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Post by Cakedaddy »

Take your PVP frigate down to Agil. You can autopilot all the way there cause the path is all in empire.

There have been hunting parties the last couple of nights, and before that too (I just wasn't there for them). We fly into enemy territory and kill anything we can. So, there's lots of targets (some times too many). It's not like Fade/Dek where we have to wait for the bad guys to show up. I guess you could say we are the bad guys down there. . . but, we are fighting enemies, so, we are still the good guys really. We've had good experienced leaders and know their stuff. At one point, there's 6 of us and on the other side of the gate, the scout rattles off all kinds of ships that are camping the other side. I'm thinking "Oh shit. . . I hope the scout can get out of there." The FC (Fleet Commander) says "We can take that." And starts issuing orders for jamming, bubbles and whatnot. Then the camp started jumping to our side. He changes the orders for the new developement and we score two kills, one got away and the others never jumped over. So, what scared me at first turned out to be a very quick, easy battle for us. So, point being, they know their ships/enemies and fight well. Our only loss was when one guy made a mistake and ended up getting trapped with all the bad guys.

They are very organized, diciplined, etc. Fun to run with them. Definately worth the trip heading down there. You don't get rich, but you fight alot and score alot of kills.

But speaking of getting rich. . . I guess you sometimes can. Tas was with a gang that took out a crow that left behind a 150 million warp disruptor. Then last night, we blew up a shuttle that was carrying a Navy Issue Caracal Blueprint and a Tech II mining droid Blueprint. Unknown if either of them were BPO's, but even if they were coppies, I'd guess he lost 300+ million? Anyway. . . it was a good kill.

Head down there.

Oh ya, lastly, the market down there is more expensive than up in Lonetrek. So, do all your shopping up north, and I guess sell some of your stuff for even more money down there.

Edited By Cakedaddy on 1159985367
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Post by Troy »

Warp Disruptor sold and netted me 35m + 10m for my share of that particular op.

Pays for a fully fitted Crow, which I will probably needed as losing crows to blobs is half the fun down here !

Everyone just laughs, buys a new ship and goes back to killing.

I'll post the link to the new alliance killboard when I get home.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Actually. . . no one likes to die. And from what I've seen, most of them die because they do something they weren't suppose to, or didn't follow an order. So, don't think the FC just leads people into whatever and who cares what happens!! I wouldn't say that dying is "half the fun", but, when you do. . . it's not THAT big of a deal. :-)
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Post by Troy »

See, you haven't been on one of THOSE ops yet... like this one for example:

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Post by Cakedaddy »

Yaaa. . . . And I don't want to. :-)
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Here's the one with the blueprints:

Poor guy
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Post by Cakedaddy »

More kills tonight!!!

But I lost my crow this time. :-(

I'm down to 9 million now!! Have about 15 million on the market though.

Lost my crow to inexperience. I was targeted for the first time and didn't react properly. But, at least I never flew away during the fight at all!

New crow has:
2 tech II launchers, 1 standard
MWD, warp jam, sensor damp
2 power relay, 1 nanofiber

Had to go one standard so that I could save the 1 point of power grid to fit two power relays. I have better tech 1 launchers, but not down here. How does the dampener work? Does it just make them target slower, or does it make them do less damage too? And what's the best way to conserve cap. I did run out of cap a few times fighting the Brutix and Raven at the end. Had the warp jam and MWD running and ran out.

At one point, we were camping a gate, and targets just kept coming through. I don't remember all the ships or order, but one would come through, we'd kill it. Just as we get it looted, another would come through. This happened a few times. Which was crazy cause their were lots of people around. They should have been warning the other people we were there. They eventually figured it out, formed up and came after us. We had a gang of 6 people. They came after us with 20. We were running and they were chasing. One guy missed a warp and got caught. He died, but it gave the rest of us a chance to get away. Then me and Tas found the Brutix. We attacked. He locked me but didn't fire. The rest of our group was on the way when a Raven showed up. He locked me. I knew I was the target, and aligned for a warp. But, they didn't fire and I was about to fly out of range of the target. So I turned back to get closer. That's when they fired. I tried to warp, but didn't make it out. My pod escaped though. The rest of the gang showed up and the Brutix jumped away with alot of damage. The raven then left as well. They came back with more help and what was left of our gang dispursed. We lost a total of 3 ships, but killed alot more. All deaths were noob mistakes by the individuals.

1 - He was inside a gate during the camp. This is bad because when we needed to make an escape, he couldn't cause he was caught inside the gate. When he warped into it, he should have repositioned himself outside of the gate so he wouldn't be trapped during an escape attempt.

2 - He wasn't jumping on gate contact while we were all running. So when the warp order was given as the bad guys flowed in, he missed the warp and was left behind. They all locked him and he died.

3 - I need to figure out how to align, yet stay in firing range, yet keep moving so when they do fire, it does less damage. . . Haven't figured it out yet.

So over all, I'd say mine was the most forgivable. At least I died while being primaried by multiple targets during an actual attack. :-) On the other hand, we should have known something was up when we were tearing him up, he was on the gate, but didn't jump. Obvious clue that backup was on the way.
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Post by TPRJones »

Well, for #3 I found that in a Crow you can boost the manuvarability enough so that it doesn't matter. I didn't play with one all that long before I quit, but in time I did fly one I learned to keep that sucker always moving, and I got the best results while orbiting my targets at full speed at a range of 500m. And when I needed to warp alignment didn't matter 'cause that thing would turn on a dime anyway.

'Course by now you have a lot more experience than I did, so your judgement about that is worth more than mine.
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Post by Troy »

Crow under 10k = dead, simple as that

Optimal range on a crow is really 20k of orbit, out of any web range, and at your scramble range. You can also turn and warp out at quick notice here.

Taran bull rushed the brutix, who webbed his ass, going 20k around the brutix wouldn't have been a problem, with the mwd on, the tech 1 torps from that raven would have done... 0.0(yeah really) dmg to him.

I made that mistake early on and lost my first crow b/c of it!

Edited By Troy on 1160070575
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Post by Cakedaddy »

By the time they fired, I was out of cap and couldn't run the MWD anymore. I have cap issues due to low skills and inexperience. I turned it on when they targeted me. By the time they fired, it was off due to no cap.
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Post by Troy »

Late saturday night I went on a "Korr" op.

He finally took care of his kid or something, and led us into querious. we had like 11 frigs, and the kills PILED up, we ended up with 14? or so. The loot was amazing, I had about 45m on me when we gave it all to Korr in agil, and we ended up having to leave stuff in cans because people were so full.

Korr takes all the loot, tallies it, sells it, and splits it among the people who fly on the op. Great system, and I figure it will net me about 30m, this time around.

Edited By Troy on 1160324244
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