Midnight Special

As long as we recognize Lucas is washed up and most TV sucks, we'll all get along fine.
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Midnight Special

Post by Leisher »

Zod and the original Mary Jane Watson have a kid with special abilities and they're on the run from the government, led by Kylo Ren, but have Uncle Owen to help them. Oh, some cult led by Sam Shepard is after them too.

That's as deep as the plot gets.

This movie reminded me of a shitty attempt to homage (or steal) The Abyss. Only instead of using great actors, a unique location, a tight script, and cool actors, they instead thought a bad script, shitty acting, massive plot holes, and explaining nothing was the way to go. I've also seen it compared to "other great films" like Contact, Arrival, etc., oh and the story of Jesus.


Here's some spoilers:
-Did you know the government using drones, satellites, the military, every law enforcement agency, and the general public can't find two men and a boy traveling together in a very small geographic location, but two "less than average intelligence" dipshits from a cult have no problem staying on their heels the whole movie?
-Did you know a Jeep Grand Cherokee can blast through two military grade humvees (engine first, of course), a barbed wire blockade, and through spike strips without injuring anyone in the vehicle AND still be able to run full speed and be perfectly maneuverable. You know where completely flat tires and rims only work great? Swampland.
-The kid's powers are complete bullshit and change based on what the plot needs.
-There's a hilarious scene where Kylo Ren figures out where they're heading based on staring at a board with a bunch of coordinates on it. How'd he realize most of the numbers are bullshit while circling two of them? Who fucking knows. They don't bother explaining it. He just circles them silently.
-Sam Shepard is about to give a sermon to the cult and his two henchmen are with him. One goes out to the congregation, while the other walks out with him. Sam says maybe a sentence or two and the feds raid the building and take EVERYONE away. Somehow the two henchmen are able to get away and follow Zod and his kid.

To sum up: It's terrible.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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