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Post by Leisher »

I'm done with EVE.

Catt, you know my password, please feel free to log into my account and take everything. Hopefully, that will help with your debts. I'll cancel it on Friday, so wipe it before then please.

I just cannot justify paying $12.95 a month just for some possible PvPer action in a game that, quite honestly, is one of the most boring gaming experiences I've ever had.

EVE sucks.

Some of my complaints:
1. It's about as user unfriendly as a game can get.
2. Is there an overall storyline here outside of the intro movie? I never saw a bit of evidence to prove there is one.
3. Is there an online community? I never saw it.
4. Ever notice how the game can be played without even looking at the graphics? Not needing to see the gameplay isn't exactly high on my "this means fun" list.
5. The display is a cluttered mess.
6. Every bit of space looks the same with small differences.
7. Ditto for asteroid fields.
8. Ditto for space stations.
9. Ditto for ships.
10. Ditto for enemies.
11. Ditto for items.
12. Ditto for all the races in the game.
13. There are approx. 10 different missions total.
14. Boring sound effects, music, and graphics.
15. The entire design of the game screams "for profit" and not "for fun."
16. Everything is designed to take a lot of time. There is no quick zip in and zip out gameplay. (See #13)
17. Progression is brutally slow. I've run a countless amount of missions, and even after being outfitted and stocked up by friends, no lvl 3 will talk to me. I'm not saying that gifts should = instant progression, but I'm nowhere close to having a lvl 3 talk to me and the lvl 2 missions I complete while barely looking at the screen because I'm usually distracted by others things like the TV or surfing pron. (See #13)
18. The whole agent/loyalty points system is ignorant. They restrict your freedom by making you start at scratch with anyone you talk to. (See #13)
19. There is no reward for playing a lot. Take players Boo and Goo and say they both created accounts exactly at the same time. Now Boo will log on every single day and play for 10 hours a day. Goo only logs on to train skills and never takes his Ibis out into space. Goo does happen to train EXACTLY the same path and at the same times as Boo. In a month, Boo will have a lot more money, but Goo will own just as skilled a character. With a friend, he'd be ready to pop into battle immediately and be just as effective as Boo. Don't give me the experience crap either. Some of our crew have been kicking the shit out of players with years of experience on us. Battles are just about who happened to travel in the right groups and equip the right stuff for that battle. Nobody is pulling a Picard Manuever here. (See #13 again)
20. EVE has ZERO personality. Let me compare it to another MMO, the 1990s hit UO (the one we're trying to get over):
-I can't name a single storyline character in EVE. In UO, there was Lord British and Lord Blackthorn.
-In EVE I haven't EVER talked to another player outside of my guild. In UO, player interaction was one of the best parts of the game.
-Where are the player run/built/owned anything in EVE? In UO, homes were everywhere. Ditto for player vendors. Ditto for player stores.
-In EVE, I can sit in my hanger and watch the walls do nothing. In UO, I could sit on my porch and watch a world that seemed alive.
-In EVE, Pkers are impossible to find and "avoid" our guild. In UO, Pkers weren't difficult to find and no matter how much they sucked, they'd still war us.
-There will NEVER be any memorable moments in EVE except for "I got away by the skin of my teeth" or "He just about escaped, but I got him". Big deal. UO is FILLED with memorable moments.
-EVE PvP consists of ships sitting there firing rockets and jamming. Yawn. UO PvP consisted of running all over hell's half-acre, using mutliple spells, weapons, poisons, trapped pouches, the terrain, houses, etc.
-EVE gameplay movies should be labeled with "WARNING: This video is actually as dull as the gameplay." UO stills had more personality, life, and story than any EVE video.
-I could honestly do this list all day and it's already an admitted weakness of the game from those here who play it the most, so I'm moving on.
21. Most of the hardcore players seem to be Euros and they play at different times than our guild.
22. "Let's meet at 1 - 5 p.m. on a weekend and play!" Not ever going to happen. Even if I wasn't married with children, there is no way I'd commit to that time for any game. We need a MMO where the action occurs during the evenings EST. In other words, we need a game that has been embraced by the American public.
22. What is the deal with the ignorant patch system?
23. That's a professional "official" website? It looks more like a "Planet ____" site than a MMO's site.
24. Boring, repetitive EVE is taking away from games I want to play like Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Painkiller, Ico, etc. Oblivion showed me this. One can blather on and on about the merits of PvP versus PvE, but I'll counter with addictive gameplay and a good storyline versus coma inducing nothingness which EVE delivers in spades.
25. I seriously have had more fun playing games than playing EVE.

You guys want to play WOW with it's 1,000,000+ subscribers and I'm there. Yes, it has PvPer, although I don't know the details.

You want to try Guild Wars and its gameplay that revolves around PvPer, not to mention it's the highest rated MMO ever, I'll be there.

However I just can't keep paying for the most boring game I've ever played. I can't keep paying for a game that doesn't even try to hide the fact that its sole existence is to take money from its players.

Star Wars Battlefront was a LOT more fun than EVE and we played on servers without other human players!!!

If I have to shell out $12.95 a month I'd rather give it to Gordon to pay for a UO shard.

Anyway, don't let my little rant put you off of EVE, if you think it's fun, have a ball.

I just know that for me, I want another UO and EVE is no UO.
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Post by Troy »

I'm sure that someone will break down your points, but I'll just give my main argument to your problem with eve.

that idea = eve

As far as I know, you never ventured out into below .5 space.

In UO terms... that is equavalent to never leaving the guard area.

Actually, you did do it, once, and what happened? We got into a fight with a bunch of pks, and it was fun.

Eve is considered a "hardcore" MMO because it doesn't hold your hand too much, unlike the others you named. Doesn't give you much direction, or purpose, a true sandbox game. You have to explore! You have to fight, and die, and not just in instanced mission things, which, my I add, were not even implemented until about half a year ago, mostly due to people who didnt want to leave the "guard" zone.

It isn't an MMO for everyone, but for those that it is designed for, it is a HELLUVA lotta fun. Player conflict = fun. NPC conflict = boring after a while. I'll add the WoW suffers from this, smack monsters till level 60... then uh?

Well this post went on longer then I wanted it to, but I had to get that out.
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Post by Leisher »


You're gonna have to explain that to me. How does a game that offers insurance match that statement?

I cannot ever see whitling down high level players like we did in UO. Too much money is given away in EVE. Want proof? Look at the biggest EVE event ever, the betrayal by that corporation for hire. They took the corp they hit for BILLIONS, and it didn't even phase their victims.

As far as I know, you never ventured out into below .5 space.

Actually, I did. Not too often, but I did. I didn't see the point.

Actually, you did do it, once, and what happened? We got into a fight with a bunch of pks, and it was fun.

One fight was fun in its "newness", but that was one time and in the first encounter I had no clue what I was doing and the second I shot two missles.

PvPer IS fun, but shouldn't the rest of the game be fun too? I mean, I can PvP in any MMO on the market right now and even the majority of PvE games. So why is EVE's PvPer that much better?

It's not.

Eve is considered a "hardcore" MMO because it doesn't hold your hand too much, unlike the others you named. Doesn't give you much direction, or purpose, a true sandbox game. You have to explore! You have to fight, and die, and not just in instanced mission things, which, my I add, were not even implemented until about half a year ago, mostly due to people who didnt want to leave the "guard" zone.

Sorry, but bullshit to this whole thing. EVE is NOT "hardcore". What the fuck is hardcare about it? Our items are so minimally different that you have to spend a while researching them. HARDCORE!!! Everything place and everything looks the same. HARDCORE!!! You can actually play without looking at the gameplay. HARDCORE!!! Everything you need is 12 fucking jumps away. HARDCORE!!! We don't tell you anything about the story for the game, nor do we help you in how to play or what things are. HARD-FUCKING-CORE!!!

At what point does "hardcore" become sloppy design and lazy programming?

"Hardcore" sounds suspiciously like an excuse for why more people don't play the game.

And you don't need to explore. Seriously, what exactly is across the EVE universe from me that isn't in the system I'm in right now? NOTHING.

Don't even get me started on the "missions weren't added until later" shit.

It isn't an MMO for everyone, but for those that it is designed for, it is a HELLUVA lotta fun.

So what you're saying is that if you only like PvPer and you hate crafting, PvE, social interaction, feeling like you're in a living world, being able to log on and do something without needing backup or 4 hours, etc. then EVE is the game for you?

Couldn't I get that from playing chess against someone?

Anyway, no MMO will ever have PvE that lasts forever, but it should damn sure last past a week. Whether PvP addicts will ever admit it to themselves or not, PvE and the crafting shit is what makes their world interesting. EVE has NONE of that. It's not interesting. It's not immersive. There is no storyline. There is no interesting characters.

I'm a HUGE Sci-Fi fan, but I just can't get interested in the world of EVE. I think it's the most boring gameplay experience ever.

And exactly how long before randomly killing strangers gets boring? It got boring in UO. It got boring in CS. It got boring in TFC. It'll get boring here too. In the right setting, with the right mood and design, it could last a long time, like UO, but in the bland, boring world of EVE, we'll see.
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Post by Leisher »

Ok, I've been pondering this and let me state it in a different way.

I started playing EVE simply because you guys were. I was, and I know others were, looking for a UO replacement. A couple of you really got into it, so I tried to do so as well. It just never got me interested. I think the game is just so dull.

I know you think PvP makes a game, but I disagree. I can't always log on when my friends or guild does and I'm not anxious to rush into 0.0 space in a ship I didn't even pay for, nor would I have the funds to replace. (Obviously, those examples only apply to EVE.)

So I did a lot of PvE trying to boost my skills and more importantly, raise cash so I don't have to worry about losing someone else's ship. Doing this, I realized the PvE and pretty much everything else about EVE sucks. It all seems really half-assed and solitary. I mean, I know it's space, but damn.

Did you notice Auto Assault, which is really EVE but with cars, has their characters able to walk around cities? They felt it was important for immersion. They are right. It's not all about the cars fighting.

EVE just doesn't have any of the personal touches that other MMOs have. Where are the unique places, sites, characters? Where is the Ctrl+B? Where is the running around in your underwear or making cool/ridiculous outfits? Where is the personality?

I LOVE the setting of EVE, space. However, there's nothing that pulls me into this fantasy setting.

In UO, we fought PKers for a purpose. We were the good guys, they were the bad. We protected the weaker players or those who did other things. Some would say EVE is the same, but it's not. Sure there are miners, but who else are we protecting? Where are the resisdents of Yew who appreciated it? Where is the valley where newbs hunted and PKers would hunt them?

In UO, we could see the results of our work. In EVE, it just seems like the PvPers all meet in 0.0 and fight. It's not as fun and not as immersive.

So to sum up, while you might get drawn into a game simply for PvPer, I'm looking for more and EVE doesn't provide it at all.

CS, TFC, Battlefield, Battlefront, etc. games like that I don't expect anything but PvPer so I treat them differently, but for MMOs I do. I want things that are interesting and places to go when I don't want to PvP or when nobody else is on. EVE doesn't have that.

Thus, it's not the game for me. But that's just me. I gave it three months to grow on me and it didn't. With a wife, kid, job, summer cabin, and house to take care of I'm just not willing to give up more time to a game that bores me.

But I'm not trying to convince anyone else, this was just a rant that had been building up in me for a while and I vented. If you guys still have fun playing it, do so.

Me? I'll be waiting for Supreme Commander so we can multi that and if we want to try WOW or Guild Wars (a game that is ALL about PvP), then I'll try those out too.
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Post by GORDON »

Really, the only thing keeping me in this game so far is a "I just gotta see what THIS skill does, first" factor.

I haven't been in any TKV group function in 3 weeks, or so.

The missions are, in fact, rather monotonous. Even the tougher ones are made safer by making sure you line up on a warpable target.

And really, the world is extremely sterile. The only type of flavor I've seen is the "WANTED:" billboards near the jumpgates. Besides that..... it might as well be Pong.
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Post by TheCatt »

For me it's the trying new things. Level 4 missions are hard at my level. it takes more than just warp in, line up a warp out. New equipment, new skillls - they just added new missions recently.

I guess I don't really care about community. And I really don't care about visuals. I've always thought a game that needed visuals to bring people in didn't have enough game.
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Post by GORDON »

I've argued many a time that UO didn't NEED first person perspective eye candy in order to be a rich game.

But like Leisher said... you could go to Brit bank, sit on a bench, and watch the whole world walk by you.

Edited By GORDON on 1143509913
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I'll sum up my EVE response with, you didn't try. :-) Never saw you on, and when you did, you never hooked up with anyone. Most of your problems could have been solved by moving to where the action is, or training a particular skill that would open up more of the game to you. Part of an MMO is M'ing with other people! There's a TON of EVE you haven't even seen/experienced yet. And you would have found it fun. At the same time, you are right. There is NO personalization. No dress up. There are houses, but no porches. There are towns that need defending, we just aren't strong enough yet. Etc. No, EVE is not UO, but it's the closest thing out there. Had you interacted with us more, I think you would have seen an entirely different game. One you would have fallen in love with? No, not based on what you listed above. One that you could have enjoyed for a longer time? I definately think so.

Not trying to change your mind, but just saying, much of your information is false because you just didn't know any better.

As far as WOW and Guild Wars. . There is ZERO risk/reward in those games. PVP is meaningless because you lose/gain NOTHING but some faction points or ladder points or something. There is no random PvP. No random PKing. There are only fields you enter to fight other people under controled circomstances with set rules. And when you win/lose, you leave the feild with what you went in with. NO risk/reward. My son plays Guild Wars. It's insane. He and his guild would go to an arena to fight other people. They would be put in the pool of players and randomly assigned to various teams. Rarely would they even fight WITH each other. Only time they did was due to luck of the draw. In every case, it was a 4 on 4 fight in a preset arena. No random terrain, no random anything really. Except the people you fought with.

So they moved on to the next form of fighting. You create a PVP character. From creation, that character is maxed out in what ever stats you choose. No leveling, no nothing. Fully developed PVP ready out of the box character. At least this time, you can fight as a team with your own guild mates. Since everyone is on common ground (prebuilt maxed out characters), I guess they feel it's ok for you to create your own teams. Avoids one guild dominating the arenas with their stacked all 20th level team or something. So, you have one character you are leveling and can do random team based, predetermined battle stuff, and one character you didn't do anything to build other than select skills you wanted during creation.

A third option is for upper level players. You have to travel through hostile areas to get to the big kid arenas. Thus, you are either a higher level player, or a lower level traveling with upper level people. In either case, you can level up to a point and go fight other people. You can create your own team at these arenas. But it's still 4 on 4, in a controled environment.

There is rumored, an area that is a free for all. Once you level up, explore or mission your way to this area, you are no longer protected. You see other people fighting monsters, can join in or attack the players. Now mind you, no one that I know has seen this place, so I can't speak intelligently on it. However, 90% of the game is instanced/non-PvP or controled PvP in an arena, team based environment. Again, ZERO risk/reward stuff goin' on. Unless this rumored 'desert' area actually exsists. There is also suppose to be an add-on you can buy which allows you to battle other guilds. However, with instanced areas being spawned for you as you leave town, I don't know how all that works either.

The above is what I have heard and seen watching others play. So, there may be a whole other Guild Wars out there I know nothing about.

WOW. Instanced dungeons and arena based PvP with point ladders instead of loot. Blah. No risk/reward.

EVE is the only game out there where you are not completely safe (unless you are docked), and are rewarded for the risks you take.
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Post by GORDON »

Well, even when I was available for group outtings, my experience was 1 pvp encounter every 4 hours, or so. Seriously... that's dull.

And I can't play during the day either. So?
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Post by Troy »

Heh, maybe we should have fired up that UO:Hybrid shard, instead of eve.

We all seem to still kind of live in UO land, no matter what game we play.
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Post by GORDON »

EVE is fun enough for me, for now. But it's riding a razor's edge.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Not to derail the thread. . . But we have no C# scripters. The emulators that are out there now automatically include a ton of post-UOR stuff that would have to be scripted out. And we would NOT make a Hybrid. There are 8 billion of those out there already! It would be the first and only true Pre-UOR server.

I mentioned to Gordon a while ago that I've got money I'd be willing to put towards a serious effort at a game. I'd prefer a new game, but if it HAD to be a UO shard, I would concede. But I'd want serious commitments from other people before I started renting servers and stuff.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I also believe that EVE's EST population is growing. It would help if they'd market the damn game over here.

But on the other hand, my life isn't so demanding that I can't pull a few hours during the day to do something I want. So, having fun with the current player base wouldn't be that hard for me.
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Post by Troy »

I don't think I'd actually be into playing UO again, rather let the good memories die with 1999.

I'm also having a lot of fun in EVE, exploring 0.0, watching the big alliances fight and die, and knowing i'll be in the mix, come summer.

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Post by Malcolm »

We just ain't got the time to hook up & whoop ass like we used to. We got jobs, kids, wives, school, & shit. Free time tends to get eaten up. & comparing EVE to UO isn't even something I can evaluate. The games are too vastly different. If you want immersive stories & shit, we should fire up Neverwinter Nights & have glorified pen-&-paper sessions. If you want PvP, I don't know that there's anything out there right now that'd satisfy. What we like tends to be embraced by the minority, even within the MMOG crowd. Most of them are large chatrooms w\ bells & whistles.

The UO you knew & loved back in the day is gone. No company is going to back another MMOG like that. The player community voted w\ their wallets. EQ won. WoW won. DAoC won. Lineage won. UO lost. If you want to hold everything to your golden UO standard, you can keep doing so, but you'll be disappointed every time. The aspects you're looking for are mainly gone as they're being purposely removed. Barring some huge shift in the MMOG design world, they're gone for a looooooong time.

The only thing I can see that'd make this right is if someone kicked up a server w\ the specific set of rules we want. Even then, I ain't got the time to macro away like I did back in the day.

Shit just fucking changes.
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Post by TheCatt »

FYI - Leisher, I'm screwing with your account.
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Post by Leisher »

Catt, just remember I want to cancel it Friday. If you get done with it sooner, please let me know so I can cancel sooner. Thanks.
The UO you knew & loved back in the day is gone. No company is going to back another MMOG like that. The player community voted w\ their wallets. EQ won. WoW won. DAoC won. Lineage won. UO lost. If you want to hold everything to your golden UO standard, you can keep doing so, but you'll be disappointed every time. The aspects you're looking for are mainly gone as they're being purposely removed. Barring some huge shift in the MMOG design world, they're gone for a looooooong time.

I don't think UO lost at all. In fact, I don't think any of the other MMOs are even half as good a game. Someone recently said to me that UO was ahead of its time and I think that's an understatement. Every MMO since has been a poor imitation of UO. The market is there for another UO, it just needs to get made by people who care, not by people putting together a cookie cutter experience so they can cash in.

Edited By Leisher on 1143563138
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Post by TheCatt »

Dont worry, I'll be done by Wed night.
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Post by Malcolm »

I don't think UO lost at all. In fact, I don't think any of the other MMOs are even half as good a game. Someone recently said to me that UO was ahead of its time and I think that's an understatement. Every MMO since has been a poor imitation of UO. The market is there for another UO, it just needs to get made by people who care, not by people putting together a cookie cutter experience so they can cash in.
I'm not debating the merits of the game. More people play EQ clones than any other type of shit.

& anything that tries to emulate UO will be there specifically for the purpose of making cash, which means it'll get twisted. MMOGs ain't free & getting them backed ain't easy.
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Post by Leisher »

More people play EQ clones than any other type of shit.

And isn't that the problem? People need to wake up and get off the level treadmill kick and move to games with more substance. Notice that UO didn't have "leveling" and it was a blast? Sure you had to train skills, but even when you maxed out, the game was still fun. UO wasn't about leveling, it was about a living world and your place in it. I never hear gamers talking about the glory days in EQ or AC, but UO people always talk about great fights, weird events, player built and owned taverns, etc, etc. I knew the guy who was THE character in AC (he was offered 5k for it and was arguably the most famous character in AC) and even his stories are bland and boring. He was a PvPer guy there as well and by his own admission, it didn't hold a candle to UO's world. (Although, props to MS for the stuff they did do with AC in regards to updates and storylines.)

MMOGs ain't free & getting them backed ain't easy.

That depends on your perspective. A few months back PCGamer did a report showing like 77 MMOs in development. That didn't even include games like Urban Dead which is a MMO and more popular than many "corporate" MMOs.
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