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Siemens vs. intolerance

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 1:13 pm
by Leisher
Siemens asks its employees to speak out against intolerance after violent protests against Muslim immigrants.
"It's a complicated matter," Kaeser told the Financial Times in May. "I'm there to represent the company and be accountable to the shareholders; on the other hand, if people turn their head away . . . Well, we had that time in Germany. Nobody spoke up. Then it was too late."
Very true, but it's impossible to ignore that there is a difference here. The Jews didn't want to take over your country's culture and turn it into versions of the countries they fled. The Jews didn't need women to wear braclets implying they'd rather not be raped. The Jews didn't justify violence against anyone via religion.

Seems to me this is a catch 22 situation. You're damned if you do, and damned if you don't.