My major complaint is that in levels 1-3 the difficulty seems about right, but when you hit level 4 suddenly your spells are bouncing off the big shinies, who come in big numbers. At that level the spells are melting floors and causing chain reactions so the battle gets very messy and crowded. I've only made it down halfway on 4.
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Post by Troy »

Good story - There are a massvie amount of potions in this game, some hilariously useless, and when they spill or are poured they create puddles.

Had a funny occasion where I won a fight against a group of enemies near a polymorph potion stand, which shattered and turned into a small polymorph lake, with their gold at the bottom. I kept trying to get to the gold, but kept getting polymorphed into random shit. I was getting so mad. My last try it polymorphed me into a sheep and a passing monster one-shotted me. WTF.

No multiplayer on the main game but I've seen people doing a modded multiplayer on Twitch.
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Post by Troy »

This game is still rad. It's still pretty new, so it's tough to find info on things outside of the wiki, which is general on purpose.

Some notes on stuff, there are 100s of spells and perks. My Steam sheet said I've seen more than half, I think.

Offensive Spells

Lightning bolt - looks so good on paper and initial testing results in the spell tinker area. Great at making early headway for big baddies when you don't have anything to lose. However, if you are running this past a certain point without the immunities to explosion perk, you are just biding time until your next accident. It'll be a propane tank flying offscreen right in front of your field of vision, or just a pool of water that suddenly appears at your feet, or a tiny pixel of lava that turns to obsidian after a water explosion and blocks the shot an inch from your face. BZZZZPP!

Chain Bolt - The real MVP of the early game. If you can find this in a shop with a good wand it will melt faces. Stack some long cast modifiers and watch as it seeks out trash mobs from range. You'll have more trouble finding the gold off screen.

Saw Weapons - Similar to the lighting bolt - looks good on paper, good flight arc and fast recharge. But in close quarters that blade comes flinging round and does as much damage to you as the enemies. There's no perk to avoid being sliced in half.

Defensive spells

Rain Cloud - Early game gem. Deals with a number of tough obstacles - lava, fire mages, toxic waste, and let's you dilute dangerous vats of potions.

Circle of Shielding - Straightforward, very useful, completely stops projectiles unlike the lesser shields. You should be able to stack a following spell modifier to make this more than a static field, but I never last long enough on runs where I get the parts to make it happen. It is reactive to the black hole spell in a way that will leave you complete exposed if you are not ready for it. You can combine Shield + Rain in the same wand for a secure acid/lava proof zone for a little bit.

Vertical Green Barrier - Effective static green barriers, the NPCs don't even take note of them and walk right through. That 90hp damage hurts a lot more for you then the monsters though - DO NOT get stunned or thrown into your own barriers. WHICH WILL HAPPEN IF YOU CAST THIS UNMODIFIED. Add delayed + long distance cast modifiers to place as reaction to big baddies or groups of enemies entering your screen.

Healing and related perks.

There are a lot of ways to heal... but NONE of them are easily acquired, and there's never enough.

Lively Concoction - The best potion you can make on the healing front, An uber rare only craftable regeneration potion. Usually the hardest to get. 3 random ingredients are picked at the start of each new game. It has to be applied, not ingested. So WTF do you do when the ingredients are Teleport Juice, Poison, and Lava? Mix them to together and hop on in? Half the time the ingredients are incredible rare and difficult to locate. When it clicks though, and you get a friendly seed where you can make one with Water, Blood, and Oil? Well, I've never had that happen but it sounds great.

Vampirism Perk - Pretty cool. A couple spells that can summon blood, so this is about as rechargeable as it gets. The 25% health reduction to take this is applied to your max hp, so you will always be nerfed on total health.

Circle of Vigor - A spell that heals 40 health a pop. It's a fucking unicorn. I've seen it once. Two precious charges.

Healing Bolt - Kind of a fuck-you spell. It shoots a bolt of healing power. But you are a solo witch trying to destroy the world. You don't have any friends. You have to SERIOUSLY tinker with your wand setup to make this work. Delayed timer mods, slow cast projectiles, boomerang shots. I've never seen any sweet healing juice from it despite having it in my spell inventory a few runs.

Wand Experimenter Perk - Got this for the first time this week. Total blast. Normally you find about 4-5 new wands per level. They are mostly shit unless the RNG gods are kind. This perk heals you each time you cast a new wand you find. There is falloff to 0 after about 8 spells, but it's a really nice way to get health... IF YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THE SPELL ORDER AND WHAT IT MIGHT DO. It's not a coincidence that the first time I picked this perk the run ended with me turning myself and the entire room into hellfire.

Damage Immunity Perks - The best. No need to random the perk draw if you see one. You won. Melee, Fire, Explosion. If you get one of these early you can tailor the spells you buy and the wands you take with you on levels.
Last edited by Troy on Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:20 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Best run so far, with a highly amped up version of Chain Bolt just shredding levels.

Came to a steel vat of radioactive waste with a treasure chest at the bottom. You see it a lot in the early game but I'm mid level now and I didn't have the water potions I usually run with.

I did have this really interesting Wand of Chaotic Transmutation I had just picked up. "Transform a group of substances into another random one - 8 charges." Hammer. Nail.

First try *poof* turns it into a vat of hard honeycomb. Well that's now worse than the the radioactive waste, because the waste was liquid, and I could just jump in and then go find a puddle somewhere to clean off. So second try *poof* a shiny metal powder I've never seen before. Brass? I test it - I can fly through it! I fly down into the vat, check the chest, it's some shitty wand, no biggie.

It was at that point I noticed the game giving me an Oxygen warning low. I didn't even realize I had been holding my breath. So I try to fly out... but to my terror, you can't fly UP OUT of Brass powder. I had a brief point where, deep in panic, I cast all manner of high level spells blindly within the vat - explosions, flames, literal tentacles from another dimension popped into space to protect me from any threat. But they couldn't help me breath in Brass. So.. I drowned. In a vat of powdered Brass.
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Post by Troy »

Best run yet in the game. I have pierced the veil of healing and passed to the other side. I control other elements too, have shattered mountains, dug into volcanos, froze boss monsters, evaporated entire lakes in this snowball of treasure and magic. I have weapons so powerful my own gods are angry with me. I still haven't won, two levels to go, If I die to something stupid before I get the final achievement I'm uninstalling this bitch.

My Noita - pictured chilling out in a very timely "Summon Cabin" spell - right in the middle of the super hostile Fungal Caverns.

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The game has a handy in game GIF maker I just figured out.

Result: After a long battle in which we completely ruined the original fight arena, path to the arena, and portal into the boss lair...

I smote the tentacle boss thing under the mountain.

The teleport wand saved my bacon a few times in the big boss fights.

Early on, when there was still a floor to fight on, I created multiple energy fields that converted the bosses' projectiles to flying sheep. It lagged things out a little, but the boss ended up getting buried in sheep for a little while. It gave me a few good windows for DPS. Then he tried to smash the floor and throw me in the lava.
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Post by GORDON »

That looked violent.
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Post by Troy »

So it's like this.

I killed the boss. But then you get to decide what ending you want. There's a bunch. I didn't take the quick win (a portal opens right where the boss died) I wanted to try to go one of the other routes. Check out the parrallel universes and hunt the rest of the mini bosses down.

So I tried tunneling out of Hell. Even post Boss fight - I could blast mountains and earth and I thought it would be a cakewalk. But I got lost, and didn't realize how deep underground I was. Magically bored the biggest tunnel in the world to nowhere and exhausted my abilities. Even blew myself up a few times in the process to use up the rest of my healing. It was at this point I realized I was fucked.

My last effort was to came back the way I came, to crawl my way back up through hell. Powerful monsters zapped what strength I had left. Got overrun by middling foes near the exit point. I didn't have and didn't find anything to blast my way up anyway. So death came again.

The crusade to destroy this world continues.
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Waging war unsuccessfully against the frogs. AKA that time I tried to Nuke the fungal caverns.

I actually survived the premature explosion for a split second before the ceiling did me in.
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Post by Troy »

This game rules, I have an absurd amount of hours playing it. Second only to Rust in Steam.

They just pushed out a new updated that puts out more spells, enemies, fixes, and content, and it's on sale for like 8 dollars. I think I have 600+ hours in it.
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