Forum: Ultima Online
Topic: Good old days
started by: Cakedaddy

Posted by Cakedaddy on Jan. 08 2009,23:05
I was cleaning out my old yahoo email account and came across an old email from someone named "sweetland" or something.  :-)  It was three screen shots of dead TKV people.

This lead me to look at our old site to see if we posted them.  Unfortunately, tons and tons of pictures and links were gone.  I so wish we had taken better care of that stuff.  Maybe it's just cause I wrote so much of it, or something.  But I love reading that stuff.

Anyways, it was funny to see those pictures.

Was going through other emails.  People were sending them asking if they could join.  Later, I was getting hate mail from those same people when they turned out to be alternates of people we were warring.  As if. . .

Posted by Troy on Jan. 09 2009,04:27
That sweetland guy sounds like he is the fucking man.
Posted by TheCatt on Jan. 09 2009,04:34
Name sounds kinda gay to me.
Posted by Troy on Jan. 09 2009,07:25
Idiots at the dentist today let me go through a whole cleaning, checkup and everything before I realized my folder said "Swetland"

I was like, you know, that might make it difficult for my insurance, because, you know, they know how to spell my name correctly.

Posted by Cakedaddy on Jan. 09 2009,10:03
What made me laugh about one of them is that you had the TKV website on your task bar.  Which means you had been looking at it at some point before the fighting broke out.
Posted by Troy on Jan. 09 2009,10:15
Yeah, I was a marginally different beast than the normal scum you were used to fucking with.

Heck, I did stuff like research, and scouting.

I managed to find the ol' forge too, and was suprised none of the guys I was fighting with had ever tried.

I still remember killing Gordo in the house one time and he got pissed and gave me a temp ban from the forum.

Posted by Cakedaddy on Jan. 09 2009,11:02
HEHEHEHE  Temp ban.  AWESOME!!  That Gordon.  Never knew how to handle his power. . .

And yes.  More than once, we talked about how we couldn't figure out why you ran with them, and how much better you would have done with us.  You were mostly why they scored any kills too.

Oh, and they did try to find out where we lived.  By asking us!!  They would say, basically, that a real gentleman would give that type of information to their enemies.  They specifically wanted to know, where we lived, where we banked and where we hunted.  That was the extent of their research and scouting.

Posted by Troy on Jan. 09 2009,11:16
Seker and I got along well. I was young ,and still often appalled at some of the idiocy that surrounded me.

The faction guild that I created was a much smaller, eliter, crew.

We loved to tag team in factions. Hidden mage(me) and poison dexter near a moon gate were our favorites. Overconfident groups of mages would love to hunt Brit Faction noobs, and we preyed on them for the huge reagent drops.

Also, still very into Darkfall on my end. It's a crap shoot if it will be good or not, but it is going to have a lot of people in it, from day one. I'll keep you guys updated, things still seem to be hush hush for some reason, but release date still is going to be later this month, by all accounts.

Posted by Troy on Jan. 09 2009,11:29
One more random thought.

Some of my best memories were getting chased the fuck around t2a by you and gordon. Fucking Tracking.

I loved pretending I was out of trap pouches, and then running right as you were about to execute your attack. Fun shit.

Posted by GORDON on Jan. 09 2009,12:55
I don't remember "temp banning" you, but I was told I did it to someone else in that same time period, recently.  I wondered what you guys could have done that was so irritating that some of you actually got under my skin.

Then I remembered that in that time frame I was dieing of a disease to the nervous system and was undergoing chemotherapy, then I realized fuck all y'all if you didn't like me being a little irritable now and again.  I thought I handled PVP'ing from my death bed pretty well, all things considering.

It also explains why so many people visited me from out of state during that time period, which I always sort of wondered about.  Nobody really has visited me much before or since, with the rare exception.

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