Gone Home

Mostly PC, but console and mobile too
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Gone Home

Post by Leisher »

You are a girl named Katie who arrives home after a trip abroad. The problem is nobody is home and your sister left you a note asking you not to look for her. Thus, you begin walking around the house searching through stuff to find out why.

That's the whole game. There are hints about ghosts and whatnot, but there are none. The whole game is you picking up notes, books, tapes, etc., looking at them, and then setting them down. Meanwhile, if you "activate" a key point your sister's voice will narrate some tidbit about her life.

Truthfully, there is no game here. This is just an interactive story. Nothing you do matters. You can't die or change the outcome.

Is the story good? I mean, it's ok. It's certainly nothing special. It should be noted that you don't have to reveal the majority of the bits of the story to complete the game. There is legit an achievement for beating it in less than a minute.

Why the high reviews? Honestly? Because the story is about _________________ so a certain segment will treat it as better than everything else and another segment will be afraid to say anything negative for fear of backlash.

It's fine, but it doesn't deserve the super high reviews. Maybe as an interactive story, yes, but not as a game.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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