Downsizing (2017)

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Downsizing (2017)

Post by Leisher »

Matt Damon is an occupational therapist at a meat packing plant. Some Swedes or Fins discover how to shrink people and items, and promote it as a possible way for humans to save the planet.

Yep, this "comedy" is really a global warming movie. In fact, there are very, very, very few laughs at all. Off the top of my head, I remember exactly zero funny moments. I remember an absolute boat load of sad ones though...

Jason Sudeikis got second billing on the ad I saw, and I think he got maybe 90 seconds of on screen time in a 2 hour plus movie. So clearly this movie bombing and being promoted as a comedy is their attempt to salvage some profit.

So yeah, this is a two hour depressing film about not fulfilling your dreams, broken relationships, poverty, oppression, death, and the end of the world.

As that film, it isn't bad, just boring. It drags and drags and drags. They could have reduced this to 60-70 minutes and still hit every plot point.

The acting is fine. Hong Chau was unknown to me, and she's great here. She had good dialogue to work with and nailed it. Christoph Waltz comes off like he's playing himself, which is both good and bad. Damon is ok. He has moments of good acting, and moments of bad acting. Kristin Wiig and Jason Sudeikis are bait and switch pieces. I actually wonder if the movie was originally a drama, bombed with the test audience, so they added these two to turn the movie into a "comedy". It would be simple to add their scenes, and would explain the length of the movie.

Oh, and this is another Hollywood movie that showcases cocks. There's a brief boob late and intentionally obscured.

Not recommended.
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