Forum: Movies, Television, Books (Does anyone still read?)
Topic: Lazer Team
started by: TPRJones

Posted by TPRJones on Jan. 27 2016,19:26
The first full-length movie by Rosterteeth hit theaters world-wide tonight.  It's a sci-fi action comedy, and as a fan of their work I loved it.  Being a fan makes it hard to be impartial, but I do think regular audiences will enjoy it well enough.  There are a few RT inside jokes but not getting them shouldn't detract from the movie at all.

Aliens are coming to earth for a one-on-one fight between champions and if we lose they'll destroy the planet.  Fortunately we've had plenty of warning so we've trained up the perfect champion from birth and he's ready for the job.  Unfortunately the shipment of super armor/weapon that will let him do the job crashes and is accidentally intercepted by four ... not champions.  And once those pieces are put on they don't come off again.  We're stuck with these four assholes as our only hope for survival.  

We're fucked.

Honestly the movie isn't all that original, but if you like fun movies about fuckups working to not fuck up so much this one has enough good bits to make it well worthwhile.

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